538 research outputs found

    Positive streamers in ambient air and a N2:O2-mixture (99.8 : 0.2)

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    Photographs show distinct differences between positive streamers in air or in a nitrogen-oxygen mixture (0.2% O2). The streamers in the mixture branch more frequently, but the branches also extinguish more easily. Probably related to that, the streamers in the mixture propagate more in a zigzag manner while they are straighter in air. Furthermore, streamers in the mixture can become longer; they are thinner and more intense.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figures, paper is accepted for IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. and scheduled to appear in June 200

    Streamers in air splitting into three branches

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    We investigate the branching of positive streamers in air and present the first systematic investigation of splitting into more than two branches. We study discharges in 100 mbar artificial air that is exposed to voltage pulses of 10 kV applied to a needle electrode 160 mm above a grounded plate. By imaging the discharge with two cameras from three angles, we establish that about every 200th branching event is a branching into three. Branching into three occurs more frequently for the relatively thicker streamers. In fact, we find that the surface of the total streamer cross-sections before and after a branching event is roughly the same.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Positive and negative streamers in ambient air: measuring diameter, velocity and dissipated energy

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    Positive and negative streamers are studied in ambient air at 1 bar; they emerge from a needle electrode placed 40 mm above a planar electrode. The amplitudes of the applied voltage pulses range from 5 to 96 kV; most pulses have rise times of 30 ns or shorter. Diameters, velocities and energies of the streamers are measured. Two regimes are identified; a low voltage regime where only positive streamers appear and a high voltage regime where both positive and negative streamers exist. Below 5 kV, no streamers emerge. In the range from 5 to 40 kV, positive streamers form, while the negative discharges only form a glowing cloud at the electrode tip, but no streamers. For 5 to 20 kV, diameters and velocities of the positive streamers have the minimal values of d=0.2 mm and v \approx 10^5 m/s. For 20 to 40 kV, their diameters increase by a factor 6 while the voltage increases only by a factor 2. Above the transition value of 40 kV, streamers of both polarities form; they strongly resemble each other, though the positive ones propagate further; their diameters continue to increase with applied voltage. For 96 kV, positive streamers attain diameters of 3 mm and velocities of 4*10^6 m/s, negative streamers are about 20 % slower and thinner. An empirical fit formula for the relation between velocity v and diameter d is v=0.5 d^2/(mm ns) for both polarities. Streamers of both polarities dissipate energies of the order of several mJ per streamer while crossing the gap.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted for J. Phys.

    Positive streamers in air and nitrogen of varying density: experiments on similarity laws

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    Positive streamers in ambient air at pressures from 0.013 to 1 bar are investigated experimentally. The voltage applied to the anode needle ranges from 5 to 45 kV, the discharge gap from 1 to 16 cm. Using a "slow" voltage rise time of 100 to 180 ns, the streamers are intentionally kept thin. For each pressure p, we find a minimal diameter d_{min}. To test whether streamers at different pressures are similar, the minimal streamer diameter d_{min} is multiplied by its pressure p; we find this product to be well approximated by p*d_{min}=0.20 \pm 0.02 mm*bar over two decades of air pressure at room temperature. The value also fits diameters of sprite discharges above thunderclouds at an altitude of 80 km when extrapolated to room temperature (as air density rather than pressure determines the physical behavior). The minimal velocity of streamers in our measurements is approximately 0.1 mm/ns = 10^5 m/s. The same minimal velocity has been reported for tendrils in sprites. We also investigate the size of the initial ionization cloud at the electrode tip from which the streamers emerge, and the streamer length between branching events. The same quantities are also measured in nitrogen with a purity of approximately 99.9 %. We characterize the essential differences with streamers in air and find a minimal diameter of p*d_{min}=0.12 \pm 0.02 mm*bar in our nitrogen.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, accepted for J. Phys.

    Time-resolved characterization of a pulsed discharge in a stationary bubble

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    In recent years, plasma generation in water has been proposed for the application of water treatment. The process efficiency is believed to be improved by the introduction of bubbles in the plasma active region. For further optimization, the initiating and developmental mechanisms of plasma inside bubbles need to be understood to a greater extent. In order to meet this necessity, we investigated pulsed electrical discharge inside a stationary bubble in water. This paper deals with the evolution of the discharge and of the bubble shape during discharge, investigated by electrical characterization and fast imaging. Only several microseconds after the application of the voltage pulse, plasma light is observed. Different phases are observed during plasma formation. The plasma is strongest at the bubble surface, causing the surrounding water to evaporate. This leads to both the formation of propagating streamers into the water and the expansion and collapse of the bubble. These observations show that plasma inside a bubble has the strongest activity at the bubble surface, making it attractive for water treatment

    Photoionization in negative streamers: fast computations and two propagation modes

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    Streamer discharges play a central role in electric breakdown of matter in pulsed electric fields, both in nature and in technology. Reliable and fast computations of the minimal model for negative streamers in simple gases like nitrogen have recently been developed. However, photoionization was not included; it is important in air and poses a major numerical challenge. We here introduce a fast and reliable method to include photoionization into our numerical scheme with adaptice grids, and we discuss its importance for negative streamers. In particular, we identify different propagation regimes where photoionization does or does not play a role

    Experimental evaluation of a solid oxide fuel cell system exposed to inclinations and accelerations by ship motions

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    Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) systems have the potential to reduce emissions from seagoing vessels. However, it is unknown whether ship motions influence the system's operation. In this research, a 1.5 kW SOFC module is operated on an inclination platform that emulates ship motions, to evaluate the influence of static and dynamic inclinations on the system's safety, operation, and lifetime. The test campaign consists of a static inclination test, a dynamic test, a degradation test, and a high acceleration test. There were no interruptions in the power supply during the different tests, and no detectable gas leakages or safety hazards. Although the SOFC does not fail in any test condition, dynamic inclinations result in forced oscillations in the fuel regulation, which propagate through the system by different feedback loops in the control architecture, leading to significant deviations in the operational parameters of the system. Additionally, for motion periods from 16 to 26 s, reoccurring exceedance of the fuel utilisation results in a gradual reduction of the power supply. Several enhancements are recommended to improve the design of SOFCs and marine fuel cell regulations to ensure their safe operation on ships.</p

    Power laws and self-similar behavior in negative ionization fronts

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    We study anode-directed ionization fronts in curved geometries. When the magnetic effects can be neglected, an electric shielding factor determines the behavior of the electric field and the charged particle densities. From a minimal streamer model, a Burgers type equation which governs the dynamics of the electric shielding factor is obtained. A Lagrangian formulation is then derived to analyze the ionization fronts. Power laws for the velocity and the amplitude of streamer fronts are observed numerically and calculated analytically by using the shielding factor formulation. The phenomenon of geometrical diffusion is explained and clarified, and a universal self-similar asymptotic behavior is derived.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure