292 research outputs found

    Ultrasound therapy of diabetes mellitus type 2

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    We studied the possibility of low-frequency UST in the correction of carbohydrate metabolism by assessing levels of fasting glucose and Cpeptide, as well as the content of the contrinsuline hormones (cortisol, samatotropin) in groups of diabetic patients.Ultrasonic treatment was carried out at 44 kHz and amplitude of oscillations 2 microns using the therapeutic device MIT-11 on theprojection area of the pancreas stable technique, 5 times per week, exposure to the session for 3 minutes. As the contact material used liquid paraffin.To enhance the effect further impacted on the segmental zone Th7-Th12 labile technique for 2 min. for each area to the left and right. The treatmentcourse consisted of 8-10 sessions. Patients were followed for 12 months. Ultrasonic treatment was carried out against lowering drug therapy, 91patients aged 18-78 years, including type 1 diabetes was observed in 23 individuals (control group), and type 2 - 68 people. First identified diabeteswas diagnosed in 47 patients, the remaining 44 suffered from more than 5 years. Before and after treatment were studied basal levels of C-peptide,cortisol and growth hormone (GH) in serum of venous blood radio immunoassay, we determined the glycemic profile and blood sugar levels in dailyurine.Analysis of results showed that 82% surveyed, under the influence of treatment was recorded reduction of hyperglycemia with newlydiagnosed diabetes type 1 diabetes and type 2, as well as a long ill patients. Blood glucose levels prior to treatment during the day ranged from 10-15mmol / l after the treatment - 6.10 mg / dL.The resulting dynamics parameters after UST during observation showed an improvement insulinoproductive function of the pancreasunder the influence of ultrasound exposure, which contributed to a more rapid onset of diabetes compensation and reduce the dose glucose-loweringdrugs.UST is combined with many kinds of physiotherapy effects: electrotherapy, massage, balneotherapy, laser-and SWT-therapy and otheroptions for therapy with electromagnetic waves, enhancing their effect. This kind of treatment so far has not found wide application in the treatment ofdiabetes and its complications, however, is a promising method of physiotherapy treatment, given its mechanism of action and different ways ofapplication

    Ultrasound therapy in medical rehabilitation post-stroke patients

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    The paper presents recommendations for the use of physical exercises and massage in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients withmuscular torticollis. Recommendations are intended for surgeons, doctors and exercise instructors with higher and secondary education, massagetherapists and paediatricians hospitals and clinics

    Shotgun ion mobility mass spectrometry sequencing of heparan sulfate saccharides

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    Despite evident regulatory roles of heparan sulfate (HS) saccharides in numerous biological processes, definitive information on the bioactive sequences of these polymers is lacking, with only a handful of natural structures sequenced to date. Here, we develop a “Shotgun” Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Sequencing (SIMMS2) method in which intact HS saccharides are dissociated in an ion mobility mass spectrometer and collision cross section values of fragments measured. Matching of data for intact and fragment ions against known values for 36 fully defined HS saccharide structures (from di- to decasaccharides) permits unambiguous sequence determination of validated standards and unknown natural saccharides, notably including variants with 3O-sulfate groups. SIMMS2 analysis of two fibroblast growth factor-inhibiting hexasaccharides identified from a HS oligosaccharide library screen demonstrates that the approach allows elucidation of structure-activity relationships. SIMMS2 thus overcomes the bottleneck for decoding the informational content of functional HS motifs which is crucial for their future biomedical exploitation


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    The morbidity of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas in last 11 years in Irkutsk region was increased in 5,5 times, in Irkutsk in 11,5 times. The mortality of NHL was increased in Irkutsk region in 5,5 times, in the region centre in 6,5 times. The risk to fall ill with NHL in 60 years are higher than in 20 years in 5 times. Men are ill more than women in 1,35 times. Number of patients with advanced stage of NHL was increased in 2 times

    Analysis of mortality at non-Hodgkin lymphomas in the unit of cancer chemotherapy of Irkutsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary in 2011-2013

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    We analyzed 29 fatal cases caused by non-Hodgkin lymphomas in the hospital. 89 % of deceased had advanced malignancy, morphologically aggressive type, 86,2 % had initially unfavorable prognosis for a disease. The most common cause of death was sepsis (55 %). The most often source of infection were pneumonia (68,8 %) and gastrointestinal tract (31,3 %). The frequency of decompensated hemorrhagic shock of patients died of non-Hodgkin lymphomas was 24 %. Tumor lysis syndrome was the cause of hospital mortality of non-Hodgkin lymphomas in 17 % of cases

    Evaluation of strawberry cultivars as sources of high winter hardiness and productivity

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    Background. The realization of high productivity potential in strawberry plants significantly depends on their adaptability to soil and climate conditions of their cultivation. Winter hardiness is the most important trait in the central part of Russia. With this in view, the purpose of this study was to identify sources of high winter hardiness combined with high productivity and yield potential among the studied cultivars.Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the primary variety testing site of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK), Orel Province, in accordance with the published program and methodology of fruit, berry and nut variety studies. The testing covered 23 domestic and foreign strawberry cultivars. An Espec PSL-2KPH climate chamber (Japan) and a Polair refrigerator cabinet (Russia) were used for artificial freezing.Results. Winter hardiness of strawberry cultivars was assessed under artificial freezing conditions. Cvs. ‘Korona’, ‘Tsaritsa’, ‘Solovushka’ and ‘Sara’ were the most winter-hardy cultivars. The study of the cultivars in the field made it possible to identify the most productive and large-fruited ones: ‘Alba’, ‘Azia’, ‘Bereginya’ and ‘Tsaritsa’. Cv. ‘Tsaritsa’ combines high winter hardiness and high yield productivity and yield potential, being a valuable source of these traits in breeding practice. According to a set of indicators ‘Tsaritsa’ is promising for large-scale cultivation in the Central Black Earth Region of Russia

    Tenant satisfaction and its evaluation

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The competitiveness of any enterprise depends on the consumer satisfaction by goods and services produced. Tenant satisfaction with regard to the rented space is a general assessment, which consists of the quality assessment of real estate, service (interaction) quality and quality of service offerings. The article presents the lease options, which are advisable to use when assessing the tenant satisfaction and necessary improvements. The assessment of consumer satisfaction allows one to control the quality management system effectiveness and to identify the areas, in which it is necessary to make improvements

    Lack of GAGA protein in Trl mutants causes massive cell death in Drosophila spermatogenesis and oogenesis

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    Drosophila protein GAGA (GAF) is a factor of epigenetic transcription regulation of a large group of genes with a wide variety of cellular functions. GAF is encoded by the Trithorax-like (Trl) gene, which is important for the formation of various organs and tissues at all stages of ontogenesis. In our previous works, we showed that this protein is necessary for the development of the reproductive system, both in males and females of Drosophila. Decreased expression of the Trl gene led to multiple disorders of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. One of the significant disorders was associated with massive degradation and loss of cells in the germline. In this work, we carried out a more detailed cytological study to determine what type of germ cell death is characteristic of Trl mutants, and whether there are disturbances or changes in this process compared to the norm. The results obtained showed that the lack of GAF protein causes massive germ cell death in both females and males of Drosophila, but this death manifests itself in different ways, depending on the sex. In Trl females, this process does not differ phenotypically from the norm. In the dying egg chambers, signs of apoptosis and autophagy were revealed, as well as morphological features that are characteristic of the wild type. In males, Trl mutations induce mass germ cell death through autophagy, which is not typical of Drosophila spermatogenesis, and has not been previously described, neither in the norm nor in other genes’ mutations. Thus, GAF lack in Trl mutants leads to increased germ cell death through apoptosis and autophagy. Ectopic cell death and germ line atrophy are probably associated with impaired expression of the GAGA factor target genes, among which there are genes that regulate both apoptosis and autophagy


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    Purpose: The main aim of the article is to define the approaches to the formation of future engineers’ communicative culture. The main research method used while working on the article is analysis of the domestic and foreign publication space for critical consideration of different ideas on the pedagogical problem of the future engineers’ foreign language communicative culture formation process. Methodology: In this study Content abstraction, generalization and the comparative method was applied. Result: The approaches (cultural, connectivism, technological, axiological, communicative, environmental approach) will help to the formation of the communicative culture of future engineers in the process of foreign language training. Applications: This research can be used for engineers and companies. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of approaches to future engineers' foreign communicative culture formation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Breast cancer at women working in conditions of the chronic irradiation

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    The purpose of this work - the comparative morphological analysis of a breast cancer at working women of plutonium manufacture and women who are not working in conditions of a chronic irradiation. We investigated the medical documentation and archival operational material of 894 women - inhabitants of Ozersk, which were operated in the period of 1948-2007 concerning breast cancer. The pathology department medical documentation and archival operational material were from CMH № 71 FMBA RF. From 894 women 18 % (161) (1 group) were working women of producing departments of combine, 733 (2 group) had no professional attitude to plutonium manufacture. Essential age distinctions of patients are established during demonstration of disease. Also are established feature of growth character, histologic type and frequency of tumour’s relapse in analyzed groups.Цель работы - сравнительный морфологический анализ рака молочной железы у работниц плутониевого производства и женщин, не работающих в условиях хронического облучения. Изучена медицинская документация и архивный операционный материал патологоанатомического отделения ЦМСЧ №71 ФМБА РФ 894 женщин - жительниц г. Озерска, оперированных за период 1948-2007 гг. по поводу рака молочной железы. Из них 18% (161) женщин (1-я группа) являлись работницами основных цехов комбината, 733 (2-я группа) не имели профессионального отношения к плутониевому производству. Установлены существенные возрастные различия пациенток в период манифестации заболевания, особенности характера роста, гистологического типа и частоты рецидивирования опухоли в анализируемых группах