252 research outputs found

    A Linearization Beam-Hardening Correction Method for X-Ray Computed Tomographic Imaging of Structural Ceramics

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    Computed tomographic (CT) imaging with both monochromatic and polychromatic x-ray sources can be a powerful NDE method for characterization (e. g., measurement of density gradients) as well as flaw detection (e. g., detection of cracks, voids, inclusions) in ceramics. However, the use of polychromatic x-ray sources can cause image artifacts and overall image degradation through beam hardening (BH) effects [1]. Beam hardening occurs because (i) x-ray attenuation in a given material is energy dependent and (ii) data collection in CT systems is not energy selective. Without an appropriate correction, the BH effect prevents the establishment of an absolute scale for density measurement. Thus, quantitative density comparisons between samples of the same material but of different geometrical shape becomes unreliable [2]

    Nitrogênio e clorofila em folhas de Plátano D'Angola cultivado em sistemas silvibananeiros.

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    banana é a fruta mais consumida e exportada do mundo. Cerca de 400 milhões de pessoas dependem da fruta, seja como fonte de renda ou para alimentação. A produção localizada nos países tropicais e subtropicais é destinada principalmente para os mercados internos, com um papel importante na segurança alimentar e nutricional de países subdesenvolvidos

    Interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e altura de plantas em sistemas silvibananeiros.

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    O Brasil com uma produção de 6,9 milhões de toneladas é o quinto maior produtor mundial de banana. A área cultivada com a cultura no Brasil está em torno de 500 mil ha, que no cenário mundial só é superada pela Índia, maior produtor mundial e que destina cerca de 709 mil ha à cultura. No estado do Mato Grosso a cultura ocupa cerca de 6,0 mil ha gerando uma produção insuficiente para atender a demanda de consumo da população

    Desempenho de espécies florestais em diferentes arranjos de integração lavoura pecuária floresta em Barra-do-Garças, MT.

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    Nine forest species / genetic materials were evaluated in ten crop-livestock-forest integration arrangements in Barra-do-Garças in the Northeast region of Mato Grosso state. The data were collected in a Technological Reference Unit of Embrapa Installed in partnership with the Agropecuária Fazenda Brasil Group in the year of 2010 and the data evaluated in 2017, with the trees being 76 months of age. Growth and production superiority was observed for the arrangements that used clonal eucalyptus materials

    Teor de nitrogênio foliar em plantas madeireiras em consórcio agroflorestal com plátanos.

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    No planejamento de sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) com bananeiras e plátanos, a escolha do componente arbóreo deve considerar outros benefícios, além dos produtos madeireiros e não madeireiros. As funções ecológicas que esse componente desempenha no sistema, podem resultar em ganhos econômicos expressivos do SAF diante de uma valoração adequada dos serviços prestados

    Aporte de nitrogênio por árvores madeireiras jovens em sistema integrado de produção com plátanos.

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    Sistemas integrados de produção são alternativas para uma agricultura mais eficiente no uso da terra e promotora de benefícios ambientais e sociais. Os plátanos, em função das suas características, podem ser explorados em associação com outras culturas de interesse econômico, sendo o arranjo produtivo dependente de fatores edafoclimáticos, mercadológicos, culturais etc. Na integração de musáceas com árvores, além dos produtos finais, pode haver outros benefícios para a economia do sistema, como o aporte de nitrogênio (N) pelo uso de leguminosas arbóreas

    A role of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission/computed tomography in a strategy for abdominal wall metastasis of colorectal mucinous adenocarcinoma developed after laparoscopic surgery

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    Metastasis to the abdominal wall including port sites after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer is rare. Resection of metastatic lesions may lead to greater survival benefit if the abdominal wall metastasis is the only manifestation of recurrent disease. A 57-year-old man, who underwent laparoscopic surgery for advanced mucinous adenocarcinoma of the cecum 6 years prior, developed a nodule in the surgical wound at the lower right abdomen. Although tumor markers were within normal limits, the metastasis to the abdominal wall and abdominal cavity from the previous cecal cancer was suspected. An abdominal computed tomography scan did not provide detective evidence of metastasis. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) was therefore performed, which demonstrated increased 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake (maximum standardized uptake value: 3.1) in the small abdominal wall nodule alone. Histopathological examination of the resected nodule confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma. Prognosis of intestinal mucinous adenocarcinoma is reported to be poorer than that of non-mucinous adenocarcinoma. In conclusion, this case suggests an important role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in early diagnosis and decision-making regarding therapy for recurrent disease in cases where a firm diagnosis of recurrent colorectal cancer is difficult to make

    Chitosan particles agglomerated scaffolds for cartilage and osteochondral tissue engineering approaches with adipose tissue derived stem cells

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    It is well accepted that natural tissue regeneration is unlikely to occur if the cells are not supplied with an extracellular matrix (ECM) substitute. With this goal, several different methodologies have been used to produce a variety of 3D scaffolds as artificial ECM substitutes suitable for bone and cartilage tissue engineering. Furthermore, osteochondral tissue engineering presents new challenges since the combination of scaffolding and co-culture requirements from both bone and cartilage applications is required in order to achieve a successful osteochondral construct. In this paper, an innovative processing route based on a chitosan particles aggregation methodology for the production of cartilage and osteochondral tissue engineering scaffolds is reported. An extensive characterization is presented including a morphological evaluation using Micro-Computed Tomography (μCT) and 3D virtual models built with an image processing software. Mechanical and water uptake characterizations were also carried out, evidencing the potential of the developed scaffolds for the proposed applications. Cytotoxicity tests show that the developed chitosan particles agglomerated scaffolds do not exert toxic effects on cells. Furthermore, osteochondral bilayered scaffolds could also be developed. Preliminary seeding of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from human adipose tissue was performed aiming at developing solutions for chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation for osteochondral tissue engineering applications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)European NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3-CT-2004-500283)European STREP Project HIPPOCRATES (NMP3-CT-2003-505758

    Multisocietal European consensus on the terminology, diagnosis, and management of patients with synchronous colorectal cancer and liver metastases:an E-AHPBA consensus in partnership with ESSO, ESCP, ESGAR, and CIRSE

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    BACKGROUND: Contemporary management of patients with synchronous colorectal cancer and liver metastases is complex. The aim of this project was to provide a practical framework for care of patients with synchronous colorectal cancer and liver metastases, with a focus on terminology, diagnosis, and management. METHODS: This project was a multiorganizational, multidisciplinary consensus. The consensus group produced statements which focused on terminology, diagnosis, and management. Statements were refined during an online Delphi process, and those with 70 per cent agreement or above were reviewed at a final meeting. Iterations of the report were shared by electronic mail to arrive at a final agreed document comprising 12 key statements.RESULTS: Synchronous liver metastases are those detected at the time of presentation of the primary tumour. The term 'early metachronous metastases' applies to those absent at presentation but detected within 12 months of diagnosis of the primary tumour, the term 'late metachronous metastases' applies to those detected after 12 months. 'Disappearing metastases' applies to lesions that are no longer detectable on MRI after systemic chemotherapy. Guidance was provided on the recommended composition of tumour boards, and clinical assessment in emergency and elective settings. The consensus focused on treatment pathways, including systemic chemotherapy, synchronous surgery, and the staged approach with either colorectal or liver-directed surgery as first step. Management of pulmonary metastases and the role of minimally invasive surgery was discussed. CONCLUSION: The recommendations of this contemporary consensus provide information of practical value to clinicians managing patients with synchronous colorectal cancer and liver metastases.</p