42 research outputs found

    Implementation process of peace agreements. contributions from the new institutionalism

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    From the new institutionalism approach can be assumed that the implementation of instruments to ensure the agreements and strategies for peace building are highly complex, uncertain and difficult,in such a way that is necessary to build institution to ensure peace and long-term development,but also that will solve immediate problems. This article seeks to understand the processes of implementation of peace agreements,and how this type of operations and strategies can build and develop institutions.This involves conducting an understanding of the New Institutional and conceptual implications for understanding the processes of peace, and explores what theyare,how they are constructed, and how the institutions and the relationship between these and reconstruction processes.Desde el planteamiento nuevo institucionalista se puede asumir que la implementación de instrumentos para asegurar los acuerdos y las estrategias para construcción de la paz son sumamente complejos,inciertos y difíciles; ya que, se necesitan construir instituciones que aseguren la paz y el desarrollo a largo plazo, pero también que permitan la solución de problemas inmediatos. El presente artículo está orientado a entender los procesos de implementación de los acuerdos de paz; y,de qué manera este tipo de operaciones y estrategias pueden llegar a construir y desarrollar instituciones. Esto implica llevar a cabo un recorrido conceptual del Nuevo Institucionalismo y sus implicaciones para comprender los procesos de paz; y,explorar qué son, cómo se construyen, y cómo funcionan las instituciones y la relación que existe entre estas y los procesos de reconstrucción

    Dynamics of Salmonella enterica and antimicrobial resistance in the Brazilian poultry industry and global impacts on public health

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    Non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica is a common cause of diarrhoeal disease; in humans, consumption of contaminated poultry meat is believed to be a major source. Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of chicken meat globally, and previous studies have indicated the introduction of Salmonella serovars through imported food products from Brazil. Here we provide an in-depth genomic characterisation and evolutionary analysis to investigate the most prevalent serovars and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Brazilian chickens and assess the impact to public health of products contaminated with S. enterica imported into the United Kingdom from Brazil. To do so, we examine 183 Salmonella genomes from chickens in Brazil and 357 genomes from humans, domestic poultry and imported Brazilian poultry products isolated in the United Kingdom. S. enterica serovars Heidelberg and Minnesota were the most prevalent serovars in Brazil and in meat products imported from Brazil into the UK. We extended our analysis to include 1,259 publicly available Salmonella Heidelberg and Salmonella Minnesota genomes for context. The Brazil genomes form clades distinct from global isolates, with temporal analysis suggesting emergence of these Salmonella Heidelberg and Salmonella Minnesota clades in the early 2000s, around the time of the 2003 introduction of the Enteritidis vaccine in Brazilian poultry. Analysis showed genomes within the Salmonella Heidelberg and Salmonella Minnesota clades shared resistance to sulphonamides, tetracyclines and beta-lactams conferred by sul2, tetA and blaCMY-2 genes, not widely observed in other co-circulating serovars despite similar selection pressures. The sul2 and tetA genes were concomitantly carried on IncC plasmids, whereas blaCMY-2 was either co-located with the sul2 and tetA genes on IncC plasmids or independently on IncI1 plasmids. Long-term surveillance data collected in the UK showed no increase in the incidence of Salmonella Heidelberg or Salmonella Minnesota in human cases of clinical disease in the UK following the increase of these two serovars in Brazilian poultry. In addition, almost all of the small number of UK-derived genomes which cluster with the Brazilian poultry-derived sequences could either be attributed to human cases with a recent history of foreign travel or were from imported Brazilian food products. These findings indicate that even should Salmonella from imported Brazilian poultry products reach UK consumers, they are very unlikely to be causing disease. No evidence of the Brazilian strains of Salmonella Heidelberg or Salmonella Minnesota were observed in UK domestic chickens. These findings suggest that introduction of the Salmonella Enteritidis vaccine, in addition to increasing antimicrobial use, could have resulted in replacement of salmonellae in Brazilian poultry flocks with serovars that are more drug resistant, but less associated with disease in humans in the UK. The plasmids conferring resistance to beta-lactams, sulphonamides and tetracyclines likely conferred a competitive advantage to the Salmonella Minnesota and Salmonella Heidelberg serovars in this setting of high antimicrobial use, but the apparent lack of transfer to other serovars present in the same setting suggests barriers to horizontal gene transfer that could be exploited in intervention strategies to reduce AMR. The insights obtained reinforce the importance of One Health genomic surveillance

    Cognition, culture and utility:Plant classification by Paraguayan immigrant farmers in Misiones, Argentina

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    Background: This study was conducted in three rural communities of small farmers of Paraguayan origin living in the province of Misiones, Argentina. These Criollos (Mestizos) hail chiefly from departments located in the east of Paraguay, where the climate and flora have similar characteristics as those in Misiones. These ecological features contribute to the continuation and maintenance of knowledge and practices related to the use of plants. Methods: Fieldwork was conducted between September 2014 and August 2015. Forty five informants from three rural localities situated along the Parana River participated in an ethno-classification task. For the classification event, photographs of 30 medicinal and edible plants were chosen, specifically those yielding the highest frequency of mention among the members of that community (based on data obtained in the first stage of research in 2014). Variation in local plant classifications was examined and compared using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Results: We found that people classify plants according to application or use (primarily medicinal, to a lesser extent as edible). Morphology is rarely taken into account, even for very similar and closely-related species such as varieties of palms. In light of our findings, we highlight a dominant functionality model at work in the process of plant cognition and classification among farmers of Paraguayan origin. Salient cultural beliefs and practices associated with rural Paraguayan plant-based medicine are described. Additionally, the manner by which residents’ concepts of plants articulate with local folk epistemology is discussed. Conclusions: Culturally constructed use patterns ultimately override morphological variables in rural Paraguayans’ ethnobotanical classification.Antecedentes: Este trabajo se realizó con pequeños agricultores de origen paraguayo, que habitan en la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Los criollos (mestizos) en su mayoría provienen de departamentos ubicados al oriente del Paraguay, donde el clima y la flora presentan características similares a la provincia de Misiones. Estas características ecológicas contribuyen a la continuación y el mantenimiento de los conocimientos y las prácticas relacionados al uso de las plantas. Métodos El trabajo de campo se realizó entre septiembre de 2014 y agosto de 2015. En la etnoclasificación participaron 45 informantes, provenientes de tres localidades rurales, situadas a lo largo del río Paraná, frontera entre los dos países. Para la clasificación se utilizaron imágenes fotográficas de 30 especies -comestibles y medicinales- preseleccionadas como las de mayor frecuencia de mención entre los habitantes de la región (a partir de los datos obtenidos en una primera etapa de investigación en el año 2014). Por medio del análisis de componentes principales y el análisis de agrupamiento (cluster) se contrastaron y compararon las variaciones en las etnoclasificaciones locales de plantas. Resultados Se encontró que los pobladores clasifican sus plantas según su aplicación y uso (mayormente asociadas a la categoría medicinal y en menor medida a la comestible). Mientras, la morfología rara vez se tiene en cuenta, incluso en aquellas especies muy similares y estrechamente relacionadas como las palmeras. A la luz de los hallazgos, se destaca un modelo de funcionalidad dominante en el proceso de cognición y de clasificación de las plantas entre los agricultores de origen paraguayo. Se describen las principales creencias y prácticas culturales asociadas a la medicina rural paraguaya. Adicionalmente, se discuten algunos de los conceptos de las plantas que mantienen los paraguayos y su articulación con la epistemología local. Conclusiones En la clasificación etnobotánica de los pobladores de origen paraguayo los patrones de uso construidos culturalmente tienen mayor peso que las variables morfológicas.Fil: Kujawska, Monika. University Of Lodz; ArgentinaFil: Jiménez Escobar, Néstor David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Nolan, Justin M.. University Of Arkansas; Estados UnidosFil: Arias Mutis, Daniel. University of Groningen; Países Bajo


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    From the new institutionalism approach can be assumed that the implementation of instruments to ensure the agreements and strategies for peace building are highly complex, uncertain and difficult,in such a way that is necessary to build institution to ensure peace and long-term development,but also that will solve immediate problems. This article seeks to understand the processes of implementation of peace agreements,and how this type of operations and strategies can build and develop institutions.This involves conducting an understanding of the New Institutional and conceptual implications for understanding the processes of peace, and explores what theyare,how they are constructed, and how the institutions and the relationship between these and reconstruction processes.Desde el planteamiento nuevo institucionalista se puede asumir que la implementación de instrumentos para asegurar los acuerdos y las estrategias para construcción de la paz son sumamente complejos,inciertos y difíciles; ya que, se necesitan construir instituciones que aseguren la paz y el desarrollo a largo plazo, pero también que permitan la solución de problemas inmediatos. El presente artículo está orientado a entender los procesos de implementación de los acuerdos de paz; y,de qué manera este tipo de operaciones y estrategias pueden llegar a construir y desarrollar instituciones. Esto implica llevar a cabo un recorrido conceptual del Nuevo Institucionalismo y sus implicaciones para comprender los procesos de paz; y,explorar qué son, cómo se construyen, y cómo funcionan las instituciones y la relación que existe entre estas y los procesos de reconstrucción

    A bioinformatic prediction of antigen presentation from SARS-CoV-2 spike protein revealed a theorical correlation of HLA-DRB1*01 with COVID-19 fatality in Mexican population: an ecological approach

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection is causing a pandemic disease that is reflected in challenging public health problems worldwide. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-based epitope prediction and its association with disease outcomes provide an important base for treatment design. A bioinformatic prediction of T cell epitopes and their restricted HLA Class I and II alleles was performed to obtain immunogenic epitopes and HLA alleles from the spike protein of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus. Also, a correlation with the predicted fatality rate of hospitalized patients in 28 states of Mexico was done. Here, we describe a set of 10 highly immunogenic epitopes, together with different HLA alleles that can efficiently present these epitopes to T cells. Most of these epitopes are located within the S1 subunit of the spike protein, suggesting that this area is highly immunogenic. A statistical negative correlation was found between the frequency of HLA-DRB1*01 and the fatality rate in hospitalized patients in Mexico