11 research outputs found

    Changing policies over timber supply and its potential impacts to the furniture industries of Jepara, Indonesia

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    Though some scholars argue that Indonesian wood furniture industries are in decline, these industries remain a driving force for regional and national economies. Indonesian wood furniture has a long value chain, including: forest farmers, log traders, artisans, and furniture outlets. In Jepara, Central Java, wood furniture industries contain significant regional and historical importance. Jeparanese wood furniture industries demonstrated great resilience during the economic crisis in the late nineties. Although they were previously able to withstand the pressures of economic crisis, the enactment of Minister of Forestry Regulation (MoFor Reg.) 7/2009 on wood allocation for local use -as one of the implementing regulation of decentralization law 32/2004- causes a potential reduction of wood supply to Jepara. Since September 30th, 2014, however, the constellation of domestic timber politics has changed due to the new decentralization law (23/2014), which shifted most regulations on forest and forest products from the regency to the province. This study evaluates the dynamics of decentralization policy on timber allocation and examines the power of different stakeholders given the changing regulation and its consequences for Jeparanese wood production

    Analisis dan Implementasi Diagnosis Penyakit Sawit dengan Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

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    Jambi Province is a producer of palm oil as a mainstay of commodities. However, the limited insight of farmers in Jambi to oil palm pests and diseases affects oil palm productivity. Meanwhile, knowing the types of pests and diseases in oil palm requires an expert, but access restrictions are a problem. This study offers a diagnosis of oil palm disease using the most popular concept in the field of artificial intelligence today. This method is deep learning. Various recent studies using CNN, say the results of image recognition accuracy are very good. The data used in this study came from oil palm image data from the Jambi Provincial Plantation Office. After the oil palm disease image data is trained, the training data model will be stored for the process of testing the oil palm disease diagnosis. The test evaluation is stored as a configuration matrix. So that it can be assessed how successful the system is to diagnose diseases in oil palm plants. From the testing, there were 2490 images of oil palm labeled with 11 disease categories. The highest accuracy results were 0.89 and the lowest was 0.83, and the average accuracy was 0.87. This shows that the results of the classification of oil palm images with CNN are quite good. These results can indicate the development of an automatic and mobile oil palm disease classification system to help farmers

    Survey Paper: Perbandingan Agile Process Development Method (SCRUM Dan RUP)

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    Dalam pengembangan sebuah sistem diperlukan sebuah siklus agar pengembangan sistem dapat terfokus pada kebutuhan dan efisiensi waktu. Secara umum dikenal sebuah siklus pengembangan sistem yang disebut SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle, Siklus Hidup Pengembangan Sistem) atau Systems Life Cycle (Siklus Hidup Sistem) dimana siklus ini memiliki 6 tahapan yaitu rencana (planning), analisis (analysis), desain (design), implementasi (implementation), uji coba (testing) dan pengelolaan (maintenance). Permasalahan waktu tersebut memunculkan Agile Process Development Method yang menciptakan siklus pengembangan perangkat lunak yang lebih singkat dalam prosesnya karena memiliki kemampuan untuk menanggapi beberapa kondisi yang tidak pasti sehingga dapat meminimalisir waktu. Hasil yang dicapai berdasarkan penelitian dan perbandingan yang telah dilakukan, diketahui karakteristik dari kedua siklus pengembangan sistem Scrum dan RUP, siklus Scrum memiliki 3 tahapan yang merangkum siklus dasar yang berjumlah 7 tahapan dengan 6 tahapan yang berulang, digunakan untuk sistem yang diciptakan berdasarkan permintaan dan kebutuhan (bahkan situasi atau kondisi) tertentu pada suatu kasus dengan tahapan pengujian pada proses terakhir, siklus RUP memiliki 4 tahapan yang merangkum siklus dasar yang berjumlah 7 tahapan dengan 1 tahapan yang dilakukan berulan

    Work Measurement Study on Motor-manual Pine Tapping Operation: the Application of the Concept of Lean Manufacturing and Allowances

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    Derivated products of pine resin have been recognised as competitive commodities in global trade, increasing the need to use resources more efficiently. A hand-held tapping machine with small hoe-shape cutters called “mujitek” has been widely applied in Indonesia among efforts to answer this challenge. In this study, a series of observed (actual) work time data were measured and analysed, adopting lean manufacturing to calculate the basic and standard time of the work and estimate the work produced on the tapping operation. Work elements were identified based on their contribution to change or transform the product and were categorised as value-added, non-value-added, and special allowance. Quantitative data on the work productivity in the tapping operation can be used as one fundamental data in determining a work plan to establish a continuous improvement process. The variable fatigue allowances taken into account in this study were standing posture, abnormal posture, muscular energy, atmospheric conditions, and noise. This study shows that non-value-added work elements (repairing machines, chatting, and smoking) cause inefficiency in tapping operation. Analysis of added-value work elements proved that this hand-held tapping machine offers a higher (1.7 times) work productivity than conventional hand-held tapping tools. However, since humans have limitations in the physical, physiological, and mental dimensions that limit their ability to carry out work at a certain level, the discovered work productivity level should also be validated with other thresholds, e.g., physical workload and risk perception

    Work Measurement Study on Motor-manual Pine Tapping Operation: the Application of the Concept of Lean Manufacturing and Allowances

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    Derivated products of pine resin have been recognised as competitive commodities in global trade, increasing the need to use resources more efficiently. A hand-held tapping machine with small hoe-shape cutters called “mujitek” has been widely applied in Indonesia among efforts to answer this challenge. In this study, a series of observed (actual) work time data were measured and analysed, adopting lean manufacturing to calculate the basic and standard time of the work and estimate the work produced on the tapping operation. Work elements were identified based on their contribution to change or transform the product and were categorised as value-added, non-value-added, and special allowance. Quantitative data on the work productivity in the tapping operation can be used as one fundamental data in determining a work plan to establish a continuous improvement process. The variable fatigue allowances taken into account in this study were standing posture, abnormal posture, muscular energy, atmospheric conditions, and noise. This study shows that non-value-added work elements (repairing machines, chatting, and smoking) cause inefficiency in tapping operation. Analysis of added-value work elements proved that this hand-held tapping machine offers a higher (1.7 times) work productivity than conventional hand-held tapping tools. However, since humans have limitations in the physical, physiological, and mental dimensions that limit their ability to carry out work at a certain level, the discovered work productivity level should also be validated with other thresholds, e.g., physical workload and risk perception

    Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Informatika Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes

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    Kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu merupakan salah satu point penilaian dalam proses akreditasi perguruan tinggi. Namun kelulusan mahasiswa tidak selalu dapat dideteksi secara cepat sehingga dapat mengurangi penilaian suatu perguruan tinggi dalam proses akreditasi. Permasalah inilah yang muncul untuk mengetahui mahasiswa nantinya bisa lulus tepat waktu atau tidak. Dalam penelitian inilah digunakan metode klasifikasi untuk prediksi lulusan mahasiswa menggunakan algoritma Naïve Bayes. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu atau tidak, yang diharapkan hasilnya dapat memberikan informasi dan masukan bagi pihak perguruan tinggi dalam membuat kebijakan kedepannya. Dari hasil pengujian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan menerapkan algoritma Naïve Bayes sistem dapat memprediksi kelulusan mahasiswa dengan tepat waktu, tingkat keberhasilan prediksi algoritma naïve bayes ditentukan oleh nilai IPK mahasiswa dan lama Studi mahasiswa yang bersangkutan dengan nilai precision sebesar 90 %, recall 100 % dan akurasi sebesar 90 %

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Kelurahan Jelakombo terhadap Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) Skala Mikro di Kabupaten Jombang

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    The Covid-19 outbreak has spread rapidly throughout the world, including in Indonesia. In this case the government is taking steps towards public policies such as Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) to stop the spread of this virus. In deciding on its spread, the government needs public participation. Kelurahan Jelakombo participated in breaking the chain of spreading this virus. The purpose of this scientific article is to determine the form of public participation in implementing public policies designed to cut the spread of the virus. The method used is descriptive qualitative data collection in the form of interviews and direct observation. The theory used in this article is Community Participation by Mardikanto & Soebianto which describes the forms of participation divided into four forms, starting with the planning, implementation, evaluation and utilization of results. The results of this study are that community participation in Jelakombo Village has been involved in the planning, implementation, benefit involvement and evaluation stages of Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) to prevent Covid-19 transmission. The people of Jelakombo Village have followed the policy of Restricting Community Activities (PPKM) well, because the positive number of Covid-19 in Jelakombo Village from March 2020 to March 2021 was only 27 cases

    Dasar-dasar Akuntansi Syariah

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    Akuntansi syariah tidak berbeda jauh dengan akuntansi konvensional. Perbedaan yang menonjol, akuntansi syariah menekankan pada akad atau transaksi yang bersesuaian dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah, yang hal ini tidak ditekankan pada akuntansi konvensional. Paparan dalam buku ini disesuaikan dengan ketentuan dan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan dan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Syariah (KDPPLKS), Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Syariah (PSAK Syariah), serta ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah diatur dalam Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN MUI). Buku ini dihadirkan sebagai bahan referensi bagi mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah akuntansi syariah, para praktisi, atau siapa pun yang ingin mendalaminya lebih jauh. Kehadiran buku ini diharapkan bisa memberikan pemahaman kepada mereka terkait ruang lingkup akuntansi syariah. Bab yang dibahas dalam buku ini, meliputi: Bab 1 Ruang Lingkup Akuntansi Syariah Bab 2 Asas dan Karakteristik Transaksi Syariah Bab 3 Perbedaan Akuntansi Syariah dan Konvensional Bab 4 Konsep Harta dalam Akuntansi Syariah Bab 5 Konsep Hutang dan Modal dalam Akuntansi Syariah Bab 6 Konsep Laba dalam Akuntansi Syariah Bab 7 Sistem Pelaporan Keuangan Syariah Bab 8 Basis Kas dan Akrual Perspektif Akuntansi Syariah Bab 9 Akuntansi Salam Bab 10 Akuntansi Murabahah Bab 11 Akuntansi Istishna’ Bab 12 Akuntansi Ijarah Bab 13 Akuntansi Mudharabah Bab 14 Akuntansi Musyarakah Bab 15 Akuntansi Zakat, Infak dan Shadaqa