636 research outputs found

    Qrasi Pengukuhan Ahli Peneliti Utama(apu) Pelajaran Terpetik Dari Mendalami Bambu Indonesia Untuk Pengembangannya Di Masa Depan [Experience Taken From a Depth Study on Indonesian Bamboo for the Future Development]

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    Al Qur'an menjelaskan bahwa manusia sebagai khalifah Allah di mukabumi telah diajarNya memberi nama pada benda-benda di sekitarnya. Berarti manusia telah diberi kemampuan melakukan klasifikasi untuk memanfaatkan semua benda yangberanekaragam di sekelilingnya bagi kepentingandan untuk kemakmuran bumi secara bertanggungjawab empat jenis bambu yang sangat berbeda tetapioleh Backer (1928) dan Monod de Froideville (1968) sisatukan menjadi Gigantochloa verticillataBerdasarkan spesimen herbarium bahwa keempat jenis tersebut tersimpan dibawah jenis Gigantochloa verticillata .Setelahdilakukan analisa morfologi semua jenis yangbergabung .Berbagai irisan penampang buluh dan daundibuat, dan ternyata bahwa kulit buluh dapat digunakanuntuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan tersebut. Penelitianitu menghasilkan sebuah publikasi (Widjaja, 1977)yang mengungkapkan identitas dan nama ilmiah jenisbambu untuk angklung.Berdasarkan pengalaman dalam mengungkapkanidentitas bambu angklung menunjukkan perlunya dilakukan penelitian revisi marga Gigantochlo

    High Plasma Tnf-? Levels And Mononuclear Cells Inos And Tnf-? Expression AS Risk Factors For Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

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    Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN) is one of the most common and annoyingcomplications of diabetes mellitus. The pathogenesis of PDN is complex and still unclear.Recently it has become clear that nitric oxide (NO) and proinflammatory cytokines playan important role in the pathogenesis and maintenance of pain in PDN. Based on thisphenomenon, this study was conducted to investigate whether the cytokine tumornecrosis factor-alpha (TNF-?) and NO, in this case inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase(iNOS), play a role in PDN pathogenesis.The study was carried in two steps. The first step was a cross sectional and thesecond step was a case-control study. The study was performed in 110 type-2 diabeticpatients. The plasma TNF-? levels were determined by ELISA while the expression ofTNF-? and iNOS in mononuclear cells were analyzed immunohistochemically.Of 110 subjects, 59 patients suffered from Painful DN (case) and the remaining51 patients were Painless DN (control). Cross sectionally, plasma TNF-? levels andimmunoreactivity for iNOS and TNF-? were higher in patients with more severe pain inthe Visual Analog Scale (VAS). There were statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between mild and severe pain in regard to TNF-? level (15.24 pg/ml ± 5.42 vs.20.44 pg/ml ± 10.34 ); to iNOS immunoreactivity (9.72 % ± 8.61 vs. 15.6% ± 11.84); andto TNF-? immunoreactivity (13.0 % ± 9. 48 vs. 20.44% ± 11.75).The case control study showed that TNF-? had an odd ratio of 5.053 [CI 95%(2.241-11.392); p < 0.001]. TNF-? immunoreactivity of 4.125 [CI 95% (1.805-9.425); p< 0.001]; and iNOS immunoreactivity of 3.546 [CI 95% (1.613-7.795); p = 0.002]. There were correlations between TNF-? level, TNF-? and iNOS immunoreactivity andVAS with coefficient correlation: 0.330; 0.285 and 0.275 (p < 0.05) respectively.It is concluded that Diabetic Neuropathy patients with high TNF-? levels, iNOSand TNF-? immunoreactivity of mononuclear cells have higher risk for painful DN thanpainless DN. The higher TNF-? level, iNOS and TNF-? immunoreactivity the moresevere was the pain. This supports the hypothesis that TNF-? and iNOS have role inPDN pathogenesis. The results of this research could be applied as a basic for furtherresearch in pursuit of better management of PDN

    Pengaruh Mikoriza, Media Tanam Dan Fase Transplant Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jelutung (Dyera Costulata (Miq.) Hook.f)

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    Dyera costulata, usually called as jelutung is belonging into Apocynaceae family.This plant is a potential plant species that has good prospect, especially for timberand latex production. However the seedling grows slowly. The experiment wascarried out in greenhouse, Treub Laboratory, Botani Division, Centre Research forBiology-LIPI, Bogor, using a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with treemain factors in five replications. The first factor is phase of transplant i.e. seedlingwith closed cotyledon, seedling with opened cotyledon, seedling with two firstleaves. The second factor is growth medias i.e. soil, soil+compost (1:1), soil+huskof rice (1:1), soil+compost+ soil+husk of rice (1:1:1), compost+ soil+husk of rice(1:1). The third factor is mycorrhiza i.e. 0, 2, 4 and 6 g/pot The result showed thatthe transplant phase had significant effect on the seedling growth. The best oftransplant phase is seedling with two leaves which has 100% survival, seedlingheight 8.57 cm and number of leaves 5.07 . Mycorrhiza treatment no significanteffect on the seedling growth until 5 months after planting. Growth medias hadsignificant effect at number of leaves. Therefore it is recommended the best mediafor seedling growth are are of soil+ soil+husk of rice (1:1) , or soil+compost + huskof rice = 1:1:1. There was no interaction effect of transplant phase, mycorrhizaand growth media

    Morphotectonic Analysis at Tanimbar Trench as a Base for Gas Pipe Laying Between Masela Block and Selaru Island, Moluccas Province

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    The study area is located at Masela Block and its surrounding, Moluccas Province. Result of the deep sea measurement and global data conversion provide description of three dimensions around the track lines area. This result is overlay with seismic data, that can give morphotectonic implication between Asian and Australian Plates. Track lines of MGI-2010-MSL-1, 2 and 3 show that the profile of the sea floor, form the high morphology which represents the volcanic islands. It forms west – east direction of fold-thrust belt non-volcanic outer Banda arc. The southern part trench of the Australian Continent reflected the platform system and undulation morphology. The sea floor profile ( VE 1:5 ) show that the slope profile ranges between 0º and 8º. Furthermore, the morphology of the sea floor can be classified as a relatively flat slope. Due to this condition, this area may be used for gas pipe laying along 146 km distance, between the Well of Abadi 1 at the Masela Block and Selaru Island at south Tanimbar Islands. Keywords: sea depth, sea floor morphology, seismic profile, tectonic, Masela Block Daerah penelitian terletak di Blok Masela dan sekitarnya, Provinsi Maluku. Hasil pengukuran kedalaman laut dan konversi data global diperoleh gambaran tiga dimensi di sekitar jalur lintasan. Hasil ini kemudian ditumpangtindihkan dengan data seismik, sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran morfologi dan implikasi tektonik antara Lempeng Asia dan Australia. Pada Lintasan MGI-2010-MSL-1, 2 dan 3, menunjukkan profil kedalaman dasar laut membentuk morfologi tinggian yang mewakili pulau-pulau vulkanik. Kondisi ini membentuk suatu jalur punggungan lipatan sesar naik non vulkanik Busur Luar Banda berarah barat – timur. Di bagian selatan palung, mewakili Benua Australia; menunjukkan suatu sistem paparan dan morfologi undulasi Penampang dasar laut (VE 1 : 5) memperlihatkan bahwa kemiringan lereng berkisar antara 0º dan 8º. Selanjutnya morfologi dasar laut ini dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai lereng yang relative landai. Berdasarkan kondisi ini daerah ini kemungkinan dapat digunakan untuk peletakan pipa gas sepanjang 146 km, antara Sumur Abadi 1 di Blok Marsela dan Pulau Selaru di sebelah selatan Pulau Tanimbar. Kata kunci: kedalaman laut, morfologi dasar laut, enampang seismik, tektonik, Blok Masel

    Pengembangan Sapi Potong Berbasis Industri Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

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    Industri perkebunan kelapa sawit menyimpan potensi sumber dayapakan yang besar untuk pengembangan ternak ruminansia khususnyasapi. Integrasi sapi dengan kelapa sawit memunculkan tigakegiatan terpadu sekaligus, yaitu 1) industri pakan ternak berbasishasil samping perkebunan kelapa sawit, 2) USAha perkembangbiakansapi (cow calf operation), dan 3) penggemukan sapi potong.Potensi sumber daya pakan dari industri kelapa sawit meliputi daundan pelepah kelapa sawit sebagai sumber serat dan hasil sampingpabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit (PKS) seperti solid sawit/lumpursawit dan bungkil inti sawit sebagai sumber protein. Inovasiteknologi Badan Litbang Pertanian pemanfaatan bahan pakan dariindustri sawit telah tersedia dan dapat diterapkan pengguna dilapangan. Usaha sapi potong dengan pola integrasi sawit-sapimenguntungkan dan berpeluang dikembangkan. Demikian pulapenggemukan sapi potong di dekat PKS memiliki prospek yangbaik sehingga dapat diterapkan di lokasi lain. Kegiatan ini dapatmembuka peluang USAha bagi karyawan kebun dan pabrik kelapasawit melalui koperasi. Pengembangan ternak berbasis industrikelapa sawit meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas ternakmaupun tanaman kelapa sawit. Namun, penerapannya masih terbatassehingga memerlukan dukungan dan komitmen dari berbagaipihak, yaitu petani, pengusaha/investor, perbankan, peneliti, sertapemerintah daerah dan pusat. Sosialisasi kepada pelaku USAhaperkebunan kelapa sawit harus dilakukan pada level pengambilkeputusan agar ada pemahaman yang benar tentang integrasi sawitsapidan model pengembangannya

    Analisis Beban Kerja (Workload) Dan Kinerja Karyawan Housekeeping Di Hotel X, Surabaya

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    : This study discusses about the influence of employee workload on the performance of the Housekeeping employee. The methods used in this study are Work Sampling and NASA-TLX. For analyzing technique, this research is using a simple linear regression to know if there is a relationship between workload and performance The independent variable in this study is workload and the dependent variable is performance. From this research, it is revealed that the employee workload has a negative and significant relationship on the Housekeeping employee performance. This study also showed how many employees should be allocated to complete the work within a specified period of time using the workload calculating formula of the Minister of Administrative Reform of Indonesia

    Designing Information Systems for Transaction and Production Data Management A&N convection

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    Many companies have implemented technology in conducting their business, one of them is by using information systems in managing their business. The business process that runs on the Konveksi A&N is still manual because the Konveksi A&N has not implemented or is familiar with information systems like other companies has. This causes all the data collection process of goods, production, and transactions are all documented in different books, making it possible for errors in recording and calculating the data. In addition, the owner also needs to come directly to the location to find out new data or updated data where this takes more time. This research aims to establish a web-based system that can make business processes in Konveksi A&N more effective. This web-based system will be built using a system development methodology in the form of a prototyping method that uses the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language. System modeling was developed using UML 2.5, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. The final result of this study is a website-shaped information system that can document all data contained in the Konveksi A&N such as the existence of a master data that contains all the data of convection, production data, and also transaction data to facilitate the owner in checking back all activities that are occurs in Konveksi A&N. There are also some reports about the transaction that can display information related to data contained in the system

    The Office Room Security System Using Face Recognition Based on Viola-Jones Algorithm and RBFN

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    The university as an educational institution can apply technology in the campus environment. Currently, the security system for office space that is integrated with digital data has been somewhat limited. The main problem is that office space security items are not guaranteed as there might be outsiders who can enter the office. Therefore, this study aims to develop a system using biometric (face) recognition based on Viola-Jones and Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) algorithm to ensure office room security. Based on the results, the system developed shows that object detection can work well with an object detection rate of 80%. This system has a pretty good accuracy because the object matching success is 73% of the object detected. The final result obtained from this study is a prototype development for office security using face recognition features that are useful to improve safety and comfort for occupants of office space (due to the availability of access rights) so that not everyone can enter the office.The university as an educational institution can apply technology in the campus environment. Currently, the security system for office space that is integrated with digital data has been somewhat limited. The main problem is that office space security items are not guaranteed as there might be outsiders who can enter the office. Therefore, this study aims to develop a system using biometric (face) recognition based on Viola-Jones and Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) algorithm to ensure office room security. Based on the results, the system developed shows that object detection can work well with an object detection rate of 80%. This system has a pretty good accuracy because the object matching success is 73% of the object detected. The final result obtained from this study is a prototype development for office security using face recognition features that are useful to improve safety and comfort for occupants of office space (due to the availability of access rights) so that not everyone can enter the office
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