787 research outputs found

    The Dirichlet Super-p-Branes in Ten-Dimensional Type IIA and IIB Supergravity

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    We give the full supersymmetric and kappa-symmetric actions for the Dirichlet p-branes, including their coupling to background superfields of ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity.Comment: 24 pages, plain TeX. Replacement corrects text positioning in automatically generated postscript fil

    Synthetic magnetism for photon fluids

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    We develop a theory of artificial gauge fields in photon fluids for the cases of both second-order and third-order optical nonlinearities. This applies to weak excitations in the presence of pump fields carrying orbital angular momentum, and is thus a type of Bogoliubov theory. The resulting artificial gauge fields experienced by the weak excitations are an interesting generalization of previous cases and reflect the PT-symmetry properties of the underlying non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We illustrate the observable consequences of the resulting synthetic magnetic fields for examples involving both second-order and third-order nonlinearities

    Low-Temperature Scaling Regime of Random Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains

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    Using the Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo Loop algorithm, we calculate the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility, and the specific heat of a spin-1/2 chain with random antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic couplings, down to very low temperatures. Our data show a consistent scaling behavior in both quantities and support strongly the conjecture drawn from the approximative real-space renormalization group treatment. A statistical analysis scheme is developed which will be useful for the search scaling behavior in numerical and experimental data of random spin chains.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    Monte Carlo Study of the Separation of Energy Scales in Quantum Spin 1/2 Chains with Bond Disorder

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    One-dimensional Heisenberg spin 1/2 chains with random ferro- and antiferromagnetic bonds are realized in systems such as Sr3CuPt1xIrxO6Sr_3 CuPt_{1-x} Ir_x O_6. We have investigated numerically the thermodynamic properties of a generic random bond model and of a realistic model of Sr3CuPt1xIrxO6Sr_3 CuPt_{1-x} Ir_x O_6 by the quantum Monte Carlo loop algorithm. For the first time we demonstrate the separation into three different temperature regimes for the original Hamiltonian based on an exact treatment, especially we show that the intermediate temperature regime is well-defined and observable in both the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility. The crossover between the regimes is indicated by peaks in the specific heat. The uniform magnetic susceptibility shows Curie-like behavior in the high-, intermediate- and low-temperature regime, with different values of the Curie constant in each regime. We show that these regimes are overlapping in the realistic model and give numerical data for the analysis of experimental tests.Comment: 7 pages, 5 eps-figures included, typeset using JPSJ.sty, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, Vol. 3. (1999

    Phase-Insensitive Scattering of Terahertz Radiation

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    The nonlinear interaction between Near-Infrared (NIR) and Terahertz pulses is principally investigated as a means for the detection of radiation in the hardly accessible THz spectral region. Most studies have targeted second-order nonlinear processes, given their higher efficiencies, and only a limited number have addressed third-order nonlinear interactions, mainly investigating four-wave mixing in air for broadband THz detection. We have studied the nonlinear interaction between THz and NIR pulses in solid-state media (specifically diamond), and we show how the former can be frequency-shifted up to UV frequencies by the scattering from the nonlinear polarisation induced by the latter. Such UV emission differs from the well-known electric-field-induced second harmonic (EFISH) one, as it is generated via a phase-insensitive scattering, rather than a sum- or difference-frequency four-wave-mixing process

    Aperiodic quantum XXZ chains: Renormalization-group results

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    We report a comprehensive investigation of the low-energy properties of antiferromagnetic quantum XXZ spin chains with aperiodic couplings. We use an adaptation of the Ma-Dasgupta-Hu renormalization-group method to obtain analytical and numerical results for the low-temperature thermodynamics and the ground-state correlations of chains with couplings following several two-letter aperiodic sequences, including the quasiperiodic Fibonacci and other precious-mean sequences, as well as sequences inducing strong geometrical fluctuations. For a given aperiodic sequence, we argue that in the easy-plane anisotropy regime, intermediate between the XX and Heisenberg limits, the general scaling form of the thermodynamic properties is essentially given by the exactly-known XX behavior, providing a classification of the effects of aperiodicity on XXZ chains. We also discuss the nature of the ground-state structures, and their comparison with the random-singlet phase, characteristic of random-bond chains.Comment: Minor corrections; published versio

    An auditory, acoustic, articulatory and sociophonetic study of Swedish Viby-i

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    The study investigates the acoustic, articulatory and sociophonetic properties of the Swedish /iː/ variant known as 'Viby-i' in 13 speakers of Central Swedish from Stockholm, Gothenburg, Varberg, Jönköping and Katrineholm. The vowel is described in terms of its auditory quality, its acoustic F1 and F2 values, and its tongue configuration. A brief, qualitative description of lip position is also included. Variation in /iː/ production is mapped against five sociolinguistic factors: city, dialectal region, metropolitan vs. urban location, sex and socioeconomic rating. Articulatory data is collected using ultrasound tongue imaging (UTI), for which the study proposes and evaluates a methodology. The study shows that Viby-i varies in auditory strength between speakers, and that strong instances of the vowel are associated with a high F1 and low F2, a trend which becomes more pronounced as the strength of Viby-i increases. The articulation of Viby-i is characterised by a lowered and backed tongue body, sometimes accompanied by a double-bunched tongue shape. The relationship between tongue position and acoustic results appears to be non-linear, suggesting either a measurement error or the influence of additional articulatory factors. Preliminary images of the lips show that Viby-i is produced with a spread but lax lip posture. The lip data also reveals parts of the tongue, which in many speakers appears to be extremely fronted and braced against the lower teeth, or sometimes protruded, when producing Viby-i. No sociophonetic difference is found between speakers from different cities or dialect regions. Metropolitan speakers are found to have an auditorily and acoustically stronger Viby-i than urban speakers, but this pattern is not matched in tongue backing or lowering. Overall the data shows a weak trend towards higher-class females having stronger Viby-i, but these results are tentative due to the limited size and stratification of the sample. Further research is needed to fully explore the sociophonetic properties of Viby-i

    Spin Waves in Random Spin Chains

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    We study quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with dilute, random antiferromagnetic impurity bonds with modified spin-wave theory. By describing thermal excitations in the language of spin waves, we successfully observe a low-temperature Curie susceptibility due to formation of large spin clusters first predicted by the real-space renormalization-group approach, as well as a crossover to a pure ferromagnetic spin chain behavior at intermediate and high temperatures. We compare our results of the modified spin-wave theory to quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 3 pages, 3 eps figures, submitted to the 47th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    Kaon Condensation in the Bound-State Approach to the Skyrme Model

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    We explore kaon condensation using the bound-state approach to the Skyrme model on a 3-sphere. The condensation occurs when the energy required to produce a KK^- falls below the electron fermi level. This happens at the baryon number density on the order of 3--4 times nuclear density.Comment: LaTeX format, 15 pages. 3 Postscript figures, compressed and uuencode