176 research outputs found

    The formation of practice-oriented research activity of teachers in the regional educational environment (analysis of the experience of the tyumen region)

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    The article considers the problem of forming practice-oriented research activities of teachers in the context of modernization of the national teacher education. On the analysis of the educational experience of the Tyumen region considers the role of regional educational environment in the implementation of new integration approaches in the training of teachers. The structure and main components of the regional educational environment, the basic directions and ways of its realizationВ статье рассматривается проблема формирования практико-ориентированной исследовательской деятельности педагогов в условиях модернизации национального педагогического образования. На анализе образовательного опыта Тюменской области рассматривается роль региональной образовательной среды в реализации новых интеграционных подходов в профессиональной подготовке педагогов. Представлены структура и основные компоненты региональной образовательной среды, обозначены основные направления и способы реализации ее потенциал


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    The article makes an attempt to outline the range of issues and perspective directions of teachers’ professional training at postgraduate courses in accordance with the actual problems of linguistic education at school in the context of contemporary socio-cultural situation, which is characterized by the expansion of information and communication fields, change in types of culture and the crisis of speech standard; to define the reasons of the insufficient quality of language education, which today has a fragmented, unsystematic character; to prove the necessity to change the attitude of students and teachers to language. The overview analysis of the philosophy of language, psychological and pedagogical approaches to the language as a holistic construct to form sense and creativity, means to express public consciousness, energy and spirit of the people, identifies the basic functions and value (instrumental, world forming, mental) of the language in the formation of a personality. The article proves that linguistic development at school should be based on a deep understanding of the spiritual nature of language, the conscious relation to language as mental spiritual values, the integrator of culture and universal instrument of world creation, cultural self construction of a personality.В статье предпринята попытка очертить круг задач и перспективные направления профессиональной подготовки педагогов на курсах повышения квалификации в соответствии с актуальными проблемами языкового образования в школе в контексте современной социокультурной ситуации, которая характеризуется расширением информационно-коммуникативного поля, сменой типов культур и кризисом культуры слова; обозначить причины недостаточного качества языкового образования, которое носит сегодня фрагментарный, бессистемный характер; доказать необходимость изменения отношения к языку обучающихся и педагогов. На обзорном анализе философии языка, известных психолого-педагогических подходов к языку как целостному смыслоформирующему и смыслотворческому конструкту, носителю и выразителю общественного сознания, энергии и духа народа выявляются основные функции и значение (инструментальное, миромоделирующее, ментальное) языка в становлении личности. В статье доказывается, что языковое развитие в школе должно базироваться на глубинном понимании духовной сущности языка, осознанном отношении к языку как ментальной духовной ценности, интегратору культуры и универсальному инструменту миросозидания, культурного самостроительства личности

    Allowable and critical risks of the Arctic development in terms of global climate change

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    The Arctic development is accompanied by different high risks which basically arise due to natural and technogenic factors. The changes in the Arctic cryosphere are commonly considered the most serious ones by the international scientific community. In our study we regard the changes in Arctic cryosphere as natural risks. Due to the fact that complex ice conditions, on the one hand, present the serious obstacle to Arctic resources development and, on the other hand, serve as indicator of alarming global climate change, the current research proposes the risk analysis based on the analytical model, with the risks being classified by their level of impact


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    The article presents the results of longitude research aimed at the study of axiological sphere of personality of intellectually gifted young professional psychologists. The peculiarities of life values and their dynamics were identified and studied. We reviewed the structure of value system and showed their dynamics. This research used longitudinal and cross-sectional methods and testing. The formation and development of life values is inseparably linked with the level of intelligence. Intellectually gifted psychologists have distinctive differences in the structure of their life values and they aim at fulfilling their potential at a higher degree in all spheres of life. Reliability of the results was provided by statistical data analysis, including the use of nonparametric tests: Mann-Whitney U-test, Student's t-test

    Depression, cognitive dysfunction and other factors associated with 5-year overall mortality in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a pilot prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Psychological predictors of overall mortality in the Russian population of Type 2 diabetic patients and their impact compared to biological risk factors have not been studied.AIM. To identify clinical, laboratory and psychological factors independently associated with the 5-year overall mortality in Type 2 diabetic patients in the Moscow region.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This open label observational prospective study included 178 consecutive type 2 diabetic patients (women 145, men 33, age range 37 to 82 years, duration of diabetes 0,5 to 30 years). At baseline, in addition to the standard clinical, laboratory and instrumental work-up, all patients were assessed for depression, cognitive dysfunction and diabetes-related quality of life. No study-related intervention was performed; all patients were followed up and treated by their local physicians. After 5 years, we assessed the patients’ vital status (alive or dead). Multiple logistic regression was used to identify baseline patients’ characteristics, which were significantly and independently associated with 5-year overall mortality. Taking into account the exploratory type of multiple regression, the results were considered significant at α<0.1.RESULTS: At 5 years, 150 (84%) patients were alive and 15 (8,4%) were dead; no information could be obtained for the rest 13 (7,3%) patients. The analysis of 165 patients with the verified outcome, independent and significant associations with the death outcome were found for male gender (odds ratio [OR] 6,36 [95%CI 0,91–44.40]; p=0.06), age (OR 2.06 [1.30–3.27]; p<0.002), chronic heart failure (CHF) (OR 2.78 [1.25–6.2]; р=0.012), Hamilton depression scale score (OR 1,18 [1.03–1.34]; р=0.016), cognitive dysfunction score (Roschina scale) (OR 1.20 [1.05–1.35]; р=0.006), and age — body mass index interaction (OR 0,98 [0,97–0,997]; р = 0,013). The predicted probability of death within the next 5 years in men and women was 22,9% and 6,7%, respectively. The highest score of cognitive dysfunction was associated with a 25% predicted probability of death and the lowest, with a 2% probability of death; predicted probabilities of death for the highest and lowest depression scores were 26% and 2%, respectively. The 5-year predicted probability of death in the patients without CHF was 6,7%, with CHF I NYHA functional class, 9,8%, II functional class 13,6%, III functional class 18,2%, and IV functional class 23,5%. All other baseline clinical, laboratory, demographic, psychological and socioeconomic variables were not significantly associated with the 5-year survival rate. The model was not verified on an external cohort.CONCLUSION: Cognitive dysfunction and depression have a significant negative impact on the 5-year mortality rate at much higher degree, than glycemic control, any diabetes-related complications and cardiovascular disorders, excluding CHF. The results obtained highlight the importance of the diagnosis and treatment of depression and cognitive dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Pandemic challenge for staff training and development systems

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    The digital economy has predetermined the priority of digital transformation of all company processes, including staff training and development. But, not all companies have been able to adjust quickly in the face of the digitalisation of their processes by advanced companies. However, the pandemic COVID-19 radically changed the situation, forcing everyone to urgently switch to a remote work format and introduce digital methods for training and developing staff. The article presents an analysis of the peculiarities of accelerated digital transformation of staff training and development in Russian and foreign companies, and staff assessment during the pandemic. The most frequently used digital methods and approaches to staff development and assessment have been analysed, the main trends in corporate training in Russia and worldwide have been identified, and recommendations for improving digital transformation of training and personnel development in the current environment have been offered

    Effect of exogenous melatonin on the antioxidant defense system in the liver and small intestine of the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

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    Background. Due to the growing light pollution and the development of new territories, including northern ones, the search for drugs that increase the adaptive capacity of the organism is promising.The aim. We studied the effects of the exogenous melatonin (100 µg/day/animal) on antioxidant status of liver and small intestine in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) in the light conditions of North-West of Russia (Petrozavodsk, northern lighting – NL).Materials and methods. Female hamsters were exposed to a 12/12 light/dark cycle (LD; n = 12) or NL for 3 months. In NL light conditions hamsters were divided into two groups: NL-control (received placebo; n = 12) and NL-mel (received melatonin; n = 12). The study was conducted from the period of the summer solstice – June 25 (NL: 19.36/4.24) to September 25 (NL: 12/12) (autumn equinox).Results. Animals were kept in the NL conditions had decreased the levels of GSH and activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase) at initial stage of experiment as well as increased TBA reactive substances (TBARS) level at the beginning and after a month of the experiment in the liver in comparison to control (LD). It was observed that in the small intestine the activities of SOD and the levels of GSH (initial and intermediate stages) and TBARS (end of the experiment) were significantly higher in NL in comparison to LD. Liver and small intestine TBARS concentrations after one and three months of the experiment were decreased in NL-mel in comparison to NL-control.Conclusion. The results of the study indicate the sensitivity of the antioxidant defense system in the tissues of the liver and small intestine of Syrian hamster to the photoperiod and exogenous melatonin. The present study revealed that exogenous melatonin was able to reduce the level of TBARS and increase the activity of SOD and CAT in the light conditions of North-West of Russia

    Effects of experimental domestication of silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) on vocal behaviour

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    This paper systematizes and generalizes a research cycle devoted to studying the acoustics and vocal behaviour of silver foxes that differ in their tolerance to humans. The research revealed that 50-year selection for tameness toward people resulted in selective use by Tame foxes toward humans of two call types, pant and cackle. At the same time, the selected for aggression toward people Aggressive foxes and the non-selected for behaviour Control foxes, selectively use toward humans cough and snort. Thus, call types representing vocal indicators of friendly and aggressive behaviour of foxes toward humans have been revealed by the research. Nevertheless, experimental domestication did not change vocal behaviour of foxes toward conspecifics; all three strains did not differ by their vocal behaviour toward same-strain silver foxes. Relationship has been investigated between vocal behaviour and degree of tolerance toward people for hybrids between Tame and Aggressive foxes and for backcrosses to Tame and Aggressive foxes. Effect was estimated between fox sex and the degree of human impact on focal fox for variables of fox vocal behaviour. The research revealed the universal for mammals vocal indicators of emotional arousal that are independent of the emotional valence. Characteristics of vocal behaviour that are related with positive and negative emotional valence have been revealed. A simple and effective method for estimating animal discomfort based on ”joint calls” that takes into account the characteristics of all calls irrespective of their acoustic structure has been revealed. The obtained results provide a basis for further comparative studies of the acoustic structure and vocal behaviour for other taxa of the genus Vulpes and the related canid genera (Canis, Cuon, Lycaon)