8 research outputs found

    Subliminal stimuli in the near absence of attention influence top-down cognitive control

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    Recent research has shown that visual stimuli can influence cognitive control functions, even if subjects are unaware of the identity of the stimuli. However, in those previous studies, subjects actively attended to the location of the subliminal stimuli. Here we assessed the role of endogenous spatial attention in such paradigms. We required subjects to quickly prepare for one of two numerical judgment tasks on the basis of the direction of motion in patches of moving dots presented in cued spatial locations. We found that irrelevant motion patches presented in the uncued spatial locations also influenced task performance. Motion in the uncued patches was weak and did not affect the perception of the cued patches. Further analyses suggested that the effect of priming by the uncued stimuli was present even for subjects who could only discriminate such stimuli at chance level. Three additional experiments confirmed that subjects paid minimal attention to the uncued locations, in that the subjects could not perform simple discriminations of conjunctions of features in those locations

    Altered visual feedback from an embodied avatar unconsciously influences movement amplitude and muscle activity

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    Evidence suggests that the sense of the position of our body parts can be surreptitiously deceived, for instance through illusory visual inputs. However, whether altered visual feedback during limb movement can induce substantial unconscious motor and muscular adjustments is not known. To address this question, we covertly manipulated virtual body movements in immersive virtual reality. Participants were instructed to flex their elbow to 90° while tensing an elastic band, as their virtual arm reproduced the same, a reduced (75°), or an amplified (105°) movement. We recorded muscle activity using electromyography, and assessed body ownership, agency and proprioception of the arm. Our results not only show that participants compensated for the avatar’s manipulated arm movement while being completely unaware of it, but also that it is possible to induce unconscious motor adaptations requiring significant changes in muscular activity. Altered visual feedback through body ownership illusions can influence motor performance in a process that bypasses awareness

    Los espacios eróticos en Prosas profanas de Rubén Darío

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    Esta ponencia se propone estudiar algunos de los espacios presentes en Prosas profanas de Rubén Darío. A partir de las apreciaciones propuestas por Claude Calame en Eros en la Antigua Grecia quien distingue los espacios de la pólis desde lo femenino y desde lo masculino. Estos últimos, están integrados en la ciudad y son propios de Eros y los primeros están en los prados, confundidos con jardines, llenos de flores, ámbitos donde comienzan los juegos eróticos para pasar a los jardines de Afrodita en los que se da la transición de la adolescencia a la madurez sexual (Calame, 2002, p. 160). Así también, en la poesía del nicaragüense los espacios, como los jardines versallescos, palacios o salones, son los que albergan al erotismo y a las figuras femeninas que analizamos detenidamente en consonancia con la tradición clásica. La Belleza sobrenatural de las diosas grecorromanas y la belleza femenina en general van a conducir y traducir a la poesía misma y a eso apunta nuestro trabajo. Veremos así, cómo la elección de Eros en vez de Venus o al revés nos marcan el camino para una lectura de la concepción erótica del poeta, un itinerario hacia la consumación del amor o hacia la conquista y los juegos del deseo

    Virtual Reality Reveals Mechanisms of Balance and Locomotor Impairments

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    This chapter reviews how VR can be used to investigate normal and disturbed mechanisms of balance and locomotor control. Loss of upright balance control resulting in falls is a major health problem for older adults and stroke survivors. Balance and mobility deficits arise not only from motor or sensory impairments but also from the inability to select and reweight pertinent sensory information. In particular, the role of the vestibular system and effects of age and stroke on the ability of the central nervous system to resolve sensory conflicts is emphasized, as well as the potential for rehabilitation protocols that include training in virtual environments to improve balance