1,110 research outputs found
The SU(n) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection
We study the SU(n) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection.
Our approach is based on the free field approach. We construct the free field
realizations of the boundary state and its dual. For an application of these
realizations, we present integral representations for the form factors of the
local operators.Comment: LaTEX2e file, 27 page
Difference equations for the higher rank XXZ model with a boundary
The higher rank analogue of the XXZ model with a boundary is considered on
the basis of the vertex operator approach. We derive difference equations of
the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type for 2N-point correlations of the model.
We present infinite product formulae of two point functions with free boundary
condition by solving those difference equations with N=1.Comment: LaTEX 16 page
First results in terrain mapping for a roving planetary explorer
To perform planetary exploration without human supervision, a complete autonomous rover must be able to model its environment while exploring its surroundings. Researchers present a new algorithm to construct a geometric terrain representation from a single range image. The form of the representation is an elevation map that includes uncertainty, unknown areas, and local features. By virtue of working in spherical-polar space, the algorithm is independent of the desired map resolution and the orientation of the sensor, unlike other algorithms that work in Cartesian space. They also describe new methods to evaluate regions of the constructed elevation maps to support legged locomotion over rough terrain
The Gauge Hierarchy Problem and Higher Dimensional Gauge Theories
We report on an attempt to solve the gauge hierarchy problem in the framework
of higher dimensional gauge theories. Both classical Higgs mass and
quadratically divergent quantum correction to the mass are argued to vanish.
Hence the hierarchy problem in its original sense is solved. The remaining
finite mass correction is shown to depend crucially on the choice of boundary
condition for matter fields, and a way to fix it dynamically is presented. We
also point out that on the simply-connected space even the finite mass
correction vanishes.Comment: LaTeX2e. 12 pages, 3 Postscript figures; Added references, some
Cosmological constraints on dark matter models with velocity-dependent annihilation cross section
We derive cosmological constraints on the annihilation cross section of dark
matter with velocity-dependent structure, motivated by annihilating dark matter
models through Sommerfeld or Breit-Wigner enhancement mechanisms. In models
with annihilation cross section increasing with decreasing dark matter
velocity, big-bang nucleosynthesis and cosmic microwave background give
stringent constraints.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures; Added reference
QCD Correction to Neutralino Annihilation Process and Dark Matter Density in Supersymmetric Models
We calculate QCD correction to the neutralino annihilation cross section into
quark anti-quark final state and discuss its implications to the calculation of
neutralino relic density. We see that the QCD correction enhances the
pair-annihilation cross section by O(10 %) when final-state quarks are
non-relativistic. Consequently, when the lightest neutralinos dominantly
annihilate into a t\bar{t} pair, the relic density of the lightest neutralino
is significantly affected by the QCD correction, in particular when the
lightest-neutralino mass is close to the top-quark mass.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
Location-Specific Cortical Activation Changes during Sleep after Training for Perceptual Learning
Visual perceptual learning is defined as performance enhancement on a sensory task and is distinguished from
other types of learning and memory in that it is highly specific for location of the trained stimulus. The location specificity has been shown to be paralleled by enhancement in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signal in the trained region of V1 after visual training. Although recently the role of sleep in strengthening visual perceptual learning has attracted much attention, its underlying neural mechanism has yet to be clarified. Here, for the first time, fMRI measurement of human V1 activation was conducted concurrently with a polysomnogram during sleep with and without preceding training for visual perceptual learning. As a result of predetermined region-of-interest analysis of V1, activation enhancement during non-rapid-eye-movement
sleep after training was observed specifically in the trained region of V1. Furthermore, improvement of task
performance measured subsequently to the post-training sleep session was significantly correlated with the amount
of the trained-region-specific fMRI activation in V1 during sleep. These results suggest that as far as V1 is concerned, only the trained region is involved in improving task performance after sleep
Free field approach to diagonalization of boundary transfer matrix : recent advances
We diagonalize infinitely many commuting operators . We call these
operators the boundary transfer matrix associated with the quantum
group and the elliptic quantum group. The boundary transfer matrix is related
to the solvable model with a boundary. When we diagonalize the boundary
transfer matrix, we can calculate the correlation functions for the solvable
model with a boundary. We review the free field approach to diagonalization of
the boundary transfer matrix associated with and
. We construct the free field realizations of the
eigenvectors of the boundary transfer matrix . This paper includes new
unpublished formula of the eigenvector for . It is thought that
this diagonalization method can be extended to more general quantum group
and elliptic quantum group .Comment: To appear in Group 28 : Group Theoretical Method in Physic
Quantum phase transition of dynamical resistance in a mesoscopic capacitor
We study theoretically dynamic response of a mesoscopic capacitor, which
consists of a quantum dot connected to an electron reservoir via a point
contact and capacitively coupled to a gate voltage. A quantum Hall edge state
with a filling factor nu is realized in a strong magnetic field applied
perpendicular to the two-dimensional electron gas. We discuss a noise-driven
quantum phase transition of the transport property of the edge state by taking
into account an ohmic bath connected to the gate voltage. Without the noise,
the charge relaxation for nu>1/2 is universally quantized at R_q=h/(2e^2),
while for nu<1/2, the system undergoes the Kosterlitz-Thouless transtion, which
drastically changes the nature of the dynamical resistance. The phase
transition is facilitated by the noisy gate voltage, and we see that it can
occur even for an integer quantum Hall edge at nu=1. When the dissipation by
the noise is sufficiently small, the quantized value of R_q is shifted by the
bath impedance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, proceeding of the 19th International Conference
on the Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics and
Nanotechnology (HMF-19
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