715 research outputs found

    On the differential geometry of curves in Minkowski space

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    We discuss some aspects of the differential geometry of curves in Minkowski space. We establish the Serret-Frenet equations in Minkowski space and use them to give a very simple proof of the fundamental theorem of curves in Minkowski space. We also state and prove two other theorems which represent Minkowskian versions of a very known theorem of the differential geometry of curves in tridimensional Euclidean space. We discuss the general solution for torsionless paths in Minkowki space. We then apply the four-dimensional Serret-Frenet equations to describe the motion of a charged test particle in a constant and uniform electromagnetic field and show how the curvature and the torsions of the four-dimensional path of the particle contain information on the electromagnetic field acting on the particle.Comment: 10 pages. Typeset using REVTE

    The Generalized Jacobi Equation

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    The Jacobi equation in pseudo-Riemannian geometry determines the linearized geodesic flow. The linearization ignores the relative velocity of the geodesics. The generalized Jacobi equation takes the relative velocity into account; that is, when the geodesics are neighboring but their relative velocity is arbitrary the corresponding geodesic deviation equation is the generalized Jacobi equation. The Hamiltonian structure of this nonlinear equation is analyzed in this paper. The tidal accelerations for test particles in the field of a plane gravitational wave and the exterior field of a rotating mass are investigated. In the latter case, the existence of an attractor of uniform relative radial motion with speed 2−1/2c≈0.7c2^{-1/2}c\approx 0.7 c is pointed out. The astrophysical implications of this result for the terminal speed of a relativistic jet is briefly explored.Comment: LaTeX file, 4 PS figures, 28 pages, revised version, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Schwarzschild and Synge once again

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    We complete the historical overview about the geometry of a Schwarzschild black hole at its horizon by emphasizing the contribution made by J. L. Synge in 1950 to its clarification.Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX, submitted for publication; 2 references, one Note, and an Acknowledgement are adde

    Resonant Metalenses for Breaking the Diffraction Barrier

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    We introduce the resonant metalens, a cluster of coupled subwavelength resonators. Dispersion allows the conversion of subwavelength wavefields into temporal signatures while the Purcell effect permits an efficient radiation of this information in the far-field. The study of an array of resonant wires using microwaves provides a physical understanding of the underlying mechanism. We experimentally demonstrate imaging and focusing from the far-field with resolutions far below the diffraction limit. This concept is realizable at any frequency where subwavelength resonators can be designed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A Snapshot of J. L. Synge

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    A brief description is given of the life and influence on relativity theory of Professor J. L. Synge accompanied by some technical examples to illustrate his style of work

    Mode-sum regularization of the scalar self-force: Formulation in terms of a tetrad decomposition of the singular field

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    We examine the motion in Schwarzschild spacetime of a point particle endowed with a scalar charge. The particle produces a retarded scalar field which interacts with the particle and influences its motion via the action of a self-force. We exploit the spherical symmetry of the Schwarzschild spacetime and decompose the scalar field in spherical-harmonic modes. Although each mode is bounded at the position of the particle, a mode-sum evaluation of the self-force requires regularization because the sum does not converge: the retarded field is infinite at the position of the particle. The regularization procedure involves the computation of regularization parameters, which are obtained from a mode decomposition of the Detweiler-Whiting singular field; these are subtracted from the modes of the retarded field, and the result is a mode-sum that converges to the actual self-force. We present such a computation in this paper. There are two main aspects of our work that are new. First, we define the regularization parameters as scalar quantities by referring them to a tetrad decomposition of the singular field. Second, we calculate four sets of regularization parameters (denoted schematically by A, B, C, and D) instead of the usual three (A, B, and C). As proof of principle that our methods are reliable, we calculate the self-force acting on a scalar charge in circular motion around a Schwarzschild black hole, and compare our answers with those recorded in the literature.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    The Problem of Inertia in Friedmann Universes

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    In this paper we study the origin of inertia in a curved spacetime, particularly the spatially flat, open and closed Friedmann universes. This is done using Sciama's law of inertial induction, which is based on Mach's principle, and expresses the analogy between the retarded far fields of electrodynamics and those of gravitation. After obtaining covariant expressions for electromagnetic fields due to an accelerating point charge in Friedmann models, we adopt Sciama's law to obtain the inertial force on an accelerating mass mm by integrating over the contributions from all the matter in the universe. The resulting inertial force has the form F=−kmaF = -kma, where k<1k < 1 depends on the choice of the cosmological parameters such as ΩM\Omega_{M}, ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda}, and ΩR\Omega_{R} and is also red-shift dependent.Comment: 10 page

    Quasi-local contribution to the scalar self-force: Geodesic Motion

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    We consider a scalar charge travelling in a curved background spacetime. We calculate the quasi-local contribution to the scalar self-force experienced by such a particle following a geodesic in a general spacetime. We also show that if we assume a massless field and a vacuum background spacetime, the expression for the self-force simplifies significantly. We consider some specific cases whose gravitational analog are of immediate physical interest for the calculation of radiation reaction corrected orbits of binary black hole systems. These systems are expected to be detectable by the LISA space based gravitational wave observatory. We also investigate how alternate techniques may be employed in some specific cases and use these as a check on our own results.Comment: Final Phys. Rev. D version. 24 pages, revtex4. Minor typos correcte

    H-theorem for classical matter around a black hole

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    We propose a classical solution for the kinetic description of matter falling into a black hole, which permits to evaluate both the kinetic entropy and the entropy production rate of classical infalling matter at the event horizon. The formulation is based on a relativistic kinetic description for classical particles in the presence of an event horizon. An H-theorem is established which holds for arbitrary models of black holes and is valid also in the presence of contracting event horizons

    Rudiments of Holography

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    An elementary introduction to Maldacena's AdS/CFT correspondence is given, with some emphasis in the Fefferman-Graham construction. This is based on lectures given by one of us (E.A.) at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.Comment: 60 pages, additional misprints corrected, references adde
