20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perendaman Asam Askorbat Dan Natrium Bisulfit Pada Dua Varietas Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia Dan Organoleptik Tepungnya

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    Recently, there is an increase of shallot production in Indonesia. One alternative of flesh shallot processing is shallot powder making which can be used during the off season. The aim of the study was to observe the effect of immersion in ascorbic acid and sodium bisulphite on two varieties of shallot on physical and organoleptic characters of shallot powder. Drying was done using tray dryer. Experimental design used was factorial completely randomised design. The first factor was the type of immersion agent and duration time and the second factor was shallot varieties (Bima and Sembrani). Statistical mean test was using Tukey Honestly Significant (HSD). The result showed that the treatments significantly affected parameters such as moisture content, ascorbic acid, total phenol, anthocyanin, and antioxidant activity, free radical inhibition and color (chroma). From ranking test the best treatment was Bima variety with 0.2% ascorbic acid treatment for 30 min. Characteristic of the best treatment was with moisture content 4.03±0.79 % (w/w), ash content 4.45±0.13 % (w/w), fat content 1.24±0.64 % (w/w), protein content 15.56±0.28 % (w/w), 61.94±4.11 mg/100g, total phenolics 256.39±16.26 ppm, anthocyanins 50.70±2.31 ppm, quercetin 2612.40±408.94 ppm, antioxidant activity ekuivalent, 225.72±4.0 µg/mL, inhibition free radical 83.05±1.69 %, 85.02 hue value (yellowish red) and aroma score 3.2 (strong), brightness score 4.2 (bright) and color 1.25 (pale red)

    Introductory Study on Processing of Fermented Jack Bean (Canavalia Ensiformis)

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    Tempe is a traditional fermented food in Indonesia and it is mainly made from soybean. There is imbalance between demand and supply of soybean for tempe production. Consequently, it has forced Indonesia to import large quantity of soybean to meet the local demand. In term of reducing soybean import, efforts must be done to substitute soybean with other local beans. Of one among many beans, jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) had potency to be developed as material for making tempe. The objective of this research was to study physicochemical characteristics of jackbean tempe and did sensory evaluation. Soaking, drying, dehulling and splitting were applied prior to fermentation. Treatment done was fermentation time (12, 24, 36 and 48 hours). Value of pH, total count, and soluble protein were measured during fermentation process. The fungus grew well and jackbean cake tempe with dense mycelial growth was completely formed after 36 hrs of fermentation period. Soluble protein increased significantly from 0,24-0,26 mg/g during fermention period, indicating that highly active proteolytic enzyme might exist. Sensory evaluation results showed that in the form of fried tempe, sensory properties of jackbean tempe was equivalent to soybean tempe, especially/particulary in terms of color, flavor, acidity, texture and overall acceptability. The results were significant to reduce dependency on soybean import by substituting it in the tempe production in Indonesia KAJIAN AWAL PENGOLAHAN KACANG KORO PEDANG (CANAVALIA ENSIFORMIS) TERFERMENTASITempe merupakan makanan fermentasi tradisional di Indonesia yang utamanya terbuat dari kedelai. Ada ketidakseimbangan antara permintaan dan pasokan kedelai untuk produksi tempe. Akibatnya, Indonesia terpaksa mengimpor kedelai dalam jumlah besar untuk memenuhi permintaan lokal. Dalam rangka mengurangi impor kedelai, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk mengganti kedelai dengan kacangkacangan lokal. Kacang yang memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan bahan baku tempe yaitu kacang koro pedang (Canavalia ensiformis). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mempelajari sifat fisik, kimia dan sensori tempe yang dibuat dari kacang koro pedang. Perlakuan yang diterapkan yaitu waktu fermentasi (12, 24, 36 dan 48 jam). Parameter pengamatan yang diukur yaitu pH, total mikroba dan protein terlarut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kacang koro pedang cocok untuk produksi tempe. Ragi tumbuh dengan baik dengan pertumbuhan miselium padat terbentuk setelah 36 jam periode fermentasi pada tempe koro pedang. Protein terlarut meningkat secara signifikan dari 0,24 sampai 2,60 mg/g selama periode fermentasi, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat aktivitas aktif enzim proteolitik. Hasil analisis sensori memperlihatkan bahwa tempe koro pedang setara dengan tempe kedelai, terutama dalam hal warna, aroma, keasaman, tekstur, dan daya terima khususnya pada tempe yang disajikan setelah digoreng. Penggunaan koro pedang sebagai bahan baku tempe cukup signifikan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor kedelai dengan menggantikannya dalam produksi tempe di Indonesia

    Bioactive Compounds of Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

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    Rambutan, a widely popular tropical fruit encompasses rich amount of bioactive compounds. All parts of this plant (leaves, bark, root, fruits, fruit skin, pulp and seeds) finds traditional usage, and are linked with high therapeutic values. Rambutan fruits parts like that of peel, pulp and seeds have been scientifically investigated in-depth and is reported to encompass high amounts of bioactive compounds (such as polyphenol, flavonoid, alkaloid, essential mineral, dietary fiber). These compounds contribute towards antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-obesity activities. However, literature pertaining towards potential industrial applications (food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical) of rambutan fruits are limited. In the present chapter, it is intended to document some of the interesting research themes published on rambutan fruits, and identify the existing gaps to open up arena for future research work.This chapter theme is based on our ongoing project—VALORTECH, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 810630

    Uji Ketahanan dan Kecukupan Panas terhadap Inaktivasi Populasi Mikroba pada Pasteurisasi Sari Murni Jeruk Siam

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan pengembangan teknologi pengolahan jeruk Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian di lokasi Tebas, Kalimantan Barat. Salah satu keluaran dari kegiatan ini adalah jus jeruk sari murni. Pasteurisasi adalah merupakan tahapan kritis dalam proses pembuatan sari murni jeruk Siam karena menyangkut kecukupan panas yang dihasilkan untuk inaktivasi populasi mikroba. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji ketahanan panas dan kecukupan panas populasi bakteri dan kapang/khamir pada pasteurisasi sari murni jeruk Siam. Uji ketahanan panas populasi mikroba dilakukan dengan metode tabung dengan pemanasan pada kombinasi suhu dan waktu 55,60,65, 70, 75 dan 80oC selama 5,10,15 dan 20 menit. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah mikroba awal dan akhir setelah pemanasan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa populasi bakteri pada sari murni jeruk Siam mempunyai ketahanan panas yang lebih tinggi (nilai z = 46,30oC) daripada populasi kapang/khamir (nilai z = 17,24oC). Nilai P pada suhu referensi 85oC untuk pasteurisasi sari murni jeruk Siam dengan sistem pasteurisasi 3D adalah 11,26 menit. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa untuk memproduksi jus jeruk sari murni di lapang diperlukan proses pasteurisasi pada suhu 85ºC selama 11,26 menit

    Stylistics Analysis on Literature Learning Material of Bahasa Indonesia Curriculum 2016 Sma-ma-smk

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    This study aims to analyze literature learning material Class X SMA-MA-SMK in Curriculum Bahasa Indonesia 2016. The method is descriptive by referring to the stylistics study. The problem is how is the linguistic description of literature learning material above?. The findings can be concluded that the poet uses the single and complex sentences. It also uses the rhetorical sentence, parallelism, repetition, metaphor, and climax in poems. The chosen vocabulary by the author is the common vocabulary which they use in our daily life, however it has special meaning when it is arranged in the form of poetry. The imagination in their poems is very strong. It can be seen through visual, auditory, and tactile.  Keywords: stylistics study, linguistics aspect, literature material, curriculum 201

    Optlmasi Kecukupan Panas pada Pasteurisasi Santan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Mutu Santan yang Dihasilkan

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    Santan mengandung air yang tinggi serta lemak dan protein sehingga menyebabkan produk ini mudah rusak. Hal ini memerlukan teknologi untuk mempertahankannya, salah satu teknologi pengawetan yang telah populer dan murah adalah dengan pasteurisasi. Permasalahannya adalah belum ada data suhu dan waktu pasteurisasi untuk santan, sehingga perlu dihitung kecukupan panas untuk memperoleh kondisi optimal pasteurisasi. Pasteurisasi santan dilakukan pada tiga suhu (65,75 dan 85°C) selama (0,5,10,15 dan 20) menit, kemudian dilakukan penghitungan jumlah mikroba setelah pemanasan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ketahanan panas populasi mikroba santan (nilai D) adalah D65°C = 12,89 menit. D75°C = 10,95 menit, D85°C = 3,55 menit. Perubahan suhu yang menyebabkan reduksi mikroba sebesar satu nilai D (nilai z) adalah 35,71°C. Nilai pasteurisasi (nilai P) santan dengan sistim pasteurisasi 4D adalah 16,3 menit, suhu dan waktu yang optimal untuk pasteurisasi santan adalah 75°C selama 31,2 menit. Pemanasan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, protein, derajat putih, viskositas, bilangan peroksida, total mikroba, stabilitas emulsi, respon kesukaan aroma. Faktor pemanasan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar abu, kadar lemak, bilangan asam dan FFA, penampakan umum serta respon kesukaan warna. Heat Adequacy Optimization On Coconut Milk Pasteurization And The Effect On QualityCoconut milk contains a large number of water, fat and protein that makes the coconut milk perishable. It needs a technique to preserve the coconut milk. One of well known and cheapest preservation method is pasteurization. However there is no data about temperature level and optimum time of pasteurization process of coconut milk. For that reason the heat adequacy of coconut milk to get the optimum time of pasteurization has to be identified. This research was done using three level of temperature (65°C,75°C and 85°C) with five levels of heating time (0.5, 10, 15 and 20 m). The amount of microorganism in pasteurized coconut milk was counted. The results showed that thermal resistant microorganism of coconut milk (D value) are as follows: D65°C = 12.89 m, D75°C = 10.95 m, D85°C = 3.55 m with z alue equal to 35.71°C. P value for 4D coconut milk pasteurization is 16.3 m. The optimum temperature and time of coconut milk pasteurization were 75°C for 31.2 m. Heating treatment significantly affected parameters viz. water content, protein, whiteness degree, viscosity. peroxidation value, total plate count, emulsion stability and liking responses on flavor of coconut milk. However, there was not any significant for ash content, fat acid value, free fatty acid, appearance and liking responses in colour

    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Pasta Tomat Kental dalam Kemasan Botol Plastik dengan Metode Akselerasi

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    Pasta tomat kental merupakan salah satu bentuk olahan konsentrat buah tomat dengan total padatan terlarut tinggi sehingga bersifat kurang voluminous dan memudahkan transportasi serta distribusinya. Untuk menjamin bahwa pasta tomat belum mengalami kerusakan sampai di tangan konsumen, maka diperlukan informasi tentang masa simpan. Salah satu cara untuk menduga umur simpan secara cepat adalah dengan metode Accelerated Storage Studies (ASS) melalui pendekatan metode Arhenius. Ada empat produk pasta tomat yang diduga umur simpannya yaitu K (kontrol: pasta tomat tanpa bahan tambahan), P (pasta tomat ditambah pengawet), PP (pasta tomat ditambah pengawet dan pewarna), PPG (pasta tomat ditambah pengawet, pewarna dan gula). Pasta tomat disimpan dalam tiga suhu yakni suhu 40°C, suhu kamar (28°C) dan ruangan berpendingin udara (20°C). Penelitian diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Analisis dilakukan terhadap parameter mutu kritis yaitu tingkat kecerahan warna dan penerimaan. Analisis dilakukan setiap dua minggu selama delapan minggu penyimpanan. Pasta tomat dengan parameter kritis tingkat kecerahan warna, kontrol mempunyai dugaan umur simpan yang paling lama yaitu pada penyimpanan suhu 7°C, 15°C, 2YC dan 30°C masing-masing mempunyai dugaan umur simpan sebesar 97,93 : 91,90; 85,29 dan 82,32 hari. Sementara berdasarkan parameter kritis penerimaan konsumen, PPG (pasta tomat dengan penambahan pengawet, pewarna dan gula) mempunyai dugaan umur simpan paling lama, pada penyimpanan suhu 7°C, 15°C, 25°C dan 30°C masing-masing mempunyai dugaan umur simpan sebesar 87,72 ; 54,41; 31,05 dan 23,78 hari. Shelf Life Prediction Of Heavy Tomato Paste In Plastic Bottle Using Accelerated Storage MethodHeavy tomato paste is a concentrated product having high total soluble solid (TSS) so that it is less voluminous easy for transportation and distribution. Information on product shelf life is required to ensure that product is recei ved by consumers in excellent condition. An accelerated storage studies (ASS) with Arrhenius model was developed to predict the product shelf life. Four different types of product were employed in this study, i.e. tomato paste without preservatives and colourants (K), tomato paste with preservatives (P), tomato paste with preservatives and colourants (PP), and tomato paste with preservatives, colourant and sugar (PPG). The products were kept at 40"C, 28°C and 20°C, and the experiments were done in triplicates. Parameters observed were colour lightness and consumers acceptance. The product were analysed every two weeks for eight weeks of storage. In term of colour ligtness, K had the longest predicted shelf life at 7°C, 15°C, 25°C and 30°C with the shelf lives 97.93 : 91.90; 85.29 and 82.32 days, respectively. PPG had the longest predicted shelf life in terms of consumers acceptance at 7°C, 15'C, 25°C, 30'C with the shelf lives 87.72 ; 54.41, 31.05 and 23.78 days, respecttively. These results were confirmed with results of normal storage experiments