3,710 research outputs found

    Quantum-measurement backaction from a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a mechanical oscillator

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    We study theoretically the dynamics of a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a macroscopic mechanical membrane magnetically coupled to a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate via a nanomagnet attached at the membrane center. We demonstrate that this coupling permits us to monitor indirectly the center-of-mass position of the membrane via measurements of the spin of the condensed atoms. These measurements normally induce a significant backaction on the membrane motion, which we quantify for the cases of thermal and coherent initial states of the membrane. We discuss the possibility of measuring this quantum backaction via repeated measurements. We also investigate the potential to generate nonclassical states of the membrane, in particular Schrödinger-cat states, via such repeated measurements

    Application of Problem Based Learning and Mastery Learning to Multimedia Education

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    The current state of education and the workforce demands a special kind of learner capable of creativity, communicating effectively, analytical skill application, critical thinking, and problem solving. Whereas these skills are important, it is also a necessity for learners to be masters of the knowledge and skills that they have acquired. Traditional educational methods have proven to be somewhat ineffective in producing these results. Problem based learning has proven worthy in handling some of the load, however, mastery learning has been abandoned long ago for reasons in spite of its effectiveness. Through given examples and careful design, the educator will witness practical application of these models in tandem to create efficient, effective, and appealing instruction that suits the needs of education and the modern workforce

    Quantum measurement backaction from a BEC coupled to a mechanical oscillator

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    We study theoretically the dynamics of a a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a macroscopic mechanical membrane magnetically coupled to a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate via a nanomagnet attached at the membrane center. We demonstrate that this coupling permits us to monitor indirectly the center-of-mass position of the membrane via measurements of the spin of the condensed atoms. These measurements normally induce a significant backaction on the membrane motion, which we quantify for the cases of thermal and coherent initial states of the membrane. We discuss the possibility of measuring that quantum backaction via repeated measurements. We also investigate the potential to generate non-classical states of the membrane, in particular Schrodinger cat states, via such repeated measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PR

    Mechanically Detecting and Avoiding the Quantum Fluctuations of a Microwave Field

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    During the theoretical investigation of the ultimate sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors through the 1970's and '80's, it was debated whether quantum fluctuations of the light field used for detection, also known as photon shot noise, would ultimately produce a force noise which would disturb the detector and limit the sensitivity. Carlton Caves famously answered this question with "They do." With this understanding came ideas how to avoid this limitation by giving up complete knowledge of the detector's motion. In these back-action evading (BAE) or quantum non-demolition (QND) schemes, one manipulates the required quantum measurement back-action by placing it into a component of the motion which is unobserved and dynamically isolated. Using a superconducting, electro-mechanical device, we realize a sensitive measurement of a single motional quadrature with imprecision below the zero-point fluctuations of motion, detect both the classical and quantum measurement back-action, and demonstrate BAE avoiding the quantum back-action from the microwave photons by 9 dB. Further improvements of these techniques are expected to provide a practical route to manipulate and prepare a squeezed state of motion with mechanical fluctuations below the quantum zero-point level, which is of interest both fundamentally and for the detection of very weak forces

    Nanometer-scale sharpness in corner-overgrown heterostructures

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    A corner-overgrown GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure is investigated with transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy, demonstrating self-limiting growth of an extremely sharp corner profile of 3.5 nm width. In the AlGaAs layers we observe self-ordered diagonal stripes, precipitating exactly at the corner, which are regions of increased Al content measured by an XEDS analysis. A quantitative model for self-limited growth is adapted to the present case of faceted MBE growth, and the corner sharpness is discussed in relation to quantum confined structures. We note that MBE corner overgrowth maintains nm-sharpness even after microns of growth, allowing the realization of corner-shaped nanostructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Neue Methoden zur Bekämpfung des Echten Mehltaus im Ökologischen Landbau

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    Blattoberflächen-modifizierende Salzapplikationen sollten als Bekämpfungsmittel gegen Echten Mehltau an Tomaten und Gurken getestet werden hinsichtlich folgender Eigenschaften: - Wirkung verschiedener Salze - Blattverträglichkeit - Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen Wirkungsmechanismen mittels REM - Übertragbarkeit in praxisnahe Versuche. Die verschiedenen Salzlösungen und Kombinationen aus diesen Salzen unterschieden sich deutlich in ihrer Wirkung auf Gurkenmehltau. Die beste Wirkung ergab sich mit allenfalls geringer Schädigung des Blattes mit 0,1% MnCl2, 1 % Patentkali (K2SO4/MgSO4) und 1% Knöterichextrakt. MnCl2 liegt auf Grund seines niedrigen Deliqueszenzpunktes ständig gelöst auf der Blattoberfläche vor, wogegen sich Knöterichextrakt und Patentkali auf der Blattoberfläche in einer Art „Salzkriechen“ verteilen durch häufigen Wechsel zwischen Trocknen und Wiederverflüssigung. Salzschäden ließen sich verringern durch Zusatz von Netzmitteln zur Sprühlösung. Rasterelektronische Visualisierung zeigte für alle untersuchten Lösungen einen direkt toxischen Effekt auf die Mehltausporen und ihre Hyphen in jeder Entwicklungsphase des Pilzes. Eine Verbesserung des Nährstoffstatus der Pflanzen scheidet als Wirkungsmechanismus aus, da alle Pflanzen optimal ernährt waren und die Behandlungen zu keinen signifikanten Veränderungen der Nährstoffgehalte in den Blättern führten. Besonders chloridische Salze führten z.T. zu erheblicher Nekrotisierung der Blätter. Da diese Salzlösungen jedoch auch in geringer Konzentration in der Lage waren, die Ausbreitung des Echten Mehltau effektiv zu verhindern, sollten Möglichkeiten zur Mikrodosierung dieser Salze geprüft werden. Extreme Witterungsbedingungen im Sommer 2003 führten dazu, dass Praxistests nicht ausgeführt oder normal beendet werden konnten. Es gilt jedoch als sicher, dass einige der untersuchten Salzmischungen in geringen Konzentrationen (zw. 0,1 und 1%) den Befall mit Echten Mehltaupilzen effektiv reduzieren können, ohne Blattoberflächen zu schädigen

    Quantum Collective QCD String Dynamics

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    The string breaking model of particle production is extended in order to help explain the transverse momentum distribution in elementary collisions. Inspired by an idea of Bialas', we treat the string using a collective coordinate approach. This leads to a chromo-electric field strength which fluctuates, and in turn implies that quarks are produced according to a thermal distribution.Comment: 6 pages. Presented at SQM 2006. Submitted to J. Phys. G for publication in proceedings. Vers. 2: Minor revisions; final hadron spectrum calculation include