13 research outputs found

    Postsynaptic assembly: A role for Wnt signalling

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    Synapse formation requires the coordinated formation of the presynaptic terminal, containing the machinery for neurotransmitter release, and the postsynaptic side that possesses the machinery for neurotransmitter reception. For coordinated pre- and postsynaptic assembly signals across the synapse are required. Wnt secreted proteins are well-known synaptogenic factors that promote the recruitment of presynaptic components in diverse organisms. However, recent studies demonstrate that Wnts act directly onto the postsynaptic side at both central and peripheral synapses to promote postsynaptic development and synaptic strength. This review focuses on the role of Wnts in postsynaptic development at central synapses and the neuromuscular junction. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2013

    The role of Wnt signalling in actin dynamics during synapse formation

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    Wnt secreted proteins play key roles in the formation of neuronal circuits by regulating axon guidance, axonal remodelling, dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis. We have previously shown that Wnts promote axonal remodelling through the regulation of actin cytoskeleton and the formation of dendritic spines. However, the downstream events modulated by Wnts to regulate actin dynamics during these processes remain elusive. Here, we identified the actin-capping protein Epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate 8 (Eps8) as a direct interactor of Dishevelled-1 (Dvl1), a key scaffold protein and integrator of Wnt signalling. Expression of Eps8 mimics Dvl1-induced axonal remodelling by promoting enlargement and F-actin accumulation in growth cones from dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons. Importantly, we show that Eps8 is required for Wnt3a-mediated axonal remodelling. Our findings demonstrate that Eps8 is a downstream effector of Wnt signalling during axonal remodelling. Dendritic spine morphogenesis critically depends on actin dynamics, a process that is modulated by signalling molecules and neuronal activity through poorly described mechanisms. Here we report that Eps8 is required for spine morphogenesis in hippocampal neurons. Our gain- and loss-of-function studies demonstrate that Eps8 promotes the formation of dendritic spines but inhibits filopodium formation. However, Eps8 does not affect spine growth nor modulates Dvl1-mediated spine enlargement, indicating that Eps8 regulates spine formation through a Wnt-independent pathway. Loss of function of Eps8 results in increased actin polymerization, but also actin turnover within dendritic spines, as revealed by free-barbed end and FRAP assays, consistent with a role for Eps8 as an actin-capping protein. Interestingly, Eps8 promotes the localisation of excitatory synapses on spines, without affecting the total number of synapses or basal synaptic transmission. Importantly, Eps8 silencing impairs the structural and functional plasticity of synapses induced by long-term potentiation. These results demonstrate a novel role for Eps8 in spine formation and in activity-mediated synaptic plasticity

    Activity-dependent spine morphogenesis: a role for the actin-capping protein Eps8.

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    Neuronal activity regulates the formation and morphology of dendritic spines through changes in the actin cytoskeleton. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate this process remain poorly understood. Here we report that Eps8, an actin-capping protein, is required for spine morphogenesis. In rat hippocampal neurons, gain- and loss-of-function studies demonstrate that Eps8 promotes the formation of dendritic spines but inhibits filopodium formation. Loss of function of Eps8 increases actin polymerization and induces fast actin turnover within dendritic spines, as revealed by free-barbed end and FRAP assays, consistent with a role for Eps8 as an actin-capping protein. Interestingly, Eps8 regulates the balance between excitatory synapses on spines and on the dendritic shaft, without affecting the total number of synapses or basal synaptic transmission. Importantly, Eps8 loss of function impairs the structural and functional plasticity of synapses induced by long-term potentiation. These findings demonstrate a novel role for Eps8 in spine formation and in activity-mediated synaptic plasticity

    S-acylation of the Wnt receptor Frizzled-5 by zDHHC5 controls its cellular localization and synaptogenic activity in the rodent hippocampus

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    Proper localization of receptors for synaptic organizing factors is crucial for synapse formation. Wnt proteins promote synapse assembly through Frizzled (Fz) receptors. In hippocampal neurons, the surface and synaptic localization of Fz5 is regulated by neuronal activity, but the mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Here, we report that all Fz receptors can be post-translationally modified by S-acylation and that Fz5 is S-acylated on three C-terminal cysteines by zDHHC5. S-acylation is essential for Fz5 localization to the cell surface, axons, and presynaptic sites. Notably, S-acylation-deficient Fz5 is internalized faster, affecting its association with signalosome components at the cell surface. S-acylation-deficient Fz5 also fails to activate canonical and divergent canonical Wnt pathways. Fz5 S-acylation levels are regulated by the pattern of neuronal activity. In vivo studies demonstrate that S-acylation-deficient Fz5 expression fails to induce presynaptic assembly. Our studies show that S-acylation of Frizzled receptors is a mechanism controlling their localization and function

    Wnt Signalling Promotes Actin Dynamics during Axon Remodelling through the Actin-Binding Protein Eps8

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    Upon arrival at their synaptic targets, axons slow down their growth and extensively remodel before the assembly of presynaptic boutons. Wnt proteins are target-derived secreted factors that promote axonal remodelling and synaptic assembly. In the developing spinal cord, Wnts secreted by motor neurons promote axonal remodelling of NT-3 responsive dorsal root ganglia neurons. Axon remodelling induced by Wnts is characterised by growth cone pausing and enlargement, processes that depend on the re-organisation of microtubules. However, the contribution of the actin cytoskeleton has remained unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt3a regulates the actin cytoskeleton by rapidly inducing F-actin accumulation in growth cones from rodent DRG neurons through the scaffold protein Dishevelled-1 (Dvl1) and the serine-threonine kinase Gsk3β. Importantly, these changes in actin cytoskeleton occurs before enlargement of the growth cones is evident. Time-lapse imaging shows that Wnt3a increases lamellar protrusion and filopodia velocity. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of actin assembly demonstrates that Wnt3a increases actin dynamics. Through a yeast-two hybrid screen, we identified the actin-binding protein Eps8 as a direct interactor of Dvl1, a scaffold protein crucial for the Wnt signalling pathway. Gain of function of Eps8 mimics Wnt-mediated axon remodelling, whereas Eps8 silencing blocks the axon remodelling activity of Wnt3a. Importantly, blockade of the Dvl1-Eps8 interaction completely abolishes Wnt3a-mediated axonal remodelling. These findings demonstrate a novel role for Wnt-Dvl1 signalling through Eps8 in the regulation of axonal remodeling

    A special review collection on autophagy

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