61 research outputs found

    Analisis Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 439 K/pid/2010 Atas Tuduhan Penipuan yang Dilakukan oleh Oknum Notaris

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    A notary who runs the office of notary can not be punished by or under the act of doing so by law, namely committing mengkonstatir purpose / intention of the parties that require a legal action they do can be proved by authentic act, as long as the implementing office has followed procedures prescribed by the Act (see in particular Article 16 and Article 17 of Law No. 30 of 2004 relating to the obligations and restrictions. Notary deeds which can be classified as a criminal act of fraud is the act of using a fake name (naam valsche), using dignity/false position (valsche hoedanigheid), using the ruse (listige kunstgreoen) and a series of lies (zamenweefsel van verdichtsels). The consideration of the Supreme Court in the Ruling No. 439 K/Pid/2010 on charges of fraud committed by the Notary is accused BN has violated the provisions of Article 378 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code. Protection for the notary on charges of criminal fraud in their official duty is A Notary can not be held criminal liability on the deed he made when he was doing his duty in accordance with the laws and regulations relating to its duties as a notary, it is legitimized in Article 266 the Criminal Code. A notary can not be convicted of criminal on Article 266 of the Criminal Code because it has done its job properly. The position of a Notary Public in Article 266 of the Penal Code is the one who told (manus ministra), and in the criminal law, a person who is asked for doing something cannot be asked for his responsibility for what he has done

    Studi Rugi Daya pada Transformator 20 KV/690 VOLT pada Industri Kertas Saat Terjadi Gangguan 1 Phasa ke Tanah

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    Energy Losses is the Loss of Electrical energy , when it is generated and supplied through end user, thereby reducing the amount of energy that can be consumed by lumped Load is the main object of this study. Normally electrical system which is supplied from Turbine Generator, transmitted, distributed to load well, but at the time a fault arise, protective system ideally working as well as designed. In this research, assumption is taken into account when short circuit occurred ,protective system is not well- working and by doing this researcher analyze, simulate by program software ETAP 12.6.0 and calculating the losses of power that's emerging in Transformator. By analyzing the simulation and calculation by using Kirchoff's Current Law and the Software it is hoped all parameter contribute to the conclusion and suggestion such as the ideal set point of protective system, the chosen value of reactance and resistance of the conductor and cooling system in transformator.By getting data parameter from field that Voltage supplied 20 KV/690Volt, 3150 KVA, 2635,72 Amp of Distribution Transformer , got faulted current for 0.3 km distance fault. Iph-G = 1853,5 Amp the magnitude of power losses caused by the fault is about 13.567 Watt power

    A Substractive Clustering Based Fuzzy Hybrid Reference Control Design for Transient Response Improvement of PID Controller

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    The well known PID controller has inherent limitations in fulfilling simultaneously the conflicting control design objectives. Parameters of the tuned PID controller should trade off the requirement of tracking set-point performances, disturbance rejection and stability robustness. Combination of hybrid reference control (HRC) with PID controller results in the transient response performances can be independently achieved without deteriorating the disturbance rejection properties and the stability robustness requirement. This paper proposes a fuzzy based HRC where the membership functions of the fuzzy logic system are obtained by using a substractive clustering technique. The proposed method guarantees the transient response performances satisfaction while preserving the stability robustness of the closed loop system controlled by the PID controller with effective and systematic procedures in designing the fuzzy hybrid reference control system

    Pengaruh Buku Manajemen Arsip Perguruan Tinggi terhadap Hasil Belajar Kearsipan Mahasiswa Administrasi Perkantoran

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    Pengaruh Buku Manajemen Arsip Perguruan Tinggi terhadap Hasil Belajar Kearsipan Mahasiswa Administrasi Perkantoran. Peningkatan hasil belajar Mata Kuliah Kearsipan mahasiswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Medan menjadi sasaran utama dari penelitian ini. Penelitian ini merupakan kelanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya tentang pengembangan buku Manajemen Arsip Perguruan Tinggi. Metode eksperimen kuasi digunakan untuk melihat dampak dari pengembangan buku Manajemen Arsip Perguruan Tinggi terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Kerasipan. Mahasiswa Program Studi Administrasi Perkantoran yang mengikuti mata kuliah Manajemen Kearsipan berjumlah 31 orang merupakan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Uji-t dilakukan untuk menganalisis dua kelompok dari data satu kelompok sampel berpasangan melalui perbandingkan data sebelum (pretest) dengan sesudah (post test) perlakuan dari satu kelompok sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Buku Manajemen Arsip Perguruan Tinggi memberikan efek terhadap hasil belajar kearsipan Mahasiswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Jurusan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Medan. Buku teks yang mengandung konsep dan prosedur pengelolaan arsip aktif dan inaktif serta klasifikasi dan jadwal retensi arsip akan membantu mahasiswa untuk menguasai konsep pengeloaan arsip aktif dan inaktif dengan lebih mudah

    Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Manajemen terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan pada Badan Pertanahan Nasional Medan

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    The number of population in this study was 118 respondents with a sample size of 35 respondents because of the sampling method using purposive sampling method. The method of analysis used in this research is the validity and reliability test where the result of each variable is valid, from the analysis of regression equation: Y = 6,716 + 0,224X where X is management information system variable, and Y is decision making variable. From t-test obtained t count (2,860) ˃ table (1,692) that management information system has a positive and significant effect on decision making. From the result of determination coefficient determination (R2), decision making can be explained by variability of management information system variable equal to 0,199 or 19,9%, while the rest 80,1% is explained by another variable not included in the regression model of this research. We recommend that the Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Medan maintain and develop existing management information systems in accordance with the development of information technology, such as documenting every incoming and outgoing data so that every staff ranks easier to search, process information, so that facilitate decision-making activities

    Pengaruh Hidrofilisitas Membran terhadap Peningkatan Kemurnian Etanol secara Destilasi

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    Metoda destilasi membran dimungkinkan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemurnian etanol. Dua jenis membran yang digunakan pada kajian ini adalah membran selulosa ester dan membran poliamida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh hidrofilisitas membran dan waktu destilasi terhadap kemurnian etanol. Destilasi yang dikombinasikan dengan membran dilakukan pada temperatur 80oC dengan variasi waktu destilasi 1 sampai 3 jam. Hasil destilasi, baik destilat maupun residu, dianalisis berdasarkan nilai indeks bias dan massa jenisnya. Sebagai pendukung juga telah dilakukan analisis sifat termal dan derajat swelling membran. Hasil analisis termal menunjukkan bahwa membran selulosa ester tidak sesuai untuk pemurnian secara destilasi, Membran poliamida yang lebih bersifat hidrofilik dibandingkan membran selulosa ester lebih mampu menahan air, meskipun belum dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemurnian etanol secara destilasi. Semakin lama waktu destilasi, kemampuan membran poliamida untuk melewatkan etanol semakin tinggi
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