991 research outputs found

    Invariant measures for Burgers equation with stochastic forcing

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    In this paper we study the following Burgers equation du/dt + d/dx (u^2/2) = epsilon d^2u/dx^2 + f(x,t) where f(x,t)=dF/dx(x,t) is a random forcing function, which is periodic in x and white noise in t. We prove the existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure by establishing a ``one force, one solution'' principle, namely that for almost every realization of the force, there is a unique distinguished solution that exists for the time interval (-infty, +infty) and this solution attracts all other solutions with the same forcing. This is done by studying the so-called one-sided minimizers. We also give a detailed description of the structure and regularity properties for the stationary solutions. In particular, we prove, under some non-degeneracy conditions on the forcing, that almost surely there is a unique main shock and a unique global minimizer for the stationary solutions. Furthermore the global minimizer is a hyperbolic trajectory of the underlying system of characteristics.Comment: 84 pages, published version, abstract added in migratio

    Non-ergodicity of the motion in three dimensional steep repelling dispersing potentials

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    It is demonstrated numerically that smooth three degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems which are arbitrarily close to three dimensional strictly dispersing billiards (Sinai billiards) have islands of effective stability, and hence are non-ergodic. The mechanism for creating the islands are corners of the billiard domain.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Chao

    Turbulence without pressure

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    We develop exact field theoretic methods to treat turbulence when the effect of pressure is negligible. We find explicit forms of certain probability distributions, demonstrate that the breakdown of Galilean invariance is responsible for intermittency and establish the operator product expansion. We also indicate how the effects of pressure can be turned on perturbatively.Comment: 12 page

    Nonequilibrium, thermostats and thermodynamic limit

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    The relation between thermostats of "isoenergetic" and "frictionless" kind is studied and their equivalence in the thermodynamic limit is proved in space dimension d=1,2d=1,2 and, for special geometries, d=3d=3.Comment: 22 pages PRA 2-columns format v3: Typos corrected as acknowledge

    Proving The Ergodic Hypothesis for Billiards With Disjoint Cylindric Scatterers

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    In this paper we study the ergodic properties of mathematical billiards describing the uniform motion of a point in a flat torus from which finitely many, pairwise disjoint, tubular neighborhoods of translated subtori (the so called cylindric scatterers) have been removed. We prove that every such system is ergodic (actually, a Bernoulli flow), unless a simple geometric obstacle for the ergodicity is present.Comment: 24 pages, AMS-TeX fil

    Bifractality of the Devil's staircase appearing in the Burgers equation with Brownian initial velocity

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    It is shown that the inverse Lagrangian map for the solution of the Burgers equation (in the inviscid limit) with Brownian initial velocity presents a bifractality (phase transition) similar to that of the Devil's staircase for the standard triadic Cantor set. Both heuristic and rigorous derivations are given. It is explained why artifacts can easily mask this phenomenon in numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Survival of a Diffusing Particle in a Transverse Shear Flow: A First-Passage Problem with Continuously Varying Persistence Exponent

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    We consider a particle diffusing in the y-direction, dy/dt=\eta(t), subject to a transverse shear flow in the x-direction, dx/dt=f(y), where x \ge 0 and x=0 is an absorbing boundary. We treat the class of models defined by f(y) = \pm v_{\pm}(\pm y)^\alpha where the upper (lower) sign refers to y>0 (y<0). We show that the particle survives with probability Q(t) \sim t^{-\theta} with \theta = 1/4, independent of \alpha, if v_{+}=v_{-}. If v_{+} \ne v_{-}, however, we show that \theta depends on both \alpha and the ratio v_{+}/v_{-}, and we determine this dependence.Comment: 4 page

    Random walks in a random environment on a strip: a renormalization group approach

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    We present a real space renormalization group scheme for the problem of random walks in a random environment on a strip, which includes one-dimensional random walk in random environment with bounded non-nearest-neighbor jumps. We show that the model renormalizes to an effective one-dimensional random walk problem with nearest-neighbor jumps and conclude that Sinai scaling is valid in the recurrent case, while in the sub-linear transient phase, the displacement grows as a power of the time.Comment: 9 page

    Critical density of a soliton gas

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    We quantify the notion of a dense soliton gas by establishing an upper bound for the integrated density of states of the quantum-mechanical Schr\"odinger operator associated with the KdV soliton gas dynamics. As a by-product of our derivation we find the speed of sound in the soliton gas with Gaussian spectral distribution function.Comment: 7 page

    On transition to bursting via deterministic chaos

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    We study statistical properties of the irregular bursting arising in a class of neuronal models close to the transition from spiking to bursting. Prior to the transition to bursting, the systems in this class develop chaotic attractors, which generate irregular spiking. The chaotic spiking gives rise to irregular bursting. The duration of bursts near the transition can be very long. We describe the statistics of the number of spikes and the interspike interval distributions within one burst as functions of the distance from criticality.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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