421 research outputs found

    Recent advances in the molecular understanding of glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma is the most common and most aggressive primary brain tumor. Despite maximum treatment, patients only have a median survival time of 15 months, because of the tumor’s resistance to current therapeutic approaches. Thus far, methylation of the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter has been the only confirmed molecular predictive factor in glioblastoma. Novel “genome-wide” techniques have identified additional important molecular alterations as mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and its prognostic importance. This review summarizes findings and techniques of genetic, epigenetic, transcriptional, and proteomic studies of glioblastoma. It provides the clinician with an up-to-date overview of current identified molecular alterations that should ultimately lead to new therapeutic targets and more individualized treatment approaches in glioblastoma

    Hearing in children with diabetes mellitus

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    This paper compares auditory function in young, insulin-dependent diabetic subjects with auditory function in normally-hearing, non-diabetic subjects

    Abnormal activity in the precuneus during time perception in Parkinson’s disease: An fMRI study

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    Background Parkinson's disease (PD) patients are deficient in time estimation. This deficit improves after dopamine (DA) treatment and it has been associated with decreased internal timekeeper speed, disruption of executive function and memory retrieval dysfunction. Methodology/Findings The aim of the present study was to explore the neurophysiologic correlates of this deficit. We performed functional magnetic resonance imaging on twelve PD patients while they were performing a time reproduction task (TRT). The TRT consisted of an encoding phase (during which visual stimuli of durations from 5s to 16.6s, varied at 8 levels were presented) and a reproduction phase (during which interval durations were reproduced by a button pressing). Patients were scanned twice, once while on their DA medication (ON condition) and once after medication withdrawal (OFF condition). Differences in Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent (BOLD) signal in ON and OFF conditions were evaluated. The time course of activation in the brain areas with different BOLD signal was plotted. There were no significant differences in the behavioral results, but a trend toward overestimation of intervals ≤11.9s and underestimation of intervals ≥14.1s in the OFF condition (p<0.088). During the reproduction phase, higher activation in the precuneus was found in the ON condition (p<0.05 corrected). Time course was plotted separately for long (≥14.1s) and short (≤11.9s) intervals. Results showed that there was a significant difference only in long intervals, when activity gradually decreased in the OFF, but remained stable in the ON condition. This difference in precuneus activation was not found during random button presses in a control task. Conclusions/Significance Our results show that differences in precuneus activation during retrieval of a remembered duration may underlie some aspects of time perception deficit in PD patients. We suggest that DA medication may allow compensatory activation in the precuneus, which results in a more accurate retrieval of remembered interval duration

    Improving brain imaging in Parkinson's disease by accounting for simultaneous motor output

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    Parkinson's disease leads to a variety of movement impairments. While studying the disease with fMRI, the main motivation for the research becomes one of its major obstacles: the motor output is unpredictable. Therefore it is troublesome to access, inside the scanner, performances of motor tasks and reliably relate them to brain measurements. We proposed to overcome this by expanding the patients’ number and restricting statistical criteria from a previous study which used a glove with non-magnetic sensors during scanning. Our results revealed basal ganglia not observed in the previous study confirming the usefulness of the device in fMRI studies

    Different brain areas require different analysis models: fMRI observations in Parkinson’s disease

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    Foreseeing how specific brain areas respond in time to a stimulus can be a prerequisite for a successfully conceived fMRI experiment. We demonstrate that in medicated Parkinson’s disease patients, putamen's activation peaks around the onset of tapping but does not persist throughout the tapping block, whereas sustained activation is observed in the motor cortex. Consequently, in the widely used tapping paradigm “On vs. Off L-DOPA”, the drug effect remains undetected if statistical analysis apply a block design instead of an event-related one. Ignoring this information can lead to fallacious conclusions which suggests using different models to investigate different brain regions

    Absence of AKT1 Mutations in Glioblastoma

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    Background: Oncogenic activation of the PI3K signalling pathway plays a pivotal role in the development of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). A central node in PI3K downstream signalling is controlled by the serine-threonine kinase AKT1. A somatic mutation affecting residue E17 of the AKT1 gene has recently been identified in breast and colon cancer. The E17K change results in constitutive AKT1 activation, induces leukaemia in mice, and accordingly, may be therapeutically exploited to target the PI3K pathway. Assessing whether AKT1 is activated by somatic mutations in GBM is relevant to establish its role in this aggressive disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed a systematic mutational analysis of the complete coding sequence of the AKT1 gene in a panel of 109 tumor GBM samples and nine high grade astrocytoma cell lines. However, no somatic mutations were detected in the coding region of AKT1. Conclusions/Significance: Our data indicate that in GBM oncogenic deregulation of the PI3K pathway does not involve somatic mutations in the coding region of AKT1