716 research outputs found

    An Upsilon Point in a Spin Model

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    We present analytic evidence for the occurrence of an upsilon point, an infinite checkerboard structure of modulated phases, in the ground state of a spin model. The structure of the upsilon point is studied by calculating interface--interface interactions using an expansion in inverse spin anisotropy.Comment: 18 pages ReVTeX file, including 6 figures encoded with uufile

    Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Pasar Sukaramai Pekanbaru

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    Employees are the most important factors which will affect the company in the achievement of its objectives. Many things must be done by the company in order to get good performance. In this case the incentive is so important for all employees so that employees are more enthusiastic and have a good performance. The purpose of this study was to determine how the incentive effect on the performance of employees at PT. Bank Mega Syariah branch Sukaramai Market Pekanbaru.This research was conducted at PT. Bank Mega Syariah Sukaramai Market Pekanbaru branch offices in Pekanbaru patchouli road. Reasons for the selection of research here is due to the large number of employees out annually in PT. Bank Mega Syariah branch Sukaramai Market Pekanbaru.The population in this penenlitian are all employees of PT. Bank Mega Syariah branch Sukaramai Market Pekanbaru, as many as 36 employees. And the entire population is made in the sample. It can be shown from the level of employee loyalty is very high.Keywords: Effect, Incentives, Employee

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Komitmen Perawat (Kasus Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eria Bunda Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine how the effect of work motivation and job satisfaction to nurse commitment (caseof RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru).This research method is descriptive and quantitative using SPSS 19 program, wherein the samples used are nurse of RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru with respondents as many 69 people. For a sampling technique used census method. The data collection is done through questioners and interviews.The results of the analysis using the validity test, reliability test, determination test, simple linear regression test, multiple linear regression test , t test and F test so it can be seen that variable work motivation to nurse commitment RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru, that job satisfaction significantly effect to nurse commitment RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru, and significant effect between society together work motivation and job satisfaction to nurse commitment RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru

    Evaluasi Kekuatan Perkerasan Sisi Udara (Runway,Taxiway,Apron) Bandara Juanda dengan Metode Perbandingan ACN-PCN

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    Fasilitas sisi udara merupakan fasilitas pergerakan pesawat. Fasilitas ini harus memenuhi kekuatan struktur untuk melayani pergerakan pesawat-pesawat yang beroperasi sesuai dengan perencanaan. Tujuan dari penyusunan makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah perkerasan fasilitas sisi udara di Bandar Udara Juanda saat ini sudah memenuhi batas PCN yang dipersyaratkan atau belum. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara mengevaluasi kekuatan perkerasan runway, taxiway, dan apron eksisting menggunakan metode perbandingan PCN–ACN yang didapat dari pabrik pembuat pesawat, perhitungan dengan software COMFAA dan perhitungan dari Canadian Department of Transportation. Data yang digunakan adalah data pergerakan pesawat termasuk jumlah pergerakan tahunan dan tipe pesawat. Data kekuatan perkerasan sisi udara diperlukan untuk proses analisis. Hasil dari evaluasi menunjukkan B773 memiliki nilai ACN yang melebihi nilai PCN sebesar 50% untuk apron dan 25% untuk runway/taxiway. Besar kelebihan nilai ACN ini tidak mempengaruhi kekuatan struktural karena frekuensi pergerakan yang hanya 45 pergerakan per tahun. Dampak lain adalah pada fungsional perkerasan yang menunjukkan berkurangnya kekesatan runway dari hasil sand patch test

    Sequence and structural patterns detected in entangled proteins reveal the importance of co-translational folding

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    Proteins must fold quickly to acquire their biologically functional three-dimensional native structures. Hence, these are mainly stabilized by local contacts, while intricate topologies such as knots are rare. Here, we reveal the existence of specific patterns adopted by protein sequences and structures to deal with backbone self-entanglement. A large scale analysis of the Protein Data Bank shows that loops significantly intertwined with another chain portion are typically closed by weakly bound amino acids. Why is this energetic frustration maintained? A possible picture is that entangled loops are formed only toward the end of the folding process to avoid kinetic traps. Consistently, these loops are more frequently found to be wrapped around a portion of the chain on their N-terminal side, the one translated earlier at the ribosome. Finally, these motifs are less abundant in natural native states than in simulated protein-like structures, yet they appear in 32% of proteins, which in some cases display an amazingly complex intertwining

    Analisa Pengaruh Temperatur Pada Proses Tempering Terhadap Sifat Mekanis Dan Struktur Mikro Baja Aisi 4340

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    Baja merupakan salah satu jenis logam yang banyak digunakan oleh manusia untuk berbagai keperluan. Adakalanya baja yang akan diproses tidak mempunyai kekerasan yang cukup. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan proses lagi yaitu proses hardening. Dengan melakukan Hardening maka akan didapatkan sifat kekerasan yang lebih tinggi. Semakin tinggi angka kekerasan maka sifat keuletan akan menjadi rendah dan baja akan menjadi getas. Baja yang demikian tidak cukup baik untuk berbagai pemakaian. Oleh karena itu biasanya atau hampir selalu setelah dilakukan proses pengerasan kemudian segera diikuti dengan Tempering. Pengujian dilakukan baik pada sifat fisis(komposisi, struktur mikro, dan fotomakro) maupun sifat mekanis (kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik). Hasil penelitian pada baja AISI 4340 diperoleh kekuatan tarik pada spesimen tanpa perlakuan panas sebesar 1115,7 N/mm² dengan VHN sebesar 347, setelah mengalami proses Hardening 850°C kekuatan tarik menjadi 1234,8N/mm² dengan VHN sebesar 527,4. Tempering 200°C diperoleh kekuatan tarik sebesar 1813.4 N/mm² dengan VHN sebesar 507,6. Tempering 400°C diperoleh kekuatan tarik sebesar 1402,4N/mm² dengan VHN sebesar 435,6. Sedangkan pada proses Tempering 600°C diperoleh kekuatan tarik sebesar 1039,1 dengan VHN sebesar 332,8. Semakin tinggi temperatur pemanasan pada proses tempering kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan semakin menurun, sebaliknya keuletannya meningkat sehingga disesuaikan dengan keperluan

    A Measure of data-collapse for scaling

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    Data-collapse is a way of establishing scaling and extracting associated exponents in problems showing self-similar or self-affine characteristics as e.g. in equilibrium or non-equilibrium phase transitions, in critical phases, in dynamics of complex systems and many others. We propose a measure to quantify the nature of data collapse. Via a minimization of this measure, the exponents and their error-bars can be obtained. The procedure is illustrated by considering finite-size-scaling near phase transitions and quite strikingly recovering the exact exponents.Comment: 3 pages, revtex, 3 figures,2 in colour. Replaced by the proper version - slightly longer and no mismatch of abstrac

    Fresh look at randomly branched polymers

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    We develop a new, dynamical field theory of isotropic randomly branched polymers, and we use this model in conjunction with the renormalization group (RG) to study several prominent problems in the physics of these polymers. Our model provides an alternative vantage point to understand the swollen phase via dimensional reduction. We reveal a hidden Becchi-Rouet-Stora (BRS) symmetry of the model that describes the collapse (θ\theta-)transition to compact polymer-conformations, and calculate the critical exponents to 2-loop order. It turns out that the long-standing 1-loop results for these exponents are not entirely correct. A runaway of the RG flow indicates that the so-called θ′\theta^\prime-transition could be a fluctuation induced first order transition.Comment: 4 page
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