268 research outputs found

    Influence of the pion-nucleon interaction on the collective pion flow in heavy ion reactions

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    We investigate the influence of the real part of the in-medium pion optical potential on the pion dynamics in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions at 1 GeV/A. For different models, i.e. a phenomenological model and the Δ\Delta--hole model, a pionic potential is extracted from the dispersion relation and used in Quantum Molecular Dynamics calculations. In addition with the inelastic scattering processes we thus take care of both, real and imaginary part of the pion optical potential. A strong influence of the real pionic potential on the pion in-plane flow is observed. In general such a potential has the tendency to reduce the anticorrelation of pion and nucleon flow in non-central collisions.Comment: 12 pages Latex, 4 PS-figure

    Cervical spinal cord dimensions and clinical outcomes in adults with Klippel-Feil syndrome: A comparison with matched controls.

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    Study Design Retrospective case–control study. Objectives To confirm the fact that spinal cord dimensions are smaller in adults with Klippel-Feil syndrome (KFS) than in pediatric patients with KFS and to compare the clinical characteristics and outcomes of neurologic complications in patients with KFS with matched controls. Methods We performed an independent 1:2 case–control retrospective radiographic and chart review of a consecutive series of adults with KFS who underwent surgical intervention. The control group consisted of consecutive non-KFS surgical patients. Patients were matched in 1:2 case–control manner. Their charts were reviewed and the clinical characteristics were compared. Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to measure the anteroposterior and mediolateral axial spinal cord and spinal canal at the operative levels and measurements were compared. Results A total of 22 patients with KFS and 44 controls were identified. The KFS group had a tendency of more myeloradiculopathy, and the control group had a tendency toward more radiculopathy. Both tendencies, however, were not significantly different. MRIs of 10 patients from the KFS group and 22 controls were available. There was no difference in the area of both spinal cord and canal at the operative levels. Conclusion Contrary to the finding in previous reports on pediatric patients, there were no differences between KFS and well-matched control groups in terms of age of onset, presentation, revision rate, complication rate, surgical outcome, and cross-sectional spinal cord and canal dimensions at the operative level

    Coating of bioactive glasses with chitosan: The effects of the glass composition and coating method on the surface properties, including preliminary in vitro results

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    Two bioactive glasses were coated with chitosan: SCNB belongs to the SiO2-CaO-Na2O system, and SCNA has the addition of Al2O3 to enhance chemical stability. Different coating methods were compared: direct physical attachment, surface activation through tresyl chloride, and polydopamine as a linker. The samples were char-acterized through SEM-EDS, contact angle measurements, FTIR, zeta potential titrations, tape tests, in vitro precipitation of hydroxylapatite (bioactivity), and cell cultures (RAW 264.7 and UMR-106) on some selected samples. Direct physical attachment (in acetic acid) or use of polydopamine allowed complete surface coverage, while it dropped to one-quarter on both glasses by using tresyl chloride. The coating had a contact angle of about 80 degrees and it well showed typical functional groups (FTIR). The coatings on SCNA were chemically and mechan-ically stable (classified as 4-5B by the tape tests, partially maintained after soaking for 14 days), and showed an isoelectric point around 8. On SCNB, the coatings were unstable (classified as 0-3B, dissolved during soaking) but bioactivity was preserved. The coating affected the biological outcome of SCNA with M0/M1 polarization (1 day) and reduced viability of macrophages (3 days), while osteoblastic cells showed poor adhesion but maintained cell viability and osteogenic potential (3-7 days)

    Probing the nuclear equation of state by K+K^+ production in heavy ion collisions

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    The dependence of K+K^+ production on the nuclear equation of state is investigated in heavy ion collisions. An increase of the excitation function of K+K^+ multiplicities obtained in heavy (Au+AuAu+Au) over light (C+CC+C) systems when going far below threshold which has been observed by the KaoS Collaboration strongly favours a soft equation of state. This observation holds despite of the influence of an in-medium kaon potential predicted by effective chiral models which is necessary to reproduce the experimental K+K^+ yields.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 4 PS figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Influence of the in-medium pion dispersion relation in heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the influence of medium corrections to the pion dispersion relation on the pion dynamics in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. To do so a pion potential is extracted from the in-medium dispersion relation and used in QMD calculations and thus we take care of both, real and imaginary part of the pion optical potential. The potentials are determined from different sources, i.e. from the Δ\Delta--hole model and from phenomenological approaches. Depending on the strength of the potential a reduction of the anti-correlation of pion and nucleon flow in non-central collisions is observed as well as an enhancement of the high energetic yield in transverse pion spectra. A comparison to experiments, in particular to ptp_t-spectra for the reaction Ca+Ca at 1 GeV/nucleon and the pion in-plane flow in Ne+Pb collisions at 800 MeV/nucleon, generally favours a weak potential.Comment: 25 pages, using REVTeX, 6 postscript figures; replaced by published versio

    Malic enzyme 1 absence in synovial sarcoma shifts antioxidant system dependence and increases sensitivity to ferroptosis induction with ACXT-3102

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the metabolism of synovial sarcoma (SS) and elucidate the effect of malic enzyme 1 absence on SS redox homeostasis. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: ME1 expression was measured in SS clinical samples, SS cell lines, and tumors from an SS mouse model. The effect of ME1 absence on glucose metabolism was evaluated utilizing Seahorse assays, metabolomics, and C13 tracings. The impact of ME1 absence on SS redox homeostasis was evaluated by metabolomics, cell death assays with inhibitors of antioxidant systems, and measurements of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). The susceptibility of ME1-null SS to ferroptosis induction was interrogated in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: ME1 absence in SS was confirmed in clinical samples, SS cell lines, and an SS tumor model. Investigation of SS glucose metabolism revealed that ME1-null cells exhibit higher rates of glycolysis and higher flux of glucose into the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), which is necessary to produce NADPH. Evaluation of cellular redox homeostasis demonstrated that ME1 absence shifts dependence from the glutathione system to the thioredoxin system. Concomitantly, ME1 absence drives the accumulation of ROS and labile iron. ROS and iron accumulation enhances the susceptibility of ME1-null cells to ferroptosis induction with inhibitors of xCT (erastin and ACXT-3102). In vivo xenograft models of ME1-null SS demonstrate significantly increased tumor response to ACXT-3102 compared with ME1-expressing controls. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate the translational potential of targeting redox homeostasis in ME1-null cancers and establish the preclinical rationale for a phase I trial of ACXT-3102 in SS patients. See related commentary by Subbiah and Gan, p. 3408

    Off shell behaviour of the in medium nucleon-nucleon cross section

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    The properties of nucleon-nucleon scattering inside dense nuclear matter are investigated. We use the relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock model to determine on-shell and half off-shell in-medium transition amplitudes and cross sections. At finite densities the on-shell cross sections are generally suppressed. This reduction is, however, less pronounced than found in previous works. In the case that the outgoing momenta are allowed to be off energy shell the amplitudes show a strong variation with momentum. This description allows to determine in-medium cross sections beyond the quasi-particle approximation accounting thereby for the finite width which nucleons acquire in the dense nuclear medium. For reasonable choices of the in-medium nuclear spectral width, i.e. Γ≤40\Gamma\leq 40 MeV, the resulting total cross sections are, however, reduced by not more than about 25% compared to the on-shell values. Off-shell effect are generally more pronounced at large nuclear matter densities.Comment: 31 pages Revtex, 12 figures, typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations with explicit intermediate negative energy states

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    In a relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculation we include explicit negative-energy states in the two-body propagator. This is achieved by using the Gross spectator-equation, modified by medium effects. Qualitatively our results compare well with other RBHF calculations. In some details significant differences occur, e.g, our equation of state is stiffer and the momentum dependence of the self-energy components is stronger than found in a reference calculation without intermediate negative energy states.Comment: 13 pages Revtex, 5 figures included seperatel

    Children's book publishing : study on the management of projects in the small publishing houses of Porto Alegre / RS

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    O presente estudo busca compreender como são produzidos os livros infantis sob o ponto de vista da gestão de projetos. A metodologia utilizada é estudo de casos múltiplos, na qual foram utilizados entrevistas em profundidade com três editoras de Porto Alegre (RS) que possuem inserção na área editorial infanto-juvenil. Para balizar esse conhecimento prático, buscou-se na área da Administração o Corpo de Conhecimento em Gestão de Projetos (PMBOK). A partir do cruzamento das entrevistas com as áreas de conhecimento do PMBOK, foi possível perceber que a edição de livros infantis é realizada de modo empírico e intuitivo. Existe um acúmulo de funções no editor, sendo que este é responsável pelo gerenciamento das áreas de Integração, Escopo, Tempo, Qualidade, Pessoas, Comunicações e Partes Interessadas; ficando sob responsabilidade de outro setor as áreas de Custos e Aquisição. Ao longo do artigo são apresentadas as áreas do PMBOK, assim como as peculiaridades de gerenciamento de projeto para a criação de livros infantis. PalavrasThe present study aims to identify how children's books are produced from the point of view of project management. The methodology used is a multi-case study, in which in-depth interviews were conducted with three publishing houses in Porto Alegre (RS), which are inserted in the editorial area of children and youth. In order to validate this practical knowledge, we sought in the Administration area the Body of Knowledge in Project Management (PMBOK). From the intersection of the interviews with the areas of knowledge of the PMBOK, it was possible to perceive that the edition of children's books is carried out in an empirical and intuitive way. There is an accumulation of functions in the editor, which is responsible for managing the areas of Integration, Scope, Time, Quality, People, Communications and Stakeholders; being the responsibility of another sector the Costs and Acquisition areas. Throughout the article are presented the areas of the PMBOK, as well as the peculiarities of project management for the creation of children's books

    Integration of cell of origin into the clinical CNS International Prognostic Index improves CNS relapse prediction in DLBCL

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    Central nervous system (CNS) relapse carries a poor prognosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Integrating biomarkers into the CNS-International Prognostic Index (CNS-IPI) risk model may improve identification of patients at high risk for developing secondary CNS disease. CNS relapse was analyzed in 1418 DLBCL patients treated with obinutuzumab or rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone chemotherapy in the phase 3 GOYA study. Cell of origin (COO) was assessed using gene-expression profiling. BCL2 and MYC protein expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The impact of CNS-IPI, COO, and BCL2/MYC dual-expression status on CNS relapse was assessed using a multivariate Cox regression model (data available in n = 1418, n = 933, and n = 688, respectively). High CNS-IPI score (hazard ratio [HR], 4.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3-12.3; P = .02) and activated B-cell\u2012like (ABC) (HR, 5.2; 95% CI, 2.1-12.9; P = .0004) or unclassified COO subtypes (HR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.5-11.7; P = .006) were independently associated with CNS relapse. BCL2/MYC dual-expression status did not impact CNS relapse risk. Three risk subgroups were identified based on the presence of high CNS-IPI score and/or ABC/unclassified COO (CNS-IPI-C model): low risk (no risk factors, n = 450 [48.2%]), intermediate risk (1 factor, n = 408 [43.7%]), and high risk (both factors, n = 75 [8.0%]). Two-year CNS relapse rates were 0.5%, 4.4%, and 15.2% in the respective risk subgroups. Combining high CNS-IPI and ABC/unclassified COO improved CNS relapse prediction and identified a patient subgroup at high risk for developing CNS relapse. The study was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT01287741
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