28 research outputs found

    Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellites in the Giant Bulldog Ant, Myrmecia brevinoda and the Jumper Ant, M. pilosula

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    The ant genus Myrmecia Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is endemic to Australia and New Caledonia, and has retained many biological traits that are considered to be basal in the family Formicidae. Here, a set of 16 dinucleotide microsatellite loci were studied that are polymorphic in at least one of the two species of the genus: the giant bulldog ant, M. brevinoda Forel, and the jumper ant, M. pilosula Smith; 13 are novel loci and 3 are loci previously published for the genus Nothomyrmecia Clark (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In M. brevinoda, the total of 12 polymorphic microsatellites yielded a total of 125 alleles, ranging from 3 to 18 with an average of 10.42 per locus; the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.4000 to 0.9000 and from 0.5413 to 0.9200, respectively. In M. pilosula, the 9 polymorphic loci yielded a total of 67 alleles, ranging from 3 to 12 with an average of 7.44 per locus; the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.5625 to 0.9375 and from 0.4863 to 0.8711, respectively. Five loci were polymorphic in both target species. In addition, 15 out of the 16 loci were successfully amplified in M. pyriformis. These informative microsatellite loci provide a powerful tool for investigating the population and colony genetic structure of M. brevinoda and M. pilosula, and may also be applicable to a range of congeners considering the relatively distant phylogenetic relatedness between M. pilosula and the other two species within the genus Myrmecia

    Understanding tumor heterogeneity as functional compartments - superorganisms revisited

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    Compelling evidence broadens our understanding of tumors as highly heterogeneous populations derived from one common progenitor. In this review we portray various stages of tumorigenesis, tumor progression, self-seeding and metastasis in analogy to the superorganisms of insect societies to exemplify the highly complex architecture of a neoplasm as a system of functional "castes.

    Effects of Insemination Quantity on Honey Bee Queen Physiology

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    Mating has profound effects on the physiology and behavior of female insects, and in honey bee (Apis mellifera) queens, these changes are permanent. Queens mate with multiple males during a brief period in their early adult lives, and shortly thereafter they initiate egg-laying. Furthermore, the pheromone profiles of mated queens differ from those of virgins, and these pheromones regulate many different aspects of worker behavior and colony organization. While it is clear that mating causes dramatic changes in queens, it is unclear if mating number has more subtle effects on queen physiology or queen-worker interactions; indeed, the effect of multiple matings on female insect physiology has not been broadly addressed. Because it is not possible to control the natural mating behavior of queens, we used instrumental insemination and compared queens inseminated with semen from either a single drone (single-drone inseminated, or SDI) or 10 drones (multi-drone inseminated, or MDI). We used observation hives to monitor attraction of workers to SDI or MDI queens in colonies, and cage studies to monitor the attraction of workers to virgin, SDI, and MDI queen mandibular gland extracts (the main source of queen pheromone). The chemical profiles of the mandibular glands of virgin, SDI, and MDI queens were characterized using GC-MS. Finally, we measured brain expression levels in SDI and MDI queens of a gene associated with phototaxis in worker honey bees (Amfor). Here, we demonstrate for the first time that insemination quantity significantly affects mandibular gland chemical profiles, queen-worker interactions, and brain gene expression. Further research will be necessary to elucidate the mechanistic bases for these effects: insemination volume, sperm and seminal protein quantity, and genetic diversity of the sperm may all be important factors contributing to this profound change in honey bee queen physiology, queen behavior, and social interactions in the colony

    Transcriptome profiling during a natural host-parasite interaction

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    BACKGROUND: Infection outcome in some coevolving host-pathogens is characterised by host-pathogen genetic interactions, where particular host genotypes are susceptible only to a subset of pathogen genotypes. To identify candidate genes responsible for the infection status of the host, we exposed a Daphnia magna host genotype to two bacterial strains of Pasteuria ramosa, one of which results in infection, while the other does not. At three time points (four, eight and 12 h) post pathogen exposure, we sequenced the complete transcriptome of the hosts using RNA-Seq (Illumina). RESULTS: We observed a rapid and transient response to pathogen treatment. Specifically, at the four-hour time point, eight genes were differentially expressed. At the eight-hour time point, a single gene was differentially expressed in the resistant combination only, and no genes were differentially expressed at the 12-h time point. CONCLUSIONS: We found that pathogen-associated transcriptional activity is greatest soon after exposure. Genome-wide resistant combinations were more likely to show upregulation of genes, while susceptible combinations were more likely to be downregulated, relative to controls. Our results also provide several novel candidate genes that may play a pivotal role in determining infection outcomes. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1838-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    recognition and genetic variability among individuals fro

    ZukunftsfĂ€higes Deutschland in einer globalisierten Welt : ein Anstoß zur gesellschaftlichen Debatte; eine Studie des Wuppertal Instituts fĂŒr Klima, Umwelt, Energie

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    Klimawandel, Hungerkrise, Rohstoffknappheit und Naturzerstörung stehen auf der internationalen Tagesordnung. Dennoch geht in der Politik, in der Wirtschaft und im Alltag Vieles weiter wie bisher: FĂŒr FlughĂ€fen werden neue Start- und Landebahnen geplant, neue Kohlekraftwerke sollen gebaut werden und Heizpilze sprießen aus dem Boden. Im Zweifelsfalle sind der Politik die Ankurbelung der Nachfrage und die Interessen der Autoindustrie wichtiger als der Klimaschutz. Und selbstverstĂ€ndlich sollen Lebensmittel, T-Shirt und Turnschuhe wenig kosten. Armut in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern hin, Umweltverschmutzung in SchwellenlĂ€ndern her. Die Notwendigkeit einer nachhaltigen Politik wird vielfach beschworen - und ungebrochen dem Wirtschaftswachstum Vorrang eingerĂ€umt. Der Klimawandel ruft nach nichts weniger als einem Zivilisationswandel. Das war die Ausgangslage fĂŒr ein interdisziplinĂ€r angelegtes Forschungsprojekt des Wuppertal Instituts unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sachs. Es wurde im Sinne einer Zwischenbilanz gefragt, "ist Deutschland zukunftsfĂ€higer geworden und wie haben sich die Bedingungen mit der Globalisierung verĂ€ndert?"