36 research outputs found

    Who Mediates Employment Relationship Problems?

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    Assuming that mediation is a successful way of resolving employment rights disputes, it is interesting to establish the reasons why this is the case. Factors for mediation being a successful way of resolving disputes mentioned in the literature are numerous and can be found not only in the unique approach to resolving disputes but also in the personal qualities of the neutral third party. This paper is based on a recently conducted study, which consists of 30 structured interviews with mediators involved in the resolution of employment relationship problems, and provides data on the person of the mediators, their training and previous work experience. It surveys not only the mediators of the Department of Labour’s Mediation Services that provide most of the mediation in this field but also private employment mediators. It also reports on the findings of an online­survey on the private employment mediation market in New Zealand

    Pengaruh Permainan Mencocokan Tulisan dengan Gambar Beserta Video terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Mengenai Penyakit Skabies pada Siswa Kelas VII dan VIII Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlisin Kota Kendari Tahun 2015

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    Skabies adalah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh Sercoptes scabiei Var hominis. Prevalensi Skabiessangat tinggi pada lingkungan dengan tingkat kepadatan penghuni yang tinggi dan kebersihan yang kurangmemadai. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) angka kejadian Skabies pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 130juta orang didunia. Menurut Internasional Alliance for the Control Of Scabies (IACS) kejadian Skabies bervariasimulai dari 0,3% menjadi 46%. penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menurunkan prevalensi penyakit Skabies dengancara metode pembelajaran aktif yang dilakukan di intitusi pendidikan. Salah satu intitusi pendidikan yangcukup erat dengan penyakit ini adalah pondok pesantren karena kehidupan para santri cukup salingberdekatan. Aktivitas mereka banyak dilakukan secara bersama-sama. Penelitian ini disusun dengan tujuanmengetahui apakah ada hubungan permainan mencocokan tulisan dengan gambar beserta video terhadappeningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku mengenai penyakit Skabies pada Siwa Kelas VII dan VIII PondokPesantren Darul Muhklisin tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian Pra-Eksperimendengan menggunakan rancangan one group pre test and post test design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 21 orang.Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Analisis datayang digunakan yaitu uji statistik Mc Nemar. Hasil penelitian tentang permainan edukatif dan video mengenaiSkabies memiliki pengaruh yang bermakna terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku padakelompok eksperimen. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya perbedaan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilakuresponden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan permainan edukatif selama 21 hari

    Who Mediates Employment Relationship Problems?

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    Assuming that mediation is a successful way of resolving employment rights disputes, it is interesting to establish the reasons why this is the case. Factors for mediation being a successful way of resolving disputes mentioned in the literature are numerous and can be found not only in the unique approach to resolving disputes but also in the personal qualities of the neutral third party. This paper is based on a recently conducted study, which consists of 30 structured interviews with mediators involved in the resolution of employment relationship problems, and provides data on the person of the mediators, their training and previous work experience. It surveys not only the mediators of the Department of Labour’s Mediation Services that provide most of the mediation in this field but also private employment mediators. It also reports on the findings of an online­survey on the private employment mediation market in New Zealand

    Who Mediates Employment Relationship Problems?

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    Assuming that mediation is a successful way of resolving employment rights disputes, it is interesting to establish the reasons why this is the case. Factors for mediation being a successful way of resolving disputes mentioned in the literature are numerous and can be found not only in the unique approach to resolving disputes but also in the personal qualities of the neutral third party. This paper is based on a recently conducted study, which consists of 30 structured interviews with mediators involved in the resolution of employment relationship problems, and provides data on the person of the mediators, their training and previous work experience. It surveys not only the mediators of the Department of Labour’s Mediation Services that provide most of the mediation in this field but also private employment mediators. It also reports on the findings of an online­survey on the private employment mediation market in New Zealand

    Verhandlungen Ärztlicher Gesellschaften

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    Soziale Sicherheit für Crowdworker_innen? Zu Regulierungsproblemen am Beispiel der Alterssicherung für Selbstständige

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    Bei der Debatte um soziale (Alters-)Sicherung für Solo-Selbstständige wurde bisher noch nicht ausdrücklich nach den Bedingungen des Versicherungsschutzes neuartiger, digitaler Beschäftigungsformen wie dem Crowdworking gefragt. Dabei sind die Crowdworker_innen aufgrund der besonderen Arbeitskonstellation über bzw. auf Plattformen in besonderer Weise schutzbedürftig, ohne dass sie aber von den bisherigen auf wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit fokussierten Einbeziehungstatbeständen des Rentenversicherungsrechts erfasst wären. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird daher das spezifische Schutzbedürfnis der digitalen Beschäftigten herausgearbeitet und nach möglichen rechtlichen Anknüpfungspunkten für Regulierungsansätze gesucht. Zentrale Forderung ist die Einbeziehung der verantwortlichen Plattformen in die Beitragspflicht.   Social Security for Crowdworkers? Regulatory Problems – Using the Example of old-age Security of Freelancers The present debate on the social security and specially the old-age security of solo self-employed people, who aren’t compulsorily insured, has to be broadened by the legal und actual conditions for insurance protection of noval and digital forms of gainful employment. Crowdworking is paradigmatic for these ongoing changes. Interactive digital platforms coordinate these “self-employed“ working processes. Based on that hybridity beyond markets and organizations crowdworkers similar to employees are in need for protection. In this paper I explore possible models of protection against the background of the interaction practices of crowdworking. I argue for a new protection and regulatory concept, which considers the particular and significant role of platforms. JEL-Klassifizierung: K31, J23, J26, J5


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