1,416 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Modes in a Trapped Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms

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    The zero-temperature properties of a dilute two-component Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover are investigated. On the basis of a generalization of the variational Schwinger method, we construct approximate semi-analytical formulae for collective frequencies of the radial and the axial breathing modes of the Fermi gas under harmonic confinement in the framework of the hydrodynamic theory. It is shown that the method gives nearly exact solutions.Comment: 11 page

    Imaginary-time formulation of steady-state nonequilibrium: application to strongly correlated transport

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    We extend the imaginary-time formulation of the equilibrium quantum many-body theory to steady-state nonequilibrium with an application to strongly correlated transport. By introducing Matsubara voltage, we keep the finite chemical potential shifts in the Fermi-Dirac function, in agreement with the Keldysh formulation. The formulation is applied to strongly correlated transport in the Kondo regime using the quantum Monte Carlo method.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    A systematic study of non-ideal contacts in integer quantum Hall systems

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    In the present article we investigate the influence of the contact region on the distribution of the chemical potential in integer quantum Hall samples, as well as the longitudinal and Hall resistance as a function of the magnetic field. First we use a standard quantum Hall sample geometry and analyse the influence of the length of the leads where current enters/leaves the sample and the ratio of the contact width to the width of these leads. Furthermore we investigate potential barriers in the current injecting leads and the measurement arms in order to simulate non-ideal contacts. Second we simulate nonlocal quantum Hall samples with applied gating voltage at the metallic contacts. For such samples it has been found experimentally that both the longitudinal and Hall resistance as a function of the magnetic field can change significantly. Using the nonequilibrium network model we are able to reproduce most qualitative features of the experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 16 Figure

    Quantum simulation of manybody effects in steady-state nonequilibrium: electron-phonon coupled quantum dots

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    We develop a mapping of quantum steady-state nonequilibrium to an effective equilibrium and solve the problem using a quantum simulation technique. A systematic implementation of the nonequilibrium boundary condition in steady-state is made in the electronic transport on quantum dot structures. This formulation of quantum manybody problem in nonequilibrium enables the use of existing numerical quantum manybody techniques. The algorithm coherently demonstrates various transport behaviors from phonon-dephasing to I-V staircase and phonon-assisted tunneling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Microscopic Theory for the Markovian Decay of Magnetization Fluctuations in Nanomagnets

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    We present a microscopic theory for the phonon-driven decay of the magnetization fluctuations in a wide class of nanomagnets where the dominant energy is set by isotropic exchange and/or uniaxial anisotropy. Based on the Zwanzig-Mori projection formalism, the theory reveals that the magnetization fluctuations are governed by a single decay rate ωc\omega_c, which we further identify with the zero-frequency portion of the associated self-energy. This dynamical decoupling from the remaining slow degrees of freedom is attributed to a conservation law and the discreteness of the energy spectrum, and explains the omnipresent mono-exponential decay of the magnetization over several decades in time, as observed experimentally. A physically transparent analytical expression for ωc\omega_c is derived which highlights the three specific mechanisms of the slowing down effect which are known so far in nanomagnets.Comment: 7 page

    Flow structure beneath periodic waves with constant vorticity under strong horizontal electric Fields

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    While several articles have been written on Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) flows or flows with constant vorticity separately, little is known about the extent to which the combined effects of EHD and constant vorticity affect the flow. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating how a horizontal electric field and constant vorticity jointly influence the free surface and the emergence of stagnation points. Using the Euler equations framework, we employ conformal mapping and pseudo-spectral numerical methods. Our findings reveal that increasing the electric field intensity eliminates stagnation points and smoothen the wave profile. This implies that a horizontal electric field acts as a mechanism for the elimination of stagnation points within the fluid body

    Self-consistent theory of turbulence

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    A new approach to the stochastic theory of turbulence is suggested. The coloured noise that is present in the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation is generated from the delta-correlated noise allowing us to avoid the nonlocal field theory as it is the case in the conventional theory. A feed-back mechanism is introduced in order to control the noise intensity.Comment: submitted to J.Tech. Phys.Letters (St. Petersburg

    Collective Excitations of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms in a Harmonic Trap

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    The zero-temperature properties of a dilute two-component Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover are investigated. On the basis of a generalization of the Hylleraas-Undheim method, we construct rigorous upper bounds to the collective frequencies for the radial and the axial breathing mode of the Fermi gas under harmonic confinement in the framework of the hydrodynamic theory. The bounds are compared to experimental data for trapped vapors of Li6 atoms.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Activated Ion Electron Capture Dissociation (AI ECD) of proteins: synchronization of infrared and electron irradiation with ion magnetron motion.

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    Here, we show that to perform activated ion electron capture dissociation (AI-ECD) in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer equipped with a CO(2) laser, it is necessary to synchronize both infrared irradiation and electron capture dissociation with ion magnetron motion. This requirement is essential for instruments in which the infrared laser is angled off-axis, such as the Thermo Finnigan LTQ FT. Generally, the electron irradiation time required for proteins is much shorter (ms) than that required for peptides (tens of ms), and the modulation of ECD, AI ECD, and infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) with ion magnetron motion is more pronounced. We have optimized AI ECD for ubiquitin, cytochrome c, and myoglobin; however the results can be extended to other proteins. We demonstrate that pre-ECD and post-ECD activation are physically different and display different kinetics. We also demonstrate how, by use of appropriate AI ECD time sequences and normalization, the kinetics of protein gas-phase refolding can be deconvoluted from the diffusion of the ion cloud and measured on the time scale longer than the period of ion magnetron motion

    Information theory in the study of anisotropic radiation

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    Information theory is used to perform a thermodynamic study of non equilibrium anisotropic radiation. We limit our analysis to a second-order truncation of the moments, obtaining a distribution function which leads to a natural closure of the hierarchy of radiative transfer equations in the so-called variable Eddington factor scheme. Some Eddington factors appearing in the literature can be recovered as particular cases of our two-parameter Eddington factor. We focus our attention in the study of the thermodynamic properties of such systems and relate it to recent nonequilibrium thermodynamic theories. Finally we comment the possibility of introducing a nonequilibrium chemical potential for photons.Comment: 1 eps figure upon request by e-mail, to appear in Journal of Physics
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