167 research outputs found

    Dissipation signatures of the normal and superfluid phases in torsion pendulum experiments with 3He in aerogel

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    We present data for energy dissipation factor (Q^{-1}) over a broad temperature range at various pressures of a torsion pendulum setup used to study 3He confined in a 98% open silica aerogel. Values for Q^{-1} above T_c are temperature independent and have a weak pressure dependence. Below T_c, a deliberate axial compression of the aerogel by 10% widens the range of metastability for a superfluid Equal Spin Pairing (ESP) state; we observe this ESP phase on cooling and the B phase on warming over an extended temperature region. While the dissipation for the B phase tends to zero as T goes to 0, Q^{-1} exhibits a peak value greater than that at T_c at intermediate temperatures. Values for Q^{-1} in the ESP phase are consistently higher than in the B phase and are proportional to \rho_s/\rho until the ESP to B phase transition is attained. We apply a viscoelastic collision-drag model, which couples the motion of the helium and the aerogel through a frictional relaxation time \tau_f. Our dissipation data is not sensitive to the damping due to the presumed small but non-zero value of \tau_f. The result is that an additional mechanism to dissipate energy not captured in the collision-drag model and related to the emergence of the superfluid order must exist. The extra dissipation below T_c is possibly associated with mutual friction between the superfluid phases and the clamped normal fluid. The pressure dependence of the measured dissipation in both superfluid phases is likely related to the pressure dependence of the gap structure of the "dirty" superfluid. The large dissipation in the ESP state is consistent with the phase being the A or the Polar with the order parameter nodes oriented in the plane of the cell and perpendicular to the aerogel anisotropy axis.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Magneto-Acoustic Spectroscopy in Superfluid 3He-B

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    We have used the recently discovered acoustic Faraday effect in superfluid 3He to perform high resolution spectroscopy of an excited state of the superfluid condensate. With acoustic cavity interferometry we measure the rotation of the plane of polarization of a transverse sound wave propagating in the direction of magnetic field from which we determine the Zeeman energy of the excited state. We interpret the Lande g-factor, combined with the zero-field energies of the state, using the theory of Sauls and Serene to calculate the strength of f -wave interactions in 3He.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRL, Aug 30th, 200

    Direct measurement of the 14N(p,g)15O S-factor

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    We have measured the 14N(p,g)15O excitation function for energies in the range E_p = 155--524 keV. Fits of these data using R-matrix theory yield a value for the S-factor at zero energy of 1.64(17) keV b, which is significantly smaller than the result of a previous direct measurement. The corresponding reduction in the stellar reaction rate for 14N(p,g)15O has a number of interesting consequences, including an impact on estimates for the age of the Galaxy derived from globular clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    New Chiral Phases of Superfluid 3He Stabilized by Anisotropic Silica Aerogel

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    A rich variety of Fermi systems condense by forming bound pairs, including high temperature [1] and heavy fermion [2] superconductors, Sr2RuO4 [3], cold atomic gases [4], and superfluid 3He [5]. Some of these form exotic quantum states having non-zero orbital angular momentum. We have discovered, in the case of 3He, that anisotropic disorder, engineered from highly porous silica aerogel, stabilizes a chiral superfluid state that otherwise would not exist. Additionally, we find that the chiral axis of this state can be uniquely oriented with the application of a magnetic field perpendicular to the aerogel anisotropy axis. At suffciently low temperature we observe a sharp transition from a uniformly oriented chiral state to a disordered structure consistent with locally ordered domains, contrary to expectations for a superfluid glass phase [6].Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure, and Supplementary Informatio

    Superfluid Phase Stability of 3^3He in Axially Anisotropic Aerogel

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    Measurements of superfluid 3^3He in 98% aerogel demonstrate the existence of a metastable \emph{A}-like phase and a stable \emph{B}-like phase. It has been suggested that the relative stability of these two phases is controlled by anisotropic quasiparticle scattering in the aerogel. Anisotropic scattering produced by axial compression of the aerogel has been predicted to stabilize the axial state of superfluid 3^3He. To explore this possiblity, we used transverse acoustic impedance to map out the phase diagram of superfluid 3^3He in a ∼98\sim 98% porous silica aerogel subjected to 17% axial compression. We have previously shown that axial anisotropy in aerogel leads to optical birefringence and that optical cross-polarization studies can be used to characterize such anisotropy. Consequently, we have performed optical cross-polarization experiments to verify the presence and uniformity of the axial anisotropy in our aerogel sample. We find that uniform axial anisotropy introduced by 17% compression does not stabilize the \emph{A}-like phase. We also find an increase in the supercooling of the \emph{A}-like phase at lower pressure, indicating a modification to \emph{B}-like phase nucleation in \emph{globally} anisotropic aerogels.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to LT25 (25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics

    Strong Coupling Corrections to the Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Superfluid ^{3}He

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    In the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superfluid 3^{3}He, the free energy is expressed as an expansion of invariants of a complex order parameter. Strong coupling effects, which increase with increasing pressure, are embodied in the set of coefficients of these order parameter invariants\cite{Leg75,Thu87}. Experiments can be used to determine four independent combinations of the coefficients of the five fourth order invariants. This leaves the phenomenological description of the thermodynamics near TcT_{c} incomplete. Theoretical understanding of these coefficients is also quite limited. We analyze our measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and the NMR frequency shift in the BB-phase which refine the four experimental inputs to the phenomenological theory. We propose a model based on existing experiments, combined with calculations by Sauls and Serene\cite{Sau81} of the pressure dependence of these coefficients, in order to determine all five fourth order terms. This model leads us to a better understanding of the thermodynamics of superfluid 3^{3}He in its various states. We discuss the surface tension of bulk superfluid 3^{3}He and predictions for novel states of the superfluid such as those that are stabilized by elastic scattering of quasiparticles from a highly porous silica aerogel.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Mass coupling and Q−1ofimpurity−limitednormalQ^{-1} of impurity-limited normal ^3$He in a torsion pendulum

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    We present results of the Q−1Q^{-1} and period shift, ΔP\Delta P, for 3^3He confined in a 98% nominal open aerogel on a torsion pendulum. The aerogel is compressed uniaxially by 10% along a direction aligned to the torsion pendulum axis and was grown within a 400 μ\mum tall pancake (after compression) similar to an Andronikashvili geometry. The result is a high QQ pendulum able to resolve Q−1Q^{-1} and mass coupling of the impurity-limited 3^3He over the whole temperature range. After measuring the empty cell background, we filled the cell above the critical point and observe a temperature dependent period shift, ΔP\Delta P, between 100 mK and 3 mK that is 2.9% of the period shift (after filling) at 100 mK. The Q−1Q^{-1} due to the 3^3He decreases by an order of magnitude between 100 mK and 3 mK at a pressure of 0.14±0.030.14\pm0.03 bar. We compare the observable quantities to the corresponding calculated Q−1Q^{-1} and period shift for bulk 3^3He.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Phase diagram of superfluid 3He in "nematically ordered" aerogel

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    Results of experiments with liquid 3He immersed in a new type of aerogel are described. This aerogel consists of Al2O3 strands which are nearly parallel to each other, so we call it as a "nematically ordered" aerogel. At all used pressures a superfluid transition was observed and a superfluid phase diagram was measured. Possible structures of the observed superfluid phases are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Pis'ma v ZhETF (JETP Letters

    Modification of the 3He Phase Diagram by Anisotropic Disorder

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    Motivated by the recent prediction that uniaxially compressed aerogel can stabilize the anisotropic A phase over the isotropic B phase, we measure the pressure dependent superfluid fraction of 3He entrained in 10% axially compressed, 98% porous aerogel. We observe that a broad region of the temperature-pressure phase diagram is occupied by the metastable A phase. The reappearance of the A phase on warming from the B phase, before superfluidity is extinguished at Tc, is in contrast to its absence in uncompressed aerogel. The phase diagram is modified from that of pure 3He, with the disappearance of the polycritical point (PCP) and the appearance of a region of A phase extending below the PCP of bulk 3He, even in zero applied magnetic field. The expected alignment of the A phase texture by compression is not observed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted for review to PR
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