4,414 research outputs found

    Usability testing of e-shop software

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    Selles bakalaureusetöös uuritakse kasutatavuse testimise meetodeid ning pakutakse välja e-poe tarkvara kasutatavuse hindamiseks meetod. Seda meetodit rakendatakse e-poe tarkvaral, peale mida saab hinnata selle meetodi päriselulist rakendust e-poe tarkvarade kasutatavuse hindamiseks.This paper researches usability testing methods and tries to derive an effective method for testing e-shop software. The derived method shall be used on e-shop software in order to determine if the suggested method could be used for usability testing on this type of software

    Lygia e Poe: mistérios extraordinários

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    Para perscrutar o gênero fantástico na obra de Lygia Fagundes Telles, balizaremos nossa leitura com as considerações teóricas de Tzvetan Todorov, apresentadas em Introdução à literatura fantástica (2010), com as quais nos afinamos, a despeito dos questionamentos e críticas a elas colocados posteriormente. A partir disso, poderemos verificar como os aspectos fantásticos se organizam especificamente na coletânea de contos intitulada Mistérios (1998) e, então, estabelecer paralelos entre esta e as Histórias extraordinárias, de Edgar Allan Poe (1981)

    Kasutusmugavus e-poe edukuse määrajana

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    Spartan Daily, January 17, 1958

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    Volume 45, Issue 65https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12557/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, January 17, 1958

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    Volume 45, Issue 65https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12557/thumbnail.jp

    The consumer decision-making process on the example of online store KoduABC

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    Bakalaureusetöö Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekavalTänapäeva edukate ettevõtete kordaminekud tulenevad kliendikesksest lähenemisest ja läbimõeldud turundustegevusest. Tarbija ostukäitumise ja otsustusprotsessi uurimine võimaldab parandada toodete ning teenuste kvaliteeti vastavalt klientide soovidele ja vajadustele. Seega on töö eesmärk välja selgitada, milline on e-poe KoduABC tarbija otsustusprotsess. Bakalaureusetöö empiirilises osas kasutatud andmed pärinevad seitsme eelnimetatud e poest ostu sooritanud kliendiga läbi viidud personaalsetest intervjuudest. Vastused transkribeeriti ning deduktiivse analüüsi meetodil kaardistati e-poe KoduABC tarbija otsustusprotsess. KoduABC e-poe klient jõuab veebilehele eelkõige Facebooki reklaamide kaudu. Informatsiooni kogub ta sisustusteemalistest sotsiaalmeediagruppidest ja veebilehtedelt, sest tarbija hinnangul on informatsioon internetist põhjalik ja kergesti kättesaadav. E-poe klient on kursis konkureerivate ettevõtete pakkumistega ning tal on välja kujunenud kindlad eelistused, hoiakud ja kriteeriumid sisustuskaupade suhtes. Tootevalikul eelistab e-poe KoduABC tarbija unikaalseid ja eripäraseid tooteid, mis eristuvad laiemalt levinud kaubavalikust. Probleemi näeb ta peamiselt pikkades tarneaegades ja puudulikus informatsioonis tellimuse staatuse kohta. Töö tulemused aitavad e-poel KoduABC mõista tarbijate käitumist e-poes ning parandada toodete ja teenuse kvaliteeti klientide rahulolu ja lojaalsuse kasvatamiseks.The success of today’s most advanced companies comes from customer-centric approach and thorough marketing activities. Researching consumer buying behaviour and decision making process helps businesses to improve the quality of products and services to match the needs of customers. Therefore the aim of this thesis is to explicate the consumer decision-making process in online store KoduABC. The data used in the empirical part of this bachelor’s thesis results from personal interviews conducted with seven customers who have made a purchase in aforementioned online store. The replies were transcribed and using a deductive analysis method, the consumer decision-making process in online store KoduABC was mapped. The customer of KoduABC lands on page mainly from Facebook Ads. They gather information from social media groups and websites of home furnishings because in the internet there is more relevant information available in their opinion. The customer is well informed of competitors’ product range and they have developed certain preferences, attitudes and criteria for home decor products. Typical client of KoduABC prefers peculiar and unique products which differ from common merchandise. The subject of problem for them is long delivery time and inadequate information about the status of their order. The results of this thesis can help the online store KoduABC to better understand the consumer behaviour in online store and improve the quality of products and services to increase the satisfaction and loyality of their customers

    E-poe väljatöötamisprotsess Astri Internet OÜ näitel

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    E-poe väärtuspakkumise tõstmine Fits.me rakenduse abil

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    Spartan Daily, October 2, 1957

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    Volume 45, Issue 6https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12499/thumbnail.jp