1,105 research outputs found

    The broad-band X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy, MCG+8-11-11

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    We present a long (100 ks) Suzaku observation of one of the X-ray brightest AGN, MCG+8-11-11. These data were complemented with the 54-month Swift BAT spectrum, allowing us to perform a broad-band fit in the 0.6-150 keV range. The fits performed in the 0.6-10 keV band give consistent results with respect to a previous XMM-Newton observation, i.e. the lack of a soft excess, warm absorption along the line of sight, a large Compton reflection component (R~1) and the absence of a relativistic component of the neutral iron Kα\alpha emission line. However, when the PIN and Swift BAT data are included, the reflection amount drops significantly (R~0.2-0.3), and a relativistic iron line is required, the latter confirmed by a phenomenological analysis in a restricted energy band (3-10 keV). When a self-consistent model is applied to the whole broadband data, the observed reflection component appears to be all associated to the relativistic component of the iron Kα\alpha line. The resulting scenario, though strongly model-dependent, requires that all the reprocessing spectral components from Compton-thick material must be associated to the accretion disc, and no evidence for the classical pc-scale torus is found. The narrow core of the neutral iron Kα\alpha line is therefore produced in a Compton-thin material, like the BLR, similarly to what found in another Seyfert galaxy, NGC7213, but with the notable difference that MCG+8-11-11 presents spectral signatures from an accretion disc. The very low accretion rate of NGC7213 could explain the lack of relativistic signatures in its spectrum, but the absence of the torus in both sources is more difficult to explain, since their luminosities are comparable, and their accretion rates are completely different.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Iron line signatures in X-ray afterglows of GRB by BeppoSAX

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    We report the possible detection (99.3% of statistical significance) of redshifted Fe iron line emission in the X-ray afterglow of Gamma-ray burst GRB970508 observed by BeppoSAX. Its energy is consistent with the redshift of the putative host galaxy determined from optical spectroscopy. In contrast to the fairly clean environment expected in the merging of two neutron stars, the observed line properties would imply that the site of the burst is embedded in a large mass of material (>0.5 \Ms), consistent with pre-explosion ejecta of a very massive star. This material could be related with the outburst observed in the afterglow 1 day after the GRB and with the spectral variations measured during this phase. We did not find evidence of Fe line in two other GRB with known redshift (GB971214 and GB980613), but we note that the upper limits are of the same order of the intensity measured in GB97508 and that none of these afterglows shows rebursting activity.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, proc. of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, Nov. 1998, Rome, F. Frontera & L. Piro ed.s., A&A Suppl. Ser., in pres

    BeppoSAX Observations of the Radio Galaxy Centaurus A

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    We present preliminary results from two observations of the radio galaxy Centaurus A performed by the BeppoSAX satellite. We did not detect any spectral variation of the nuclear continuum in spite of the long-term flux change (by a factor 1.3) between the two observations. At both epochs, the nuclear point-like emission was well fitted with a strongly absorbed power law with an exponential cutoff at high energies (E_cutoff>200 keV). We also observed a significant flux variation of the iron line between the two observations. The flux of the line and of the continuum changed in the opposite sense. The line is more intense at the first epoch, when the nuclear source was at the lower intensity level. The implied delay between the continuum and line variations strongly suggests that the cold material responsible for the iron line production is not located very near to the primary X-ray source. There is also evidence that the line profile changed between the two epochs, being broader and slightly blueshifted when the source was fainter. It is possible that the emission feature is a blend of cold and ionized iron lines produced in separate regions surrounding the nuclear source.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, proceedings of 32nd COSPAR Symposium (1998

    STIS Echelle Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151: Physical Conditions in the Ultraviolet Absorbers

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    We have examined the physical conditions in intrinsic UV-absorbing gas in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151, using echelle spectra obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). We confirm the presence of the kinematic components detected in earlier GHRS observations as well as a new broad absorption feature at a radial velocity of -1680 km/s. The UV continuum of NGC 4151 decreased by a factor of 4 over the previous two years, and we argue the changes in the column density of the low ionization absorption lines associated with the broad component at -490 km/s reflect the decrease in the ionizing flux. Most of the strong absorption lines (e.g., N V, C IV, Si IV) from this component are saturated, but show substantial residual flux in their cores, indicating that the absorber does not fully cover the source of emission. Our interpretation is that the unocculted light is due to scattering by free electrons from an extended region, which reflects continuum, emission lines, and absorption lines. We have been able to constrain the densities for the kinematic components based on absorption lines from metastable states of C III and Fe II, and/or the ratios of ground and fine structure lines of O I,C II, and Si II. We have generated a set of photoionization models which match the ionic column densities for each component during the present low flux state and those seen in previous high flux states with the GHRS and STIS, confirming that the absorbers are photoionized and respond to the changes in the continuum flux. We have been able to map the relative radial positions of the absorbers, and find that the gas decreases in density with distance. None of the UV absorbers is of sufficiently large column density or high enough ionization state to account for the X-ray absorption.Comment: 46 pages (Latex), 14 figures (postscript), plus a landscape table (Latex), to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    The X-ray afterglow of the Gamma-ray burst of May 8, 1997: spectral variability and possible evidence of an iron line

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    We report the possible detection (99.3% of statistical significance) of redshifted Fe iron line emission in the X-ray afterglow of Gamma-ray burst GRB970508 observed by BeppoSAX. Its energy is consistent with the redshift of the putative host galaxy determined from optical spectroscopy. The line disappeared about 1 day after the burst. We have also analyzed the spectral variability during the outburst event that characterizes the X-ray afterglow of this GRB. The spectrum gets harder during the flare, turning to steep when the flux decreases. The variability, intensity and width of the line indicate that the emitting region should have a mass approximately greater than 0.5 solar masses (assuming the iron abundance similar to its solar value), a size of about 3 times 10^15 cm, be distributed anisotropically, and be moving with sub-relativistic speed. In contrast to the fairly clean environment expected in the merging of two neutron stars, the observed line properties would imply that the site of the burst is embedded in a large mass of material, consistent with pre-explosion ejecta of a very massive star. This material could be related with the outburst observed in the afterglow 1 day after the GRB and with the spectral variations measured during this phase.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, AASTEX LateX, 2 PostScript figure

    BeppoSAX Observations of the TeV Blazar Mkn 421

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    The blazar Mkn 421 has been observed, as part of the AO1 Core Program, five times from 2 to 7 May 1997. In the LECS+MECS energy band the spectrum shows convex curvature, well represented by a broken power--law. Flux variability (more than a factor 2) has been detected over the entire 0.1--10 keV range, accompanying which the spectrum steepens with the decrease in intensity. Mkn 421 has also been detected with the PDS instrument. Our preliminary analysis indicates that the PDS spectrum lies significantly above the extrapolation from the MECS, suggesting a contribution from a flatter high energy component.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses espcrc2.sty and psfig.sty (both included). To appear in "The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and Rossi-XTE", Rome, Italy, 21-24 October, 1997. Eds.: L. Scarsi, H. Bradt, P. Giommi and F. Fior

    XMM and Chandra measurements of the AGN intrinsic absorption: dependence on luminosity and redshift

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    We combine bright XMM data with the Chandra Deep Field South observations in order to explore the behavior of the intrinsic AGN absorption, as a function of redshift and luminosity.Our sample consists of 359 sources selected in the hard 2-8 keV band, spanning the flux range 6\times10^{-16}-$3\times10^{-13} erg s^-1 cm^-2 with a high rate of spectroscopic or photometric redshift completeness (100 and 85 per cent respectively for the Chandra and XMM data. We derive the column density values using X-ray spectral fits. We find that the fraction of obscured AGN falls with increasing luminosity in agreement with previous findings. The fraction of obscured AGN shows an apparent increase at high redshifts (z>2). Simulations show that this effect can be most probably attributed to the fact that at high redshifts the column densities are overestimated.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, A&A accepte

    Testing Comptonizing coronae on a long BeppoSAX observation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548

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    We test accurate models of Comptonization spectra over the high quality data of the BeppoSAX long look at NGC 5548, allowing for different geometries of the scattering region, different temperatures of the input soft photon field and different viewing angles. We find that the BeppoSAX data are well represented by a plane parallel or hemispherical corona viewed at an inclination angle of 30∘^{\circ}. For both geometries the best fit temperature of the soft photons is close to 15−9+3^{+3}_{-9} eV. The corresponding best fit values of the hot plasma temperature and optical depth are kTe≃kT_{\rm e}\simeq 250--260 keV and τ≃\tau\simeq 0.16--0.37 for the slab and hemisphere respectively. These values are substantially different from those derived fitting the data with a power-law + cut off approximation to the Comptonization component (kT_{\rm e}\lta 60 keV, τ≃\tau\simeq 2.4). This is due to the fact that accurate Comptonization spectra in anisotropic geometries show "intrinsic" curvature which reduces the necessity of a high energy cut-off. The Comptonization parameter derived for the slab model {is} larger than predicted for a two phase plane parallel corona in energy balance, suggesting that a more ``photon-starved'' geometry is necessary. The spectral softening detected during a flare which occurred in the central part of the observation corresponds to a decrease of the Comptonization parameter, probably associated with an increase of the soft photon luminosity, the {hard} photon luminosity remaining constant.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap
