66 research outputs found

    Pengalaman Ibu yang Terdeteksi HIV Tentang Dukungan Keluarga Selama Persalinan

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    Jumlah kasus ibu hamil dan melahirkan dengan HIV dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimana pengalaman ibu yang terdeteksi HIV tentang dukungan keluarga selama persalinan dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menggali pengalaman ibu yang terdeteksi HIV tentang dukungan keluarga selama persalinan dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi. Metode penelitian survei, dengan delapan partisipan dipilih berdasarkan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan analisis data menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar partisipan mendapatkan dukungan keluarga berupa dukungan emosional, spiritual, financial, dan informasi, sedangkan sisanya tidak mendapatkan dukungan. Dukungan yang didapatkan ibu menimbulkan perasaan bahagia dan tenang. Beberapa partisipan mendapatkan perlakuan negatif akibat stigma dari keluarga dan pemberi pelayanan kesehatan. Simpulan penelitian adalah perawat maternitas berperan menerapkan asuhan keperawatan melibatkan keluarga yang memperhatikan psikologi, sosial dan spiritual ibu selama persalinan. The number of cases of maternal HIV increased every year in the world or in Indonesia. The research problem was how mothers experience with HIV detectable on family support during delivery their baby with phenomenological qualitative approach. The purpose of the study to explore the experiences of mothers who detected HIV on family supports during delivery their baby with phenomenological qualitative approach. Survey research methods, with eight participants were selected based on purposive sampling. Collecting data using in-depth interviews and data analyzed by thematic analysis. The results showed most participants get family support for emotional, spiritual, financial, and information support, while the rest do not get support. Mothers which get support were feelings happy and calm. Some participants got negative treatment because of the stigma from family and health care providers. Research conclusion, maternity nurses can apply nursing care involves families with psychological, social, and spiritual attention for mother during delivery their baby

    Hasil Guna Imunisasi Dasar Difteri dengan Vaksin Dpt 2 Dosis

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    A retrospective study on a basic diptheria immunization was done in Tulangan district of East Jawa, involving three hundred ninety two children with various immune status, that say 0,1 and 2 doses of DPT vaccine manufactured by Perum. Bio Farma, Bandung. The study was aimed to measure serological effectiviness 2 of doses of DPT vaccine for inducing immunity against diphtheria in real life situation. Diphtheria antitoxin titre was examined by Passive Haemagglutination Assay on 0,1 ml of capillary blood specimens. The result showed that 2 doses of DPT vaccine given at 1-3 months interval on children of 3—14 months old, were able to induce an adequate immune response on more than 80% of the children. Immune response with 0 and 1 doses of DPT vaccine has also been discussed. The potensial implication of this study result, supported by other study on a various of age, on the administration strategy of booster dose of Td ("adult type") vaccine among school children has also been suggested

    Analisis Distribusi Total Suspended Matter Dan Klorofil-a Menggunakan Citra Terra Modis Level 1b Resolusi 250 Meter Dan 500 Meter (Studi Kasus Daerah Pesisir Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2012)

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    TSM (Total Suspended Matter) adalah material tersuspensi berupa zat organik maupun anorganik yang memiliki diameter >1mm yang berada di permukaan air, sedangkan Klorofil-A adalah kelompok pigmen fotosintesis yang menyerap cahaya biru, dan merah, serta merefleksikan cahaya hijau. Keduanya dengan jumlah yang besar dapat menutupi permukaan air dan membuat air menjadi hangat dan mengurangi kemampuan air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan oksigen untuk kehidupan biota laut dengan kata lain dapat menganggu ekosistem perairan. Dalam pengamatan kualitas air, perlu adanya pengamatan tentang TSM dan Klorofil-A untuk waktu dan tempat yang spesifik, serta berkelanjutan. Data pengideraan jauh dapat menganalisa beberapa parameter dalam cara spasial dan temporal. Akan tetapi masalahnya adalah sulit untuk menemukan algoritma yang sesuai untuk setiap daerah. Dikarenakan setiap daerah memiliki karakteristik yang belum tentu sama. Dengan menggunakan data time series akan lebih baik dalam memonitoring kondisi kualitas air. MODIS adalah satelit yang memiliki time series harian, jadi sangat bagus untuk pengamatan daerah perairan. Data yang digunakan dalam pengamatan ini adalah Terra-MODIS level 1B resolusi 250 meter dan 500 meter bulan januari sampai september dan di validasi dengan data in situ bulan Agustus 2012. Beberapa model persamaan digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sebaran konsentrasi TSM dan Klorofil-A. Hasil pengolahan data didapatkan transformasi kromatisiti kanal merah pada MODIS dapat digunakan untuk analisa sebaran koefisien TSM dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (R2) sebesar 0,484 sedangkan rasio antara kanal NIR dengan Kanal biru dapat digunakan untuk analisa sebaran konsentrasi Klorofil-A dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar (R2) 0,924

    Resistensi Kuman Bordetella Pertussis terhadap Antibiotika

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    The antibiotic resistancy of Bordetella pertussis to erythromicin, chloramphenicol and tetracyclin has been examined using Disc diffusion method described by Kirby bauer (1966) on Charcoal agar contains 10% sheep blood. The examination was done on positive culture which had been collected from 233 nasopharyngeal swab specimens. The results showed that no resistant to erythromicin (0%). Mean while there was significant resistancy to chloramphenicol (5,6%) and tetracyclin (25%). Antibiotic treatment should be given rationally to gain efficiency in antibiotic USAge, to avoid antibiotic resistancy and to minimize cost of treatment

    Pengaruh Umur terhadap Hasil Guna Imunisasi Dasar Batuk- Rejan dengan Vaksin Dpt

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    A restrospective study of the influence of age on the efficacy of primary immunization against pertussis was done in Tulangan district, Sidoarjo, Surabaya. Five hundreds and seventy children under ten months of age with various vaccination status and 157 children under three years of age as a control group were taken as samples. Adjuvanted "whole-cell pertussis-vaccine", made by Bio Farma, was used in the study. One tenth of finger blood or toe blood were taken by heparinized capillary pipet for the examination of agglutinin titres against pertussis. Serological examination by micro-agglutination test, showed there was no significant differences in the antibody production following administration of 1, 2 and 3 shots of DPT vaccine among chil­dren of 0-2 months, 3-6 months and 7-10 months. The results suggested that the administration of primary DPT vaccine to babies as early as 4 weeks old is effective and can be recommended

    Gambaran Eritrosit Ayam Broiler Dengan Waktu Tempuh Transportasi dan Level Pemberian ZnSO4 Berbeda

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    Transportation of broiler chickens in Indonesia from cage to traditional slaughterhouse has the potential to cause stress because it does not heed the elements of animal welfare. Thus, this study aims to examine the impact of transport time to hematological value with ZnSO4 given in broiler chickens. The research design used was Randomized Block Design (RAK) of factorial with two treatment factors. Treatment factors are transport time (1, 2, and 3 hours) and supplementation of ZnSO4 (0, 80, and 160 ppm). Total of 144 male broiler chickens aged 4 weeks were the object of observation. Transportation performed in the early morning. Parameters studied were hematology value which are consists of erythrocyte count, hemoglobin level, hematocrit value, and erythrocyte index. The data analysis was done statistically using IBM SPSS version 20. Transport time proved to affect hematological value of birds seen from the changes, which are decrease of erythrocyte count and hematocrit values. Birds were indicated microcytic anemia based on low MCV value. Supplementation of ZnSO4through drinking water at 80 and 160 ppm for 7 days prior to slaughter was able to maintain hemoglobin and MCH as well as MCHC of birds up to 2 hours of transport time

    Pharmacokinetics and safety/tolerability of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide in children and adolescents treated for tuberculous meningitis

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the pharmacokinetics and safety/tolerability of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide in children and adolescents with tuberculous meningitis (TBM). DESIGN: Prospective observational pharmacokinetic study with an exploratory pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis. SETTING: Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia. PATIENTS: Individuals aged 0–18 years clinically diagnosed with TBM and receiving first-line anti-tuberculosis drug dosages according to revised WHO-recommended treatment guidelines. INTERVENTIONS: Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide were assessed on days 2 and 10 of treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Plasma exposures during the daily dosing interval (AUC(0–24)), peak plasma concentrations (C (max)) and CSF concentrations. RESULTS: Among 20 eligible patients, geometric mean AUC(0–24) of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide was 18.5, 66.9 and 315.5 hour∙mg/L on day 2; and 14.5, 71.8 and 328.4 hour∙mg/L on day 10, respectively. Large interindividual variabilities were observed in AUC(0–24) and C (max) of all drugs. All patients had suboptimal rifampicin AUC(0–24) for TBM treatment indication and very low rifampicin CSF concentrations. Four patients developed grade 2–3 drug-induced liver injury (DILI) within the first 4 weeks of treatment, in whom anti-tuberculosis drugs were temporarily stopped, and no DILI recurred after reintroduction of rifampicin and isoniazid. AUC(0–24) of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide along with C (max) of isoniazid and pyrazinamide on day 10 were higher in patients who developed DILI than those without DILI (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Higher rifampicin doses are strongly warranted in treatment of children and adolescents with TBM. The association between higher plasma concentrations of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide and the development of DILI needs confirmatory studies
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