131 research outputs found

    Diamond photonics platform enabled by femtosecond laser writing

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    We demonstrate the first buried optical waveguides in diamond using focused femtosecond laser pulses. The properties of nitrogen vacancy centers are preserved in the waveguides, making them promising for diamond-based magnetometers or quantum information systems.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    The role of crowd support on home advantage during COVID-19 restrictions on Italian football competitions. Comparison between 2018-19 and 2020-21 seasons of the Italian Serie A and Serie B championships

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    The home advantage (HA) affects football competitions, especially due to the presence of crowd support. Even though several studies demonstrated that HA (which is influenced by the crowd) decreased in recent years, the empty stadia caused by COVID-19 restrictions offered unique situations to explore and quantify HA. For this reason, we aimed to assess HA in two seasons of the major Italian Championships. We conducted an observational study with the data from the last three seasons of the Italian football championship A-B series, analyzing a total of 2.964 individual game scores. To quantify the HA, the number of points won at home was calculated as a percentage of the total number of points won, home and away. In every season and for every team classification, HA was found (scored points > 50% in home matches). We reported a difference in HA median score for Serie B. Additionally, a difference was found in Serie A for middle-ranking HA median scores in the two seasons compared (p-value = 0.017), which was similarly found in Serie B (p-value = 0.009). The number of penalties was lower in the season with a crowd compared to one without a crowd (p = 0.001). The HA did not disappear in empty stadiums, so there must be other contributing factors. Additionally, we found that the referees were biased by the presence of the crowd in favor of the home teams, and this result could be considered by the football association during referees' training and formation

    Quantum micro–nano devices fabricated in diamond by femtosecond laser and ion irradiation

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    Diamond has attracted great interest as a quantum technology platform thanks to its optically active nitrogen vacancy (NV) center. The NV's ground state spin can be read out optically, exhibiting long spin coherence times of ≈1 ms even at ambient temperatures. In addition, the energy levels of the NV are sensitive to external fields. These properties make NVs attractive as a scalable platform for efficient nanoscale resolution sensing based on electron spins and for quantum information systems. Diamond photonics enhance optical interactions with NVs, beneficial for both quantum sensing and information. Diamond is also compelling for microfluidic applications due to its outstanding biocompatibility, with sensing functionality provided by NVs. However, it remains a significant challenge to fabricate photonics, NVs, and microfluidics in diamond. In this Progress Report, an overview is provided of ion irradiation and femtosecond laser writing, two promising fabrication methods for diamond‐based quantum technological devices. The unique capabilities of both techniques are described, and the most important fabrication results of color center, optical waveguide, and microfluidics in diamond are reported, with an emphasis on integrated devices aiming toward high performance quantum sensors and quantum information systems of tomorrow

    Master Equation for Retrodiction of Quantum Communication Signals

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    We derive the master equation that governs the evolution of the measured state backwards in time in an open system. This allows us to determine probabilities for a given set of preparation events from the results of subsequent measurements, which has particular relevance to quantum communication.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    The effects of acute Methylene Blue administration on cerebral blood flow and metabolism in humans and rats

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    Methylene Blue (MB) is a brain-penetrating drug with putative neuroprotective, antioxidant and metabolic enhancing effects. In vitro studies suggest that MB enhances mitochondrial complexes activity. However, no study has directly assessed the metabolic effects of MB in the human brain. We used in vivo neuroimaging to measure the effect of MB on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and brain metabolism in humans and in rats. Two doses of MB (0.5 and 1 mg/kg in humans; 2 and 4 mg/kg in rats; iv) induced reductions in global cerebral blood flow (CBF) in humans (F(1.74, 12.17)5.82, p = 0.02) and rats (F(1,5)26.04, p = 0.0038). Human cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) was also significantly reduced (F(1.26, 8.84)8.01, p = 0.016), as was the rat cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRglu) (t = 2.6(16) p = 0.018). This was contrary to our hypothesis that MB will increase CBF and energy metrics. Nevertheless, our results were reproducible across species and dose dependent. One possible explanation is that the concentrations used, although clinically relevant, reflect MB’s hormetic effects, i.e., higher concentrations produce inhibitory rather than augmentation effects on metabolism. Additionally, here we used healthy volunteers and healthy rats with normal cerebral metabolism where MB’s ability to enhance cerebral metabolism might be limited

    Towards nationally curated data archives for clinical radiology image analysis at scale: Learnings from national data collection in response to a pandemic

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    The prevalence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease has resulted in the unprecedented collection of health data to support research. Historically, coordinating the collation of such datasets on a national scale has been challenging to execute for several reasons, including issues with data privacy, the lack of data reporting standards, interoperable technologies, and distribution methods. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease pandemic has highlighted the importance of collaboration between government bodies, healthcare institutions, academic researchers and commercial companies in overcoming these issues during times of urgency. The National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database, led by NHSX, British Society of Thoracic Imaging, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Faculty, is an example of such a national initiative. Here, we summarise the experiences and challenges of setting up the National COVID-19 Chest Imaging Database, and the implications for future ambitions of national data curation in medical imaging to advance the safe adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare

    Using quantitative single molecule localization microscopy to optimize multivalent HER2-targeting ligands

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    IntroductionThe progression-free survival of patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer is significantly extended by a combination of two monoclonal antibodies, trastuzumab and pertuzumab, which target independent epitopes of the extracellular domain of HER2. The improved efficacy of the combination over individual antibody therapies targeting HER2 is still being investigated, and several molecular mechanisms may be in play: the combination downregulates HER2, improves antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity, and/or affects the organization of surface-expressed antigens, which may attenuate downstream signaling.MethodsBy combining protein engineering and quantitative single molecule localization microscopy (qSMLM), here we both assessed and optimized clustering of HER2 in cultured breast cancer cells.ResultsWe detected marked changes to the cellular membrane organization of HER2 when cells were treated with therapeutic antibodies. When we compared untreated samples to four treatment scenarios, we observed the following HER2 membrane features: (1) the monovalent Fab domain of trastuzumab did not significantly affect HER2 clustering; (2) individual therapy with either trastuzumab or (3) pertuzumab produced significantly higher levels of HER2 clustering; (4) a combination of trastuzumab plus pertuzumab produced the highest level of HER2 clustering. To further enhance this last effect, we created multivalent ligands using meditope technology. Treatment with a tetravalent meditope ligand combined with meditope-enabled trastuzumab resulted in pronounced HER2 clustering. Moreover, compared to pertuzumab plus trastuzumab, at early time points this meditope-based combination was more effective at inhibiting epidermal growth factor (EGF) dependent activation of several downstream protein kinases.DiscussionCollectively, mAbs and multivalent ligands can efficiently alter the organization and activation of the HER2 receptors. We expect this approach could be used in the future to develop new therapeutics

    Disseminated and Congenital Toxoplasmosis in a Mother and Child With Activated PI3-Kinase ÎŽ Syndrome Type 2 (APDS2): Case Report and a Literature Review of Toxoplasma Infections in Primary Immunodeficiencies

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    Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) plays an integral role in lymphocyte function. Mutations in PIK3CD and PIK3R1, encoding the PI3K p110Ύ and p85α subunits, respectively, cause increased PI3K activity and result in immunodeficiency with immune dysregulation. We describe here the first cases of disseminated and congenital toxoplasmosis in a mother and child who share a pathogenic mutation in PIK3R1 and review the mechanisms underlying susceptibility to severe Toxoplasma gondii infection in activated PI3KΎ syndrome (APDS) and in other forms of primary immunodeficiency
