109 research outputs found

    Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Plasmids of Two Escherichia coli Strains Carrying blaNDM–5 and blaNDM–5 and blaOXA–181 From the Same Patient

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    Aim of this study was to genetically characterize two carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli strains obtained from a pediatric patient affected by diarrhea, expressing OXA-181 and/or NDM-5 type enzymes. The above microorganisms were collected in the same Desenzano hospital (Northern Italy) where the blaNDM–5 gene was detected for the first time in Italy 3 years ago. One strain (5P), belonged to sequence type ST405/ST477 (according to Pasture/Oxford schemes) and serotype O102:H6. It was characterized by a 130562 bp multi-replicon plasmid IncFII/IncFIA/IncFIB (pVSI_NDM-5) enclosing two main antibiotic resistance islands: (i) ARI-I, 10030 bp in size, carried genes coding for β-lactam- (blaOXA–1, blaCTX–M–15), fluoroquinolone/aminoglycoside- (aac(6′)-lb-cr) and phenicol- resistance (catB3), (ii) ARI-II, 15326 bp in size, carried genes coding for sulfonamide- (sul1), β-lactam- (blaNDM–5, blaTEM–1B), phenicol- (catB3), trimethoprim- (dfrA17), antiseptic- (qacEΔ1), and aminoglycoside- (aadA5, rmtB) resistance. The other isolate (5M), belonged to sequence type ST2659/ST759 and serotype O50/02:H18, and carried four plasmids: a 153866 bp multi-replicon IncFII/IncFIA/IncFIB (pISV_IncFII_NDM-5), an 89866 bp IncI1 plasmid, a 51480 bp IncX3 plasmid (pISV_IncX3_OXA181), and a 41143 bp IncI plasmid (pISV_IncI_CMY-42). pISV_IncFII_NDM-5 carried two main antibiotic resistance islands: (i) ARI-III, 12220 bp in size, carried genes coding for β-lactam- (blaOXA–1), fluoroquinolone/aminoglycoside- (aac(6′)-lb-cr), tetracycline- (tet(B)) and phenicol- resistance (catB3, catA1), and ii) ARI-IV, 26527 bp in size, carried determinants coding for macrolide- (erm(B), mph(A)), sulfonamide- (sul1), beta-lactam- (blaNDM–5, blaTEM–1B), trimethoprim- (dfrA14, dfrA12), antiseptic- (qacEΔ1), and aminoglycoside- resistance (aadA5). pISV_IncI_CMY-42 harbored the blaCMY–42 gene coding for beta-lactam resistance, pISV_IncX3_OXA181 harbored genes encoding fluoroquinolone- (qnrS1) and beta-lactams- resistance (blaOXA–181). In conclusion, the detection of two different NDM-5 E. coli strains from a pediatric patient with a history of travel to the Far East countries strongly highlight an increasing trend and risk of importation from such areas

    Complete genome and plasmids sequences of a clinical Proteus mirabilis isolate producing plasmid mediated NDM-1 from Italy

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    Background: The spread of carbapenemase genes, such as blaNDM-1, in Proteus mirabilis poses a public health threat. The aim of the study was to characterize the genome and plasmids sequences of an NDM-1-positive strain (IBCRE14), which was isolated in 2019 from a catheterized patient hospitalized in Italy. Methods: Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of IBCRE14 was performed on extracted genomic DNA using Sequel I platform. Genome assembly was performed using “Microbial Assembly”. Genomic analysis was conducted by uploading the contigs to ResFinder and PlasmidFinder databases from the Center for Genomic Epidemiology. Results: IBCRE14 had a genome size of 4,018,329 bp and harboured genes coding for resistance to aminoglycosides (aadA1), phenicol (cat), tetracycline (tetJ), and trimethoprim (dfrA1). A large plasmid (pIB_NDM_1) harboured antibiotic resistance genes against sulphonamide (sul1), trimethoprim (dfrA14), tetracycline (tetB), rifampicin (arr-2), aminoglycosides (aadA1, aph3-VI), and beta-lactams (blaOXA-10, blaNDM-1). Furthermore, a small plasmid (pIB_COL3M) harboured a qnrD1 gene coding for quinolone resistance. Conclusion: The ability to conjugate and the presence of a composite antibiotic resistance island suggests that pIB_NDM_1 could both acquire more resistance genes and easily disseminate. To our knowledge, this is the first report on an untypable plasmid harbouring blaNDM-1 in P. mirabilis, in Italy

    Genomics of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST16 producing NDM-1, CTX-M-15, and OXA-232

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    OBJECTIVES: Genomic characterization of the internationally spread sequence type (ST) 16 carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. METHODS: The complete genomes of three carbapenem producing ST16 K. pneumoniae from Italian patients were analysed by single-nucleotide polymorphism-based phylogeny, core genome multilocus sequence typing, resistance, plasmid, and virulence content and compared with ten genomes of ST16 strains isolated in other countries. Plasmids carrying blaNDM-1 or blaOXA-232 carbapenemase genes were assembled and sequences were analysed. RESULTS: The internationally spread ST16 K. pneumoniae clone showed variability in terms of distribution of NDM-1 and OXA-232 type carbapenemases. In some ST16 strains, up to six plasmids can be simultaneously present in the same cell, including ColE-like plasmids carrying blaOXA-232 and IncF plasmids carrying blaNDM-1. The differences observed in plasmid, resistance, and virulence content and core genome suggested that there is not a unique, highly conserved ST16 clone, but instead different variants of this lineage circulate worldwide. CONCLUSIONS: The ST16 K. pneumoniae clone has spread worldwide and may become a high-risk clone

    Deadly Puppy Infection Caused by an MDR Escherichia coli O39 blaCTX–M–15, blaCMY–2, blaDHA–1, and aac(6)-Ib-cr – Positive in a Breeding Kennel in Central Italy

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    Antimicrobial consumption in veterinary medicine has led to the spread of multi drug-resistance in clinically important bacteria, with the companion animals and their environment involved as emerging reservoirs. While CTX-M-15 and CMY-2 acquired β-lactamases have been widely detected in the bacterial population of companion and breeding animals in European area, DHA-1 enzymes have been rarely reported in veterinary medicine. The aim of the study was to characterize the Escherichia coli associated with mortality of a litter of Bulldog puppies in a breeding kennel located in Pesaro area, Central Italy. The E. coli strains O39 serotype were resistant to 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin, retaining susceptibility to carbapenems, colistin, fosfomycin, and levofloxacin (by Microscan Autoscan4, EUCAST clinical breakpoints). Pulse field gel electrophoreses (PFGE-XbaI) on five E. coli strains revealed the presence of a single profile. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis revealed a complex resistome, harboring blaTEM–1b, blaCTX–M–15, blaOXA–1, aph(6)-Ib, aac(6′)Ib-cr, aac(3)-Ila, aph(6)-Id, aadA1, qnrB1, sul2, catA1, catB3, tetA, and dfrA14 genes located on a 302597 bp IncHI2/HI2A plasmid. Moreover, blaDHA–1, qnrB4, mph(A), sul1, and dfrA17 determinants were carried on an 83,429 bp IncFII plasmid. A blaCMY–2 determinant was carried on a 90,249 bp IncI1 plasmid. Two IncX1 and IncX4 plasmids without antimicrobial resistance genes were also detected. The presence of lpfA, iss, astA, and gad virulence factors was highlighted. This is the first report in Italy on an invasive infection in eight 2-weeks old dogs caused by the same MDR E. coli O39 blaCTX–M–15, blaCMY–2, blaDHA–1, and aac(6′)-Ib-cr positive strain. The above MDR E. coli clone caused the death of the entire litter, despite amoxicillin-clavulanate and enrofloxacin administration. The tank for storage of the water used to prepare the milk-based meal for the litter was the suspected reservoir

    EstatĂ­sticas do meio rural

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    Edición 2Serie NEAD Especial 3Disponibles la segunda edición del 2006 y la tercera edición del 2008Estatísticas do Meio Rural vem preencher uma lacuna importante na sistematização e apresentação de dados e indicadores acerca das variadas dimensões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento rural, a agricultura familiar e a reforma agrária. Destaca-se ao reunir dados que contribuem para evidenciar a participação da agricultura familiar e dos assentamentos de reforma agrária na produção, comercialização e processamento industrial da produção agrícola e pecuária, bem como nas receitas geradas e de seus impactos sobre a arrecadação nas diversas esferas de governo. Para estabelecer esse diálogo revelador das potencialidades produtivas e sociais do meio rural brasileiro, este trabalho contou com o acúmulo e credibilidade do Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos e foi inspirado em uma de suas produções, o Anuário dos Trabalhadores

    Proposições legislativas sobre desenvolvimento rural

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    O objetivo do trabalho de acompanhamento legislativo é facilitar e agilizar a consulta e o acompanhamento de centenas de proposições, que tramitam no Congresso Nacional, sistematizadas no sistema TerraLegis (MDA),possibilitand o acesso de gestores, pesquisadores, estudantes e público em geral, aos dados e informações sobre o desenvolvimento rural e seus temas. Seu conteúdo destaca o papel relevante das frentes parlamentares e a síntese das proposições que compreendem as demandas sociais relativas á temática rural agropecuária, cooperativismo, agricultura familiar, reforma agrária, povos indígenas, questões de gênero, aqüicultura e pesca, e meio ambiente

    Juventudes rurais : Mapa de estudos recentes

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    Em 2005, o governo federal criou a Secretaria Nacional de Juventude com o propósito de coordenar políticas e ações voltadas para promover a participação econômica e social dos jovens. No âmbito das políticas de desenvolvimento rural e de geração de emprego e renda, várias ações estão sendo implementadas, envolvendo vários ministérios, entre os quais o Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA ) e o Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. O Plano da Safra da Agricultura Familiar criou uma linha especial de crédito, o Pronaf Jovem; está em execução o Programa Nossa Primeira Terra, linha do Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário, ação que integra o II Plano Nacional de Reforma Agrária. Jovens estão sendo formados como agentes de desenvolvimento territorial, e no Programa Arca das Letras, os jovens atuam como agentes de leitura. Em parceria com a sociedade civil, foi criado o Consórcio Social da Juventude Rural, para oferecer formação e qualificação profissional aos jovens, associado à implantação de inovações tecnológicas. A presente publicação da Série NEAD Estudos articula-se com essas iniciativas e propõe-se a dar visibilidade às discussões presentes e apropriar-se do conhecimento produzido por um conjunto de estudos e pesquisas que focalizam a temática da juventude rural, buscando desvendar esse universo em suas múltiplas faces, contribuir para qualificar a participação social dos atores e para aprofundar a compreensão sobre a própria dinâmica do meio rural brasileiro

    Coletânea de legislação e jurisprudência agrária e correlata. Tomo II

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    São apresentados os principais aspectos da legislação agrária, incluindo jurisprudência -incluindo súmulas e sentenças da Justiça Federal, documentos históricos e regulamentos institucionais, e constitui uma contribuição relevante para pesquisadores, profissionais e público em geral interessados ​​na questão agrária. São especialmente contemplados decreto

    Prevalence of urinary colonization by extended spectrum-beta-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae among catheterised inpatients in Italian long term care facilities.

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    Abstract Background: Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) play a key role in guaranteeing care to patients in developed countries. Many patients, mostly elderly, access LTCFs at some time in their lives, and their healthcare pathways often require them to move back and forth between hospital and outpatient settings. These patterns bring about new challenges regarding infection control, especially healthcare associated infections. Methods: A point prevalence study was conducted in 23 Italian LTCFs, to identify colonization in patients with urinary catheter (>24 hours). Species identification, susceptibility tests and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) production screenings were performed using Vitek 2 System. Enterobacteria identified by Vitek 2 System as ESBL-producers or suspected AmpC hyperproducers on the basis of cephamycin resistance, were sent to a research laboratory where they underwent a double-disk synergy test. Finally, ESBL-producers were screened for bla resistance genes by PCR assay. Results: 211 patients with catheter were screened, 185 out of 211 patients showed positive samples for the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, 114 of these 185 patients were colonized by extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant microorganisms. We identified a total of 257 Gram negative pathogens, of which 51.8% (133/257) were extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant. 7 out of 133 cephamycin not susceptible strains proved to be AmpC-type beta-lactamases and 125/133 ESBL-producers; 1 was not further characterized. 43 out of 257 (16.7%) E. coli, 37/257 (14.4%) P. mirabilis, 20/257 (7.8%), P. stuartii, 14/257 (5.4%) M. morganii, 7/257 (2.7%), K. pneumoniae, 4/257 (1.6%) C. koseri proved to be overall ESBL-producers by double-disk synergy test. Third and fourth generation cephalosporin resistant P. mirabilis, P. stuartii and M. morganii strains mainly harboured a blaTEM gene (95.9%), while 89.1% of E. coli were positive for the blaCTX-M determinant by PCR and sequencing. Patients with decubitus had a higher risk of colonization by at least one resistant isolate (p < 0.01). Samples of patients undergoing antibiotic therapy and patients with decubitus showed a higher risk (p < 0.05) of colonization by beta-lactam resistant microorganisms. Conclusions: These data confirm the presence of high percentages of ESBL-positive Enterobacteria in Italian LTCFs and the predominance of CTX-M type ESBL in E. coli. The alarming presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Italian LTCFs can seriously compromise the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.acilities (LTCFs), Antimicrobial resistance

    Prevalence of urinary colonization by extended spectrum-beta-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae among catheterised inpatients in Italian long term care facilities.

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    Abstract Background: Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) play a key role in guaranteeing care to patients in developed countries. Many patients, mostly elderly, access LTCFs at some time in their lives, and their healthcare pathways often require them to move back and forth between hospital and outpatient settings. These patterns bring about new challenges regarding infection control, especially healthcare associated infections. Methods: A point prevalence study was conducted in 23 Italian LTCFs, to identify colonization in patients with urinary catheter (>24 hours). Species identification, susceptibility tests and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) production screenings were performed using Vitek 2 System. Enterobacteria identified by Vitek 2 System as ESBL-producers or suspected AmpC hyperproducers on the basis of cephamycin resistance, were sent to a research laboratory where they underwent a double-disk synergy test. Finally, ESBL-producers were screened for bla resistance genes by PCR assay. Results: 211 patients with catheter were screened, 185 out of 211 patients showed positive samples for the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, 114 of these 185 patients were colonized by extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant microorganisms. We identified a total of 257 Gram negative pathogens, of which 51.8% (133/257) were extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant. 7 out of 133 cephamycin not susceptible strains proved to be AmpC-type beta-lactamases and 125/133 ESBL-producers; 1 was not further characterized. 43 out of 257 (16.7%) E. coli, 37/257 (14.4%) P. mirabilis, 20/257 (7.8%), P. stuartii, 14/257 (5.4%) M. morganii, 7/257 (2.7%), K. pneumoniae, 4/257 (1.6%) C. koseri proved to be overall ESBL-producers by double-disk synergy test. Third and fourth generation cephalosporin resistant P. mirabilis, P. stuartii and M. morganii strains mainly harboured a blaTEM gene (95.9%), while 89.1% of E. coli were positive for the blaCTX-M determinant by PCR and sequencing. Patients with decubitus had a higher risk of colonization by at least one resistant isolate (p < 0.01). Samples of patients undergoing antibiotic therapy and patients with decubitus showed a higher risk (p < 0.05) of colonization by beta-lactam resistant microorganisms. Conclusions: These data confirm the presence of high percentages of ESBL-positive Enterobacteria in Italian LTCFs and the predominance of CTX-M type ESBL in E. coli. The alarming presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Italian LTCFs can seriously compromise the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.acilities (LTCFs), Antimicrobial resistance
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