34 research outputs found

    The effect of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi against four xylophagous pests

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    The effects of entomopathogenic nematodes EPN (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) and fungi EPF (Beauveria bassiana) strains were evaluated in laboratory assays against larvae of four xylophagous pests: the Asparagus moth Parahypopta caestrum, the European goat moth Cossus cossus, the pine longhorn Arhopalus syriacus and the black Buprestid Capnodis tenebrionis. Due to their biology and ethology, these insects may be included in the category of pests residing in cryptic habitats. The control of these species is considered difficult, due to the inability of chemical pesticides to penetrate the cryptic habitats and reach the targets. The pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi was tested in vitro against the pests. Two experimental models were considered and aimed to imitate the natural environment of the pests, in Petri dishes filled with plant material and inside wood galleries respectively. Main results showed that the majority of the tested strains of nematodes and fungi affected the insects’ survival rate. Steinernema feltiae and B. bassiana caused the highest percentage of larval mortality (80–100%). Considering the lack of effective chemical control means, the microbial control of the xylophagous pests by EPN and EPF reveals promising perspectives. Nematodes and fungi are able to penetrate the cryptic habitats because they are living organisms and may be horizontally transmitted by infected hosts. The distribution of EPF as preventive control method and the injection of EPN suspensions to reach and infect the larvae inside the wood galleries can be a combined sustainable control system

    Correlation between the visibility of submandibular fossa and mandibular canal cortication on panoramic radiographs and submandibular fossa depth on CBCT

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    To identify a correlation between the submandibular fossa (SF) visibility and mandibular canal (MC) cortication on panoramic image and the depth of SF measured on CBCT and also correlation between the depth of SF and vertical and horizontal location of MC on CBCT. 500 CBCT scans and panoramic radiographs were evaluated. SF depth types were classified as type I ( 3mm) on CBCT. Visibility of SF and the cortication of MC on panoramic radiographs were compared with the depth of SF on CBCT. Distances between MC and mandibular inferior, buccal and lingual cortices were measured. No statistically significant correlation was found between radiolucent appearances of SF, cortication of MC, and depth of SF. The deepest part of the fossa was in the second molar area followed by third and first molars. Negative weak correlations were found between B-MC, L-MC distances and depth of SF. Visibility of SF and cortication of MC on panoramic radiographs did not correlate with the depth of SF. A marked radiolucent submandibular fossa on panoramic image does not undoubtedly indicate a deep fossa, which emphasizes the importance of 3-D imaging in implant planning

    Potential factors behind the decline of pinus pinea nut production in mediterranean pine forests

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    Mediterranean stone pine nut is appreciated for its high economic and nutritional value. Starting in 2012, Pinus pinea nut production declined throughout the Mediterranean area. The dry cone syndrome associated with this decline and the introduction of Leptoglossus occidentalis occurred simultaneously. This study aims to evaluate potential reasons behind the decline in pine nut production in Lebanon, considering climatic factors and the invasion of L. occidentalis. Correlation analysis was used to examine a potential relationship between cone yield and the percentage of damaged seeds per cone. Climatic variables were also tested. Two time periods were considered for analysis: before and after 2012. Cone production and the percentage of damaged seeds were negatively correlated (r = −0.42). From 2012 to 2017, cone production declined by 50% and the percentage of damaged seeds increased on average from 3% in 2012 up to 60% in 2017. Correlations were detected between cone production and the temperature of the hottest three months of the year of harvesting, and between cone production and average temperatures during the year of cone initiation. A conjunction of factors that include L. occidentalis and climatic factors might have affected the pine nut production in Lebanon

    Diagnosis of external root resorption in teeth close and distant to zirconium implants : influence of acquisition parameters and artefacts produced during cone beam computed tomography

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    To assess the influence of artefacts, the metal artefact reduction (MAR) tool and kilovoltage (kVp) on the diagnosis of simulated external root resorption (ERR) in teeth close and distant to zirconium implants in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Methodology Cavities (0.62 mm in diameter and 0.19 mm deep) were created in the apical thirds of 12 roots on the buccal, lingual, distal or mesial surface; ten roots served as controls. The roots were randomly positioned in the first and second right and left premolar sockets of a dry human mandible, and a zirconium implant was placed in the socket of the first right molar. A ProMax 3D unit varying kVp (70, 80, or 90 kVp) and with the MAR tool activated or not was used to obtain CBCT scans. Five examiners evaluated all images to determine the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, sensitivity and specificity. The ROC values and sensitivity were not affected by MAR or artefacts regardless of the distance to the implant (P > 0.05), whilst increasing kVp from 70 to 90 led to a significant increase in these values (P = 0.0202 and 0.0199, respectively). Specificity was not affected by the factors studied (P > 0.05). Amongst the factors studied, only kVp influenced the diagnosis of simulated external root resorption in CBCT images. Increasing kVp from 70 to 90 improved the accuracy in diagnosing the simulated lesions526866873COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES88881.118874/2016-0

    Papillon-Lefèvre Syndrome: Diagnosis, Dental Management, and a Case Report

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    Aim. This paper revisits Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome (PLS), addresses its diagnostic update and dental management, and reports a case of a 5-year-old Lebanese patient with consanguineously married parents. Background. PLS, also known as “keratoris palmoplantaris with periodontopathia” and “hyperkeratosis palmoplantaris with periodontosis,” is an extremely rare autosomal-recessive trait that combines a diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and a severe generalized, progressive prepubertal form of a precocious form of juvenile, aggressive periodontitis. Case Description. We are reporting a 5-year-old boy that sustained a spontaneous loss of all his primary teeth. At consultation, he was under treatment for hyperkeratosis of his palms and soles. Detailed family history of the child revealed that the patient’s parents, grandparents, and relatives were consanguineously married and two of his cousins displayed similar clinical signs (palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and premature loss of deciduous and most of the permanent teeth). Conclusion. PLS is an extremely rare disorder that usually becomes apparent from approximately 1-5 years of age. Genetic counseling should always be suggested to parents of affected children, informing them of chances of their offspring having the inherited disease