20 research outputs found

    Indicators of financial security on the micro-level : approach to empirical estimation

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    The article suggests an original approach to economic security system indicators formation at micro level based on the assessment of changes in households’ living and financial behavior under economic crisis. An econometric implementation based on the triangular recursive system of equations is used with a multivariate probit model, dealing with unobservable individual heterogeneity, with the bias atributed to omitted variables and endogeneity. The estimation was performed according to the representative survey of the population “The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey - Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE) (RLMS-HSE, 2017).peer-reviewe

    Electron Bernstein waves in spherical tokamak plasmas with "magnetic wells"

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    In addition to traditional regimes with monotonously increasing magnetic field, regimes with "magnetic wells" also occur in spherical tokamaks (STs). The magnetic field profile inversion modifies significantly the whole picture of the wave propagation and damping. Since the magnetic wells may become quite common with further improvement of ST performance, analysis of such configurations is of interest for assessment of EBW plasma heating an CD perspectives. In this paper the basic features of the EBWs propagation and damping for the second cyclotron harmonic in a slab model are considered.Comment: Proc. of 13-th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, N.Novgorod, Russia May 17-20, 2004, 8 pages, 4 fig

    Comparability assessment of the results of thiomersal quantification in adsorbed immunobiological medicinal products by colourimetry and by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry

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    To ensure the quality of immunobiologicals, it is required to quantify the thiomersal preservative present in a number of them. The authors have previously developed an analytical procedure for thiomersal quantification in non-adsorbed immunobiological medicinal products, which is based on cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CV AAS). The aim of the study was to analyse the possibility of using the CV AAS procedure for thiomersal content determination in adsorbed immunobiologicals and evaluate the comparability of thiomersal quantification results obtained by colourimetry and CV AAS. Materials and methods: the study used the national reference standard of mercury ions content and the pharmacopoeial reference standard of thiomersal content in adsorbed medicinal products (PhRS 3.1.00427), as well as samples of immunobiologicals by different manufacturers: a DTP vaccine, anatoxins, hepatitis B and influenza vaccines, and combined vaccines. The study involved CV AAS and the colourimetric reaction between mercury and dithizone. Results: the specificity of the CV AAS procedure is demonstrated by the coefficient of variation (3.95%) and the coefficient of correlation between the test sample volume and thiomersal content (0.9956). The regression analysis and the Fisher’s test value of 0.16 indicate the absence of bias. The trueness of the method is satisfactory, as the percent recovery differs from the total spiked amount by less than 10%. For the sensitivity of the CV AAS procedure, its quantification and detection limits are 6.9×10-3 μg/ mL and 2.3×10-3  μg/ mL, respectively. The Fisher’s test value obtained in the comparability assessment of the results of thiomersal quantification by colourimetry and CV AAS (1.29) is lower than the conventional tabulated one (3.96). Conclusions: according to the study, it is possible to use the CV AAS procedure for thiomersal quantification in adsorbed immunobiologicals. The established detection limit allows evaluating residual amounts of thiomersal in in-process intermediates during the production of preservative-free immunobilogical dosage forms. The comparability assessment of the results of thiomersal quantification by colourimetry and CV AAS, carried out using oneway ANOVA and Fisher’s test, showed the possibility of using PhRS 3.1.00427 to control the consistency of operation when reproducing the CV AAS procedure

    Оценка сопоставимости результатов определения тиомерсала колориметрическим методом и методом атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии холодного пара в сорбированных иммунобиологических лекарственных препаратах

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    To ensure the quality of immunobiologicals, it is required to quantify the thiomersal preservative present in a number of them. The authors have previously developed an analytical procedure for thiomersal quantification in non-adsorbed immunobiological medicinal products, which is based on cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CV AAS). The aim of the study was to analyse the possibility of using the CV AAS procedure for thiomersal content determination in adsorbed immunobiologicals and evaluate the comparability of thiomersal quantification results obtained by colourimetry and CV AAS. Materials and methods: the study used the national reference standard of mercury ions content and the pharmacopoeial reference standard of thiomersal content in adsorbed medicinal products (PhRS 3.1.00427), as well as samples of immunobiologicals by different manufacturers: a DTP vaccine, anatoxins, hepatitis B and influenza vaccines, and combined vaccines. The study involved CV AAS and the colourimetric reaction between mercury and dithizone. Results: the specificity of the CV AAS procedure is demonstrated by the coefficient of variation (3.95%) and the coefficient of correlation between the test sample volume and thiomersal content (0.9956). The regression analysis and the Fisher’s test value of 0.16 indicate the absence of bias. The trueness of the method is satisfactory, as the percent recovery differs from the total spiked amount by less than 10%. For the sensitivity of the CV AAS procedure, its quantification and detection limits are 6.9×10-3 μg/ mL and 2.3×10-3  μg/ mL, respectively. The Fisher’s test value obtained in the comparability assessment of the results of thiomersal quantification by colourimetry and CV AAS (1.29) is lower than the conventional tabulated one (3.96). Conclusions: according to the study, it is possible to use the CV AAS procedure for thiomersal quantification in adsorbed immunobiologicals. The established detection limit allows evaluating residual amounts of thiomersal in in-process intermediates during the production of preservative-free immunobilogical dosage forms. The comparability assessment of the results of thiomersal quantification by colourimetry and CV AAS, carried out using oneway ANOVA and Fisher’s test, showed the possibility of using PhRS 3.1.00427 to control the consistency of operation when reproducing the CV AAS procedure.Количественное определение консерванта тиомерсала, входящего в состав ряда иммунобиологических лекарственных препаратов (ИЛП), является обязательным требованием к их качеству. Ранее нами была разработана методика количественного определения тиомерсала в несорбированных ИЛП, основанная на методе атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии холодного пара (методика ААС ХП). Цель работы: анализ возможности применения методики ААС ХП для количественной оценки содержания тиомерсала в сорбированных препаратах и оценка сопоставимости результатов количественного определения тиомерсала, полученных с помощью колориметрической методики и методики ААС ХП. Материалы и методы: государственный стандартный образец содержания ионов ртути; фармакопейный стандартный образец (ФСО) содержания мертиолята в сорбированных препаратах (ФСО 3.1.00427); образцы сорбированных ИЛП различных производителей (АКДС-вакцина, препараты анатоксинов, вакцины против гепатита В и гриппа, комбинированные вакцины). Исследование проводили с применением колориметрической методики в реакции с дитизоном и методики ААС ХП. Результаты: полученные с использованием методики ААС ХП значения относительного стандартного отклонения (3,95%) и коэффициента корреляции «объем образца — содержание тиомерсала» (0,9956) подтверждают специфичность методики; регрессионный анализ и полученное значение F-критерия Фишера, равное 0,16, свидетельствуют об отсутствии систематической ошибки методики. Диапазон процента выявления добавленного количества тиомерсала, не превышающий 10%, свидетельствует об удовлетворительной правильности методики. Установлена чувствительность методики ААС ХП: предел количественного определения и предел обнаружения ионов ртути в образце составили 6,9×10-3 и 2,3×10-3 мкг/мл соответственно. Значение критерия Фишера (1,29), полученное при оценке сопоставимости результатов определения тиомерсала колориметрической методикой и методикой ААС ХП, ниже табличного значения (3,96). Выводы: подтверждена возможность применения методики ААС ХП для количественного определения тиомерсала в сорбированных ИЛП. Установленный предел обнаружения методики позволяет оценивать остаточные количества тиомерсала в полупродуктах при производстве бесконсервантных форм ИЛП. Оценка сопоставимости результатов определения тиомерсала колориметрической методикой и методикой ААС ХП, проведенная с применением однофакторного дисперсионного анализа по критерию Фишера, показала возможность применения ФСО 3.1.00427 для контроля стабильности аналитической работы при воспроизведении методики ААС ХП

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase

    Postgraduate education in cardiology: legal, organizational and methodical aspects

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    Medical care outcomes are largely dependent on physician's qualification. This obvious message was once again confirmed by the Government decision to significantly increase funding of the national healthcare. Medical and preventive treatment facilities (MPTF) are increasingly equipped with up-to-date facilities to ensure provision of high-tech medical care, and doctors now can prescribe a wider variety of new drugs. With the positive changes occurring in the healthcare infrastructure, the issue of staff shortage became especially acute. Wanted are specialists qualified to use new equipment safely and effectively, and capable of providing proper pharmacotherapeutic care. A vast majority of countries all over the world face staff shortage, which is especially pronounced in cardiology - the fastest growing area of medicine. Another fact speaing in favour of training relevance is that at recent global, European and Russian cardiology conferences special meetings are devoted to advanced medical training