24,494 research outputs found

    The CKM matrix from anti-SU(7) unification of GUT families

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    We estimate the CKM matrix elements in the recently proposed minimal model, anti-SU(7) GUT for the family unification, [3]+2[2]+8[1ˉ][\,3\,]+2\,[\,2\,]+8\,[\,\bar{1}\,]+\,(singlets). It is shown that the real angles of the right-handed unitary matrix diagonalizing the mass matrix can be determined to fit the Particle Data Group data. However, the phase in the right-handed unitary matrix is not constrained very much. We also includes an argument about allocating the Jarlskog phase in the CKM matrix. Phenomenologically, there are three classes of possible parametrizations, \delq=\alpha,\beta, or γ\gamma of the unitarity triangle. For the choice of \delq=\alpha, the phase is close to a maximal one.Comment: 11 pages of LaTex file with 2 figure

    An experimental study of coupling between combustor pressure, fuel/air mixing, and the flame

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    Fuel-air mixing behavior under the influence of imposed acoustic oscillations has been studied by investigating the response of the fuel mixture fraction field. The distribution of local fuel mixture fraction inside the mixing zone, which is expected to evolve into the local equivalence ratio in the flame zone, is closely coupled to unstable and oscillatory flame behavior. The Experiment was performed with an aerodynamically-stabilized non-premixed burner. In this study, acoustic oscillations were imposed at 22, 27, 32, 37, and 55Hz. Phase-resolved acetone PLIF was used to image the flow field of both isothermal and reacting flow cases and this data along with the derived quantities of temporal and spatial unmixedness were employed for analysis. The behavior of the unmixedness factor is compared with the previous measurements of oscillations in the flame zone. This comparison shows that local oscillations (of order millimeters or smaller) in fuel/air mixing are closely related to the oscillatory behavior of the flame. For each driving frequency, the mixture fraction oscillates at that frequency but with a slight phase difference between it and the pressure field/flame intensity, indicating that the fuel mixture fraction oscillation are likely the major reason for oscillatory behaviors of this category of flames and combustor geometry

    Galaxy Bias and Halo-Occupation Numbers from Large-Scale Clustering

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    We show that current surveys have at least as much signal to noise in higher-order statistics as in the power spectrum at weakly nonlinear scales. We discuss how one can use this information to determine the mean of the galaxy halo occupation distribution (HOD) using only large-scale information, through galaxy bias parameters determined from the galaxy bispectrum and trispectrum. After introducing an averaged, reasonably fast to evaluate, trispectrum estimator, we show that the expected errors on linear and quadratic bias parameters can be reduced by at least 20-40%. Also, the inclusion of the trispectrum information, which is sensitive to "three-dimensionality" of structures, helps significantly in constraining the mass dependence of the HOD mean. Our approach depends only on adequate modeling of the abundance and large-scale clustering of halos and thus is independent of details of how galaxies are distributed within halos. This provides a consistency check on the traditional approach of using two-point statistics down to small scales, which necessarily makes more assumptions. We present a detailed forecast of how well our approach can be carried out in the case of the SDSS.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Fast radio bursts and their gamma-ray or radio afterglows as Kerr-Newman black hole binaries

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are radio transients lasting only about a few milliseconds. They seem to occur at cosmological distances. We propose that these events can be originated in the collapse of the magnetosphere of Kerr-Newman black holes (KNBHs). We show that the closed orbits of charged particles in the magnetosphere of these objects are unstable. After examining the dependencies on the specific charge of the particle and the spin and charge of the KNBH, we conclude that the resulting timescale and radiation mechanism fit well with the extant observations of FRBs. Furthermore, we argue that the merger of a KNBH binary is one of the plausible central engines for potential gamma-ray or radio afterglow following a certain FRBs, and can also account for gravitational wave (GW) events like GW 150914. Our model leads to predictions that can be tested by combined multi-wavelength electromagnetic and GW observations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Power Spectrum Analysis of the 2dF QSO Sample Revisited

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    We revisit the power spectrum analysis of the complete sample of the two degree field (2dF) QSO redshift (2QZ) survey, as a complementary test of the work by Outram et al. (2003). A power spectrum consistent with that of the 2QZ group is obtained. Differently from their approach, fitting of the power spectrum is investigated incorporating the nonlinear effects, the geometric distortion and the light-cone effect. It is shown that the QSO power spectrum is consistent with the Λ\Lambda cold dark matter (CDM) model with the matter density parameter Ωm=0.20.5\Omega_m=0.2\sim0.5. Our constraint on the density parameter is rather weaker than that of the 2QZ group. We also show that the constraint slightly depends on the equation of state parameter ww of the dark energy. The constraint on ww from the QSO power spectrum is demonstrated, though it is not very tight.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Nearby Gas-Rich Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We examine the Fisher-Tully cz<1000 km/s galaxy sample to determine whether it is a complete and representative sample of all galaxy types, including low surface brightness populations, as has been recently claimed. We find that the sample is progressively more incomplete for galaxies with (1) smaller physical diameters at a fixed isophote and (2) lower HI masses. This is likely to lead to a significant undercounting of nearby gas-rich low surface brightness galaxies. However, through comparisons to other samples we can understand how the nearby galaxy counts need to be corrected, and we see some indications of environmental effects that probably result from the local high density of galaxies.Comment: 12 page, 2 figures, to appear in Ap

    Deriving the Nonlinear Cosmological Power Spectrum and Bispectrum from Analytic Dark Matter Halo Profiles and Mass Functions

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    We present an analytic model for the fully nonlinear power spectrum P and bispectrum Q of the cosmological mass density field. The model is based on physical properties of dark matter halos, with the three main model inputs being analytic halo density profiles, halo mass functions, and halo-halo spatial correlations, each of which has been well studied in the literature. We demonstrate that this new model can reproduce the power spectrum and bispectrum computed from cosmological simulations of both an n=-2 scale-free model and a low-density cold dark matter model. To enhance the dynamic range of these large simulations, we use the synthetic halo replacement technique of Ma & Fry (2000a), where the original halos with numerically softened cores are replaced by synthetic halos of realistic density profiles. At high wavenumbers, our model predicts a slope for the nonlinear power spectrum different from the often-used fitting formulas in the literature based on the stable clustering assumption. Our model also predicts a three-point amplitude Q that is scale dependent, in contrast to the popular hierarchical clustering assumption. This model provides a rapid way to compute the mass power spectrum and bispectrum over all length scales where the input halo properties are valid. It also provides a physical interpretation of the clustering properties of matter in the universe.Comment: Final version to appear in the Astrophysical Journal 544 (2000). Minor revisions; 1 additional figure. 25 pages with 6 inserted figure

    Effective unidirectional pumping for steady-state amplification without inversion

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    We discuss an opportunity to achieve amplification without inversion in three-level cascade scheme using an effective unidirectional pumping via bidirectional incoherent pump. Analytical solution to the population and the coherence are obtained in the steady-state regime. With a proper choice of the parameters, obtained here, the possibility for amplification without inversion is presented.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 figure