56 research outputs found

    Clinical characteristics of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Spain: Results from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    Background: Spain has been one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: To create a registry of patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in Spain, in order to improve our knowledge of the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic aspects of this disease. Methods: A multicentre retrospective cohort study, including consecutive patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 throughout Spain. Epidemiological and clinical data, additional tests at admission and at seven days, treatments administered, and progress at 30 days of hospitalization were collected from electronic medical records. Results: Up to June 30th 2020, 15,111 patients from 150 hospitals were included. Their median age was 69.4 years (range: 18-102 years) and 57.2% were male. Prevalences of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus were 50.9%, 39.7%, and 19.4%, respectively. The most frequent symptoms were fever (84.2%) and cough (73.5%). High values of ferritin (73.5%), lactate dehydrogenase (73.9%), and D-dimer (63.8%), as well as lymphopenia (52.8%), were frequent. The most used antiviral drugs were hydroxychloroquine (85.6%) and lopinavir/ritonavir (61.4%); 33.1% developed respiratory distress. Overall mortality rate was 21.0%, with a marked increase with age (50-59 years: 4.7%, 60-69 years: 10.5%, 70-79 years: 26.9%, ≄ 80 years: 46.0%). Conclusions: The SEMI-COVID-19 Network provides data on the clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in Spain. Patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in Spain are mostly severe cases, as one in three patients developed respiratory distress and one in five patients died. These findings confirm a close relationship between advanced age and mortality.Antecedentes: España ha sido uno de los paĂ­ses mĂĄs afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19.Objetivo: Crear un registro de pacientes hospitalizados en España por COVID-19 para mejorar nuestro conocimiento sobre los aspectos clĂ­nicos, diagnĂłsticos, terapĂ©uticos y pronĂłsticos de esta enfermedad. MĂ©todos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva, multicĂ©ntrico, que incluye pacientes consecutivos hospitalizados con COVID-19 confirmada en toda España. Se obtuvieron los datos epidemiolĂłgicos y clĂ­nicos, las pruebas complementarias al ingreso y a los 7 dĂ­as de la admisiĂłn, los tratamientos administrados y la evoluciĂłn a los 30 dĂ­as de hospitalizaciĂłn de las historias clĂ­nicas electrĂłnicas. Resultados: Hasta el 30 de junio de 2020 se incluyeron 15.111 pacientes de 150 hospitales. Su mediana de edad fue 69,4 años (rango: 18-102 años) y el 57,2% eran hombres. Las prevalencias de hipertensiĂłn, dislipemia y diabetes mellitus fueron 50,9%, 39,7% y 19,4%, respectivamente.Los sĂ­ntomas mĂĄs frecuentes fueron fiebre (84,2%) y tos (73,5%). Fueron frecuentes los valores elevados de ferritina (73,5%), lactato deshidrogenasa (73,9%) y dĂ­mero D (63,8%), asĂ­ como lalinfopenia (52,8%). Los fĂĄrmacos antivirales mĂĄs utilizados fueron la hidroxicloroquina (85,6%)y el lopinavir/ritonavir (61,4%). El 33,1% desarrollĂł distrĂ©s respiratorio. La tasa de mortalidad global fue del 21,0%, con un marcado incremento con la edad (50-59 años: 4,7%; 60-69 años:10,5%; 70-79 años: 26,9%; ≄ 80 años: 46%).Conclusiones: El Registro SEMI-COVID-19 proporciona informaciĂłn sobre las caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas de los pacientes con COVID-19 hospitalizados en España. Los pacientes con COVID-19 hospitalizados en España son en su mayorĂ­a casos graves, ya que uno de cada 3 pacientes desarrollĂł distrĂ©s respiratorio y uno de cada 5 pacientes falleciĂł. Nuestros datos confirman una estrecha relaciĂłn entre la edad avanzada y la mortalidadLa Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI) es la patrocinadora de este estudio

    A crowdsourcing database for the copy-number variation of the spanish population

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    Background: Despite being a very common type of genetic variation, the distribution of copy-number variations (CNVs) in the population is still poorly understood. The knowledge of the genetic variability, especially at the level of the local population, is a critical factor for distinguishing pathogenic from non-pathogenic variation in the discovery of new disease variants. Results: Here, we present the SPAnish Copy Number Alterations Collaborative Server (SPACNACS), which currently contains copy number variation profiles obtained from more than 400 genomes and exomes of unrelated Spanish individuals. By means of a collaborative crowdsourcing effort whole genome and whole exome sequencing data, produced by local genomic projects and for other purposes, is continuously collected. Once checked both, the Spanish ancestry and the lack of kinship with other individuals in the SPACNACS, the CNVs are inferred for these sequences and they are used to populate the database. A web interface allows querying the database with different filters that include ICD10 upper categories. This allows discarding samples from the disease under study and obtaining pseudo-control CNV profiles from the local population. We also show here additional studies on the local impact of CNVs in some phenotypes and on pharmacogenomic variants. SPACNACS can be accessed at: http://csvs.clinbioinfosspa.es/spacnacs/. Conclusion: SPACNACS facilitates disease gene discovery by providing detailed information of the local variability of the population and exemplifies how to reuse genomic data produced for other purposes to build a local reference database.This work is supported by Grants PID2020-117979RB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; by the Institute of Health Carlos III (project IMPaCT-Data, exp. IMP/00019, IMP/00009 and PI20/01305), co-funded by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, “A way to make Europe”)

    Challenges of adapting English médium instruction into the Spanish university curricula and some novel solutions

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    The integration of the Spanish university system in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) demands a series of concrete proposals. As we advance in the implementation of the process of Bologna, it is necessary to contemplate a new paradigm of teaching/learning. Central to this new paradigm is the adaptation of the curricula into the English language medium (EMI). Among many strategies for internationalization of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) under adoption, this university has funded a project TechEnglish intends to facilitate the conversion of subjects and eventually degree programs into the delivery in the English Language. This paper details a work in progress and describes the collaboration between content teachers and applied linguistics. The three collaborative actions are currently underway: observation of classes by applied linguists, seminar delivery on topics requested by the content teachers, and materials development with the help of teaching assistants. We are convinced that this collaboration is the necessary ingredient to promote teaching and learning through English at our university

    Red Tide In Bahia De Los Angeles

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    Spatial distribution of the phytoplankton in the northern Gulf of California

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    A study of the phytoplankton in the northem Gulf of California was carried out in early 1988. Samples were collected from six depths (0, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 m), and integrated into a single sample per station location to determine the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton. Locations South of TiburĂłn Island presented a greater stratification of the water column and a greater abundance of diatoms, with dominance of the species Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii. However, Ballenas Channel seems to be a dynamic region which generates the necessary and indispensable nutrients for the activity of phytoplankton

    Primary productivity and chlorophyll a in the central part of the Gulf of California (Autumn 1987)

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     A cruise was carried out in the central part of the Gulf of California from 27 October to 7 November, 1987. Seawater samples were taken from 0, 5, 15, 25 and 50 m depth to determine chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a content at 22 stations. Six experiments of productivity in the euphotic zone and one experiment of photosynthesis-irradiante were generated. The vertical profile of chlorophyll a in Ballenas Channel was more homogeneous at the southern end of the channel due to mixing and the increase in the euphotic zone. In the region of the islands, the distribution of chlorophyll a was more variable due to mixing processes that occur in that area. In the southern part of the study area, chlorophyll a decreased from the coast to the open sea. Similar assimilation numbers and photosynthetic rates were obtained with samples collected at 22 and 60% of surface irradiance in one productivity versus irradiante (P-E) experiment in Ballenas Channel. It is inferred that vertical transport of phytoplankton occurred in the water column. Surface primary productivity values were three to four times higher in the northern part of the study area than in the southern part, whereas integrated productivity values were one to two times higher in the northern part

    Variability of the phytoplankton community in San Quint?Bay based on pigment analysis

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     The purpose of this work was to characterize the phytoplankton community of San QuintĂ­n Bay using pigment concentrations from HPLC and the CHEMTAX program, so that small cells (< 5 ”m) would not be excluded. On 23–24 April 2001, a 24-h time series was generated, sampling surface water every hour. Samples were also taken from six localities throughout the bay. There was a significant contribution of seven phytoplankton groups. Those that contributed the most to total chlorophyll a were cryptophytes, cyanobacteria, bacilliarophytes and chlorophytes. In general, pigment concentrations were higher in the mouth region and decreased towards the internal extremes. This is the first report of the presence of the pigment divinyl chlorophyll a in San QuintĂ­n Bay, which firmly suggests the presence of Prochlorococcus sp. This group contributed up to 40% of the total chlorophyll a. Other cyanobacteria contributed up to 13% of the total chlorophyll a. These percentages are indicative of a very high abundance of these groups

    Phytoplanktonic temporal variability in a coastal area of northwestern Baja California

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    A phytoplankton study was barried out in Bahía de Todos Santos from March 1986 to March 1987. Samples were taken monthly at three stations and at depths of 1, 10 and 20 m. The temporal variability of the phytoplankton taxonomic groups was very similar most of the time, except in June and November when an increase in the diatom group was detected. These cell blooms may be due to mixing processes or upwelling events that occur outside the study area. The advection process into the bay is shown by the low oxygen saturation values for June at 20 m depth. The size fractions of diatoms showed two successional phases of bloom events: in June, an abundance of cells was observed with late-bloom characteristics since the predominant cell size of the diatom group was > 20um, whereas in November there was a dominance of cells < 20 ”m, characteristic of a prebloom event
