462 research outputs found

    Renormalization of the baryon axial vector current in large-N_c chiral perturbation theory

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    The baryon axial vector current is computed at one-loop order in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory in the large-N_c limit, where N_c is the number of colors. Loop graphs with octet and decuplet intermediate states cancel to various orders in N_c as a consequence of the large-N_c spin-flavor symmetry of QCD baryons. These cancellations are explicitly shown for the general case of N_f flavors of light quarks. In particular, a new generic cancellation is identified in the renormalization of the baryon axial vector current at one-loop order. A comparison with conventional heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory is performed at the physical values N_c=3, N_f=3.Comment: REVTex4, 29 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables. Equations (32) and (81) corrected. Some typos fixed. Results and conclusions remain unchange

    Numerical precision radiative corrections to the Dalitz plot of baryon semileptonic decays including the spin-momentum correlation of the decaying and emitted baryons

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    We calculate the radiative corrections to the angular correlation between the polarization of the decaying and the direction of the emitted spin one-half baryons in the semileptonic decay mode. The final results are presented, first, with the triple integration of the bremsstrahlung photon ready to be performed numerically and, second, in an analytical form. A third presentation of our results in the form of numerical arrays of coefficients to be multiplied by the quadratic products of form factors is discussed. This latter may be the most practical one to use in Monte Carlo simulations. A series of crosschecks is performed. Previous results to order (alpha/pi)(q/M_1) for the decays of unpolarized baryons are reviewed, too, where q is the momentum transfer and M_1 is the mass of the decaying baryon. This paper is self-contained and organized to make it accessible and reliable in the analysis of the Dalitz plot of precision experiments involving heavy quarks and is not compromised to fixing the form factors at predetermined values. It is assumed that the real photons are kinematically discriminated. Otherwise, our results have a general model-independent applicability.Comment: 34 pages, 4 tables, no figures. Some sections have been shortened. Conclusions remain unchange

    Tailoring phase stability and electrical conductivity of Sr0.02La0.98Nb1–xTaxO4 for intermediate temperature fuel cell proton conducting electrolytes

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    Sr0.02La0.98Nb1–-xTaxO4 (SLNT, with x=0.1, 0.2, and 0.4) proton conducting oxides were synthesized by solid state reaction for application as electrolyte in solid oxide fuel cells operating below 600 °C. Dense pellets were obtained after sintering at 1600 °C for 5 h achieving a larger average grain size with increasing the tantalum content. Dilatometric measurements were used to obtain the SLNT expansion coefficient as a function of tantalum content (x), and it was found that the phase transition temperature increased with increasing the tantalum content, being T=561, 634, and 802 °C for x=0.1, 0.2, and 0.4, respectively. The electrical conductivity of SLNT was measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a function of temperature and tantalum concentration under wet (pH2O of about 0.03 atm) Ar atmosphere. At each temperature, the conductivity decreased with increasing the tantalum content, at 600 °C being 2.68×10−4, 3.14×10−5, and 5.41×10−6 Scm−1 for the x=0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 compositions, respectively. SLNT with x=0.2 shows a good compromise between proton conductivity and the requirement of avoiding detrimental phase transitions for application as a thin-film electrolyte below 600 °C

    One-loop vertex integrals in heavy-particle effective theories

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    We give a complete analytical computation of three-point one-loop integrals with one heavy propagator, up to the third tensor rank, for arbitrary values of external momenta and masses.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, to appear in J. Phys.

    Integrating a QPSK Quantum Key Distribution Link

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    We present the integration of the optical and electronic subsystems of a BB84-QKD fiber link. A highspeed FPGA MODEM generates the random QPSK sequences for a fiber-optic delayed self-homodyne scheme using APD detectors.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figures, European Conference on Optical Communication 200

    Del silencio al alboroto: el control del lenguaje de la mujer en la Edad Moderna

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la ideología sobre el lenguaje de la mujer, según se refleja en los tratados de los moralistas espa-ñoles de la Edad Moderna. Comenzamos pres-tando atención a las actitudes y creencias sobre el silencio y la palabra heredadas de la tradición bíblica, para repasar a continuación los estereo-tipos del habla femenina y su censura y estigma-tización en las obras de los tratadistas. Cuando otras formas más directas de poder y control sobre la propia vida no están a su alcance, la mujer encuentra en el lenguaje una herramienta esencial para progresar y proteger sus propios intereses. La participación de la mujer en la vida de la comunidad, con sus comentarios, críticas, acusaciones y murmuraciones, constituye una actuación lingüística con posibilidad de erosionar las estructuras patriarcales de la sociedad y da lugar al gran recelo y la inquietud que estas obras ponen de manifiesto.   This article analyzes the ideology about women’s language that is reflected in the treaties of the Early Modern Spanish moralists. I start by paying attention to the attitudes and beliefs about silence and speech inherited from the biblical tradition, to go on to then review the stereotypes about women’s speech, its censorship and stigmatization as reflected in the works of these writers. When direct forms of power and control over one's life were not within reach, women found in language an essential tool to progress and protect their own interests. The participation of women in the life of the community, with their comments, criti-cisms, accusations and gossip, becomes a linguis-tic performance that can erode the patriarchal structures of society, thus leading to the great suspicion and concern about women’s language that these works pointedly manifest.  

    Interference Simulator for the Whole HF Band: Application to CW-Morse

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    In this paper, we use jointly a model of narrow band interference and a congestion model to model and implement an interference simulator for the whole HF band. The result is a model to generate interfering signals that could be found in a given frequency allocation, at a given time (past, present, or future) and for a given location. Our model does not require measurements and it is characterized by its ease of use and the freedom it offers to choose scene (modulation, location, week, year, etc.). In addition, we have defined a generic modulating function and the conditions to model a contact continuous wave (CW)-Morse, which meets the usual standards of contest. Consequently, our interference model in conjunction with the CW-Morse modulating function designed results in a specific CW-Morse model for amateur contests. As an example of the simulation model, we simulate the CW-Morse communications on the contest ARR ARRL Field Day 2011.Comment: copyright 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    La gestión pública educativa y el clima laboral en instituciones académicas

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    The type of research as a fundamental tool for the advancement of the study that allowed testing the hypothesis was the correlational type. Its purpose is to measure the degree of relationship that exists between two variables, in a particular context. The method was the analytical one that allowed us to make a clear interpretation of the theories included in the theoretical framework. Once the academic interest of the research and the corresponding guideline have been established, we are in a position to express the following result: The work carried out, both at the project level and in the thesis report, yielded the following result: As the p – value = 0.008 is less than the significance level = 0.06, then the null hypothesis is rejected, consequently it is affirmed that there is a significant relationship between educational public management and the work environment; Likewise, according to the rho value = 0.402, it is evident that educational public management and the work environment have a moderate positive relationship with a trend very close to a low positive relationship, indicating that educational public management has to improve to strengthen the work environment. Determined that there is a moderate  correlation of r= 0.589 between educational public management and the pedagogical management dimension of teachers,  indicating a moderate positive correlation, and it is an indicator that the indicated dimension has to be improved to strengthen and improve the work environment. It was determined that there is a significant correlation of r = 0.58 between variable X with the administrative management dimension and the work environment, and they show a moderate positive correlation indicating that educational public management has to improve to strengthen the work environment. It was determined that there is a significant correlation of r = 0.499 between educational public management and the institutional management dimension, and they show a moderate positive correlation indicating that the indicated dimension has to improve to strengthen the work environment.El tipo de investigación como herramienta fundamental para el avance del estudio que permitió comprobar la hipótesis fue el tipo correlacional. Tiene como propósito medir el grado de relación que existe entre dos variables, en un contexto en particular. El método fue el analítico que nos permitió hacer una interpretación clara de las teorías incluidas en el marco teórico. Establecida el interés académico de la investigación y la pauta correspondiente estamos en condiciones de expresar el resultado siguiente: Los trabajos realizados, tanto a nivel de proyecto como el informe de tesis arrojaron el siguiente resultado: Como la p – valor = 0.008 es menor que el nivel de significancia = 0.06, entonces se rechaza la hipótesis nula, en consecuencia se afirma que existe una relación significativa entre la gestión pública educativa y el clima laboral; asimismo de acuerdo al valor rho=0,402 se evidencia que la gestión pública educativa y el clima laboral tienen una relación positiva moderada con tendencia muy próxima a relación positiva baja, indicando que la gestión pública educativa tiene que mejorar para fortalecer el clima laboral, además se determinó que existe una correlación moderada de r= 0,589 entre la gestión pública dudativa y la dimensión gestión pedagógica de los docentes, indicando una correlación positiva moderada, y es un indicador que la indicada dimensión tiene que mejora para fortalecer y mejorar el clima laboral. Se determinó que existe correlación significativa de r = 0,58 entre variable X con la dimensión gestión administrativa y el clima laboral, y muestran una correlación positiva moderada indicando que la gestión pública educativa tiene que mejorar para fortalecer el clima laboral. Se determinó que existe correlación significativa de r = 0,499 entre la gestión pública educativa y la dimensión gestión institucional, y muestran una correlación positiva moderada indicando que la dimensión indicada tiene que mejorar para fortalecer el clima laboral