837 research outputs found

    2-inch diameter (100) β-Ga2O3 crystal growth by the vertical Bridgman technique in a resistance heating furnace in ambient air

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    Available online 20 May 2020ArticleJOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH.545:125724(2020)journal articl

    Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons Expanded in 1/m_Q

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    Operating just once with the naive Foldy-Wouthuysen-Tani transformation on the relativistic Fermi-Yang equation for QqˉQ\bar q bound states described by the semi-relativistic Hamiltonian which includes Coulomb-like as well as confining scalar potentials, we have calculated heavy meson mass spectra of D and B together with higher spin states. Based on the formulation recently proposed, their masses and wave functions are expanded up to the second order in 1/mQ1/m_Q with a heavy quark mass mQm_Q and the lowest order equation is examined carefully to obtain a complete set of eigenfunctions for the Schr\"odinger equation. Heavy quark effective theory parameters, Λˉ\bar\Lambda, λ1\lambda_1, and λ2\lambda_2, are also determined at the first and second order in 1/mQ1/m_Q.Comment: 49 pages, 5 epsf figure

    Heavy Flavor Hadrons in Statistical Hadronization of Strangeness-rich QGP

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    We study b, c quark hadronization from QGP. We obtain the yields of charm and bottom flavored hadrons within the statistical hadronization model. The important novel feature of this study is that we take into account the high strangeness and entropy content of QGP, conserving strangeness and entropy yields at hadronization.Comment: v2 expended: 20 pages, 23 figures, 5 tables, in press EPJ-

    Molecular structure of the Bs0*(5725) and Bs1(5778) bottom-strange mesons

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    We discuss a possible interpretation of the scalar Bs0*(5725) and axial Bs1(5778) bottom-strange mesons as hadronic molecules - bound states of B K and B* K mesons, respectively. Using a phenomenological Lagrangian approach we analyze the strong Bs0* to Bs pi0, Bs1 to Bs* pi0 and the radiative Bs0* to Bs* gamma, Bs1 to Bs gamma, Bs1 to Bs* gamma, Bs1 to Bs0* gamma decays. We give predictions for the decay properties: effective couplings and decay widths.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    General structure of the graviton self-energy

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    The graviton self-energy at finite temperature depends on fourteen structure functions. We show that, in the absence of tadpoles, the gauge invariance of the effective action imposes three non-linear relations among these functions. The consequences of such constraints, which must be satisfied by the thermal graviton self-energy to all orders, are explicitly verified in general linear gauges to one loop order.Comment: 4 pages, minor corrections of typo

    Thermal one- and two-graviton Green's functions in the temporal gauge

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    The thermal one- and two-graviton Green's function are computed using a temporal gauge. In order to handle the extra poles which are present in the propagator, we employ an ambiguity-free technique in the imaginary-time formalism. For temperatures T high compared with the external momentum, we obtain the leading T^4 as well as the subleading T^2 and log(T) contributions to the graviton self-energy. The gauge fixing independence of the leading T^4 terms as well as the Ward identity relating the self-energy with the one-point function are explicitly verified. We also verify the 't Hooft identities for the subleading T^2 terms and show that the logarithmic part has the same structure as the residue of the ultraviolet pole of the zero temperature graviton self-energy. We explicitly compute the extra terms generated by the prescription poles and verify that they do not change the behavior of the leading and sub-leading contributions from the hard thermal loop region. We discuss the modification of the solutions of the dispersion relations in the graviton plasma induced by the subleading T^2 contributions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Revised version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Schubert calculus of Richardson varieties stable under spherical Levi subgroups

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    We observe that the expansion in the basis of Schubert cycles for H(G/B)H^*(G/B) of the class of a Richardson variety stable under a spherical Levi subgroup is described by a theorem of Brion. Using this observation, along with a combinatorial model of the poset of certain symmetric subgroup orbit closures, we give positive combinatorial descriptions of certain Schubert structure constants on the full flag variety in type AA. Namely, we describe cu,vwc_{u,v}^w when uu and vv are inverse to Grassmannian permutations with unique descents at pp and qq, respectively. We offer some conjectures for similar rules in types BB and DD, associated to Richardson varieties stable under spherical Levi subgroups of SO(2n+1,\C) and SO(2n,\C), respectively.Comment: Section 4 significantly shortened, and other minor changes made as suggested by referees. Final version, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Energy security cost as an externality—increased gas import price and economy of Ukraine

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    In this research, the tolerability of the economy of Ukraine for the increase of the gas import price is investigated. The relationship between the economic growth and imported gas price is analyzed, and it was found that the gas consumption of the food and other smaller industries was growing while the gas price was increasing; although, the larger industries such as chemical and manufacturing industries reduced the gas consumption. It was also found that Ukraine may hold a capability to lower the gas import price to the degree comparable to the current price. For the analysis, the national statistics of every month from 2002 through 2008 was used with the least squares model and the ARMA model for time-series forecasting. The data contains the GDP, the imported gas price and volume, the PPIs for the food industry, the chemical industry, the manufacturers and the energy industry, as well as the gas volumes consumed by the industries of low price band, other than the manufacturers and the chemical industries.Досліджено стійкість економіки України при зростаючій ціні на імпортований газ. Запропоновано методологію моделювання і прогнозування фінансово-економічних процесів, яка ґрунтується на ієрархічній процедурі пошуку структури і оптимізації параметрів моделей. Виконано аналіз залежності економічного зростання та ціни на імпортований газ. Цей аналіз виявив, що споживання газу для виробництва продуктів харчування та в інших, більш дрібних галузях виробництва, зростає при загальному зростанні ціни на імпортований газ. Тоді як крупніші галузі, такі як хімічна та виробнича, зменшували споживання газу під час зростання його ціни. Також виявлено можливість знижувати ціну на імпортований газ для України до рівня порівняного з поточною ціною.Исследована устойчивость экономики Украины при растущей цене на импортированный газ. Предложена методология моделирования и прогнозирования финансово-экономических процессов, которая базируется на иерархической процедуре поиска структуры и оптимизации параметров моделей. Выполнен анализ зависимости экономического роста и цены на импортированный газ. Этот анализ выявил, что потребление газа при производстве продуктов питания и в других, более мелких отраслях производства растет при общем росте цен на импортированный газ. Тогда как более крупные отрасли, такие как химическая и производственная, снижали потребление газа при росте его цены. Также выявлена возможность снижать цену на импортированный газ для Украины до уровня, сопоставимого с текущей ценой

    String compactification, QCD axion and axion-photon-photon coupling

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    It is pointed out that there exist a few problems to be overcome toward an observable sub-eV QCD axion in superstring compactification. We give a general expression for the axion decay constant. For a large domain wall number NDWN_{DW}, the axion decay constant can be substantially lowered from a generic value of a scalar singlet VEV. The Yukawa coupling structure in the recent Z12IZ_{12-I} model is studied completely, including the needed nonrenormalizable terms toward realistic quark and lepton masses. In this model we find an approximate global symmetry and vacuum so that a QCD axion results but its decay constant is at the GUT scale. The axion-photon-photon coupling is calculated for a realistic vacuum satisfying the quark and lepton mass matrix conditions. It is the first time calculation of caγγc_{a\gamma\gamma} in realistic string compactifications: caγγ=5/31.930.26c_{a\gamma\gamma}={5/3}-1.93\simeq -0.26.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, JHEP format, some errors in the superpotential couplings are corrected and the following discussions are changed correspondingl

    Effects of S-wave thresholds

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    The opening of a new S-wave threshold is frequently accompanied by an abrupt dip in the magnitude of an amplitude for an already-open channel. One familiar example is the behavior of the I=0 S-wave ππ\pi \pi scattering amplitude at KKˉK \bar K threshold. Numerous other examples of this phenomenon in recent data are noted, and a unified description of the underlying dynamics is sought.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. Two additional references; typographic correction. To be published in Phys. Rev.