35 research outputs found

    Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in western Turkey (Anatolia)

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    Additional analyses of trnS-trnG and nrDNA from herbarium specimens from Europe revealed the presence of J. sabina var. balkanensis in western Turkey near Izmir and expands the range previously known only from Bulgaria and adjacent mountains in Greece. A more detailed map of the taxon\u27s distribution is presented

    Geographic variation in Juniperus drupacea: DNA sequencing and volatile leaf oils: Further evidence of putative Pleistocene genetic isolation between Europe and Asia

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    Recently, Sobierajska et al. (2016), using nSSR and morphology, showed that Juniperus drupacea exhibited differentiation between Greece and Turkey/ Lebanon, suggestive of Pleistocene genetic isolation. Here, we report that leaf terpenoids and DNA sequence data support their hypothesis by confirming differentiation between Greece and Turkey/ Lebanon/ Israel. The leaf oils of the Turkey/ Lebanon plants contained one unique terpene (trans-verbenol, 0.1-1.4%) that was absent in the Greece plants. The Greece oil contained three terpenes not found in the Lebanon/ Turkey plants: (ar)-curcumene (2.2%), β-alaskene (0.3%) and α-alaskene (0.4%). Four other terpenes were in higher concentration in the Greece oils: camphene (0.4%), δ-3-carene (10.9%), p-mentha-1,5-dien-8-ol, isomer (0.3%) and 4-terpineol (0.3%). Three terpenes were higher in Turkey and Lebanon oils: α-pinene (10.5 - 32.9%), hexadecanoic acid (0.4 - 1.4%) and trans-totarol (0.3 - 1.2%). Only one SNP was found (in nrDNA) that separated Greece from Turkey-Lebanon-Israel. No informative SNPs were found in petN-psbM, trnS-trnG, trnD-trnT or trnL-trnF cp regions

    Geographic variation in nrDNA and four cpDNA regions of Juniperus excelsa: Analysis of new records from Bulgaria, Cyprus and southwestern Turkey

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    Sequencing of nrDNA, plus four cp DNA regions: petN-psbM, trnS-trnG, trnD-trnT and trnL-trnF of newly acquired samples of J. excelsa from Bulgaria, Cyprus and Turkey showed little variation in J. excelsa (sensu stricto), except for the unusual situation in Lebanon, where J. excelsa and J. polycarpos (and likely J. p. var. turcomanica) grow near each other and may be hybridizing. The genetic composition of the eastern-most populations of J. excelsa in Turkey is unknown and deserves further study

    Analysis of Juniperus phoenicea from throughout its range in the Mediterranean using DNA sequence data from nrDNA and petN-psbM: the case for the recognition of J. turbinata Guss

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    DNA sequences were analyzed from 19 populations of J. phoenicea from throughout its range. The sequence data (nrDNA, petN-psbM) revealed that J. phoenicea is clearly divided into two taxa. These taxa have been recognized as var. (subsp.) phoenicea and var. (subsp.) turbinata by Adams (2011) and Farjon (2005). However, the magnitude of the differences in the DNA regions, along with the differences in pollen shedding times, morphology and prodelphinidin content support the recognition of J. turbinata Guss. No differentiation was found between the typical Mediterranean and Canary Island populations, offering no support for the recognition of J. phoenicea subsp. canariensis (Guyot) RivasMartinez. Juniperus turbinata appears to be widespread from Madeira - Canary Islands to the Sinai with few DNA differences among most populations. However, some populations (Grazalema, Madeira, Sinai, central Italy) had moderate amounts of divergence (3-4 mutations) and warrant additional study

    Geographic variation in nrDNA and four cpDNA regions of Juniperus excelsa: Analysis of new records from Bulgaria, Cyprus and southwestern Turkey

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    Sequencing of nrDNA, plus four cp DNA regions: petN-psbM, trnS-trnG, trnD-trnT and trnL-trnF of newly acquired samples of J. excelsa from Bulgaria, Cyprus and Turkey showed little variation in J. excelsa (sensu stricto), except for the unusual situation in Lebanon, where J. excelsa and J. polycarpos (and likely J. p. var. turcomanica) grow near each other and may be hybridizing. The genetic composition of the eastern-most populations of J. excelsa in Turkey is unknown and deserves further study

    Evidence of relictual introgression or incomplete lineage sorting in nrDNA of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos in Asia Minor

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    DNA analysis of Juniperus excelsa from throughout its range revealed that J. polycarpos, instead of J. excelsa occupies central and eastern Turkey. Based on nrDNA (ITS) data, it appears that relictual hybridization has occurred in southeastern Turkey between J. polycarpos and J. turcomanica. Surprisingly, evidence of incomplete lineage sorting or relictual hybridization between J. polycarpos and J. seravschanica was found in central Turkey and northwest Iran

    Evidence of relictual introgression or incomplete lineage sorting in nrDNA of Juniperus excelsa and J. polycarpos in Asia Minor

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    DNA analysis of Juniperus excelsa from throughout its range revealed that J. polycarpos, instead of J. excelsa occupies central and eastern Turkey. Based on nrDNA (ITS) data, it appears that relictual hybridization has occurred in southeastern Turkey between J. polycarpos and J. turcomanica. Surprisingly, evidence of incomplete lineage sorting or relictual hybridization between J. polycarpos and J. seravschanica was found in central Turkey and northwest Iran

    Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Central and Southern Italy and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA

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    Additional analyses of trnS-trnG and nrDNA from specimens from Bosnia-Herzegovina, southern and central, Italy, Croatia and Macedonia revealed the presence of J. sabina var. balkanensis in these areas west of the previously known populations in Greece, Bulgaria and western Turkey. Careful chromatogram analysis of eight (8) polymorphic sites in nrDNA revealed that nearly all of the populations of both var. balkanensis and var. sabina contained from 2 to 8 polymorphic sites. For these 8 heterozygous sites, two exclusive patterns were found in J. sabina. One type (GGACCCAG) was found in 16/62 plants and type 2 (ACGACAGT) was found in 4/62 plants. The majority of the plants examined (42/62) were heterozygous for 1 to 8 sites. These two nrDNA types appear to have arisen via hybridization with a J. thurifera ancestor. The two types appear in both v. sabina and v. balkanensis populations. Extant putative hybrids appear to have formed by crosses between present day type 1 and type 2 nrDNA. Publishe

    Discovery of Juniperus sabina var. balkanensis R. P. Adams and A. N. Tashev in Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Central and Southern Italy and relictual polymorphisms found in nrDNA

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    Additional analyses of trnS-trnG and nrDNA from specimens from Bosnia-Herzegovina, southern and central, Italy, Croatia and Macedonia revealed the presence of J. sabina var. balkanensis in these areas west of the previously known populations in Greece, Bulgaria and western Turkey. Careful chromatogram analysis of eight (8) polymorphic sites in nrDNA revealed that nearly all of the populations of both var. balkanensis and var. sabina contained from 2 to 8 polymorphic sites. For these 8 heterozygous sites, two exclusive patterns were found in J. sabina. One type (GGACCCAG) was found in 16/62 plants and type 2 (ACGACAGT) was found in 4/62 plants. The majority of the plants examined (42/62) were heterozygous for 1 to 8 sites. These two nrDNA types appear to have arisen via hybridization with a J. thurifera ancestor. The two types appear in both v. sabina and v. balkanensis populations. Extant putative hybrids appear to have formed by crosses between present day type 1 and type 2 nrDNA

    Anti-infectives in Drug Delivery-Overcoming the Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell Envelope.

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    Infectious diseases are becoming a major menace to the state of health worldwide, with difficulties in effective treatment especially of nosocomial infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria being increasingly reported. Inadequate permeation of anti-infectives into or across the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope, due to its intrinsic barrier function as well as barrier enhancement mediated by resistance mechanisms, can be identified as one of the major reasons for insufficient therapeutic effects. Several in vitro, in silico, and in cellulo models are currently employed to increase the knowledge of anti-infective transport processes into or across the bacterial cell envelope; however, all such models exhibit drawbacks or have limitations with respect to the information they are able to provide. Thus, new approaches which allow for more comprehensive characterization of anti-infective permeation processes (and as such, would be usable as screening methods in early drug discovery and development) are desperately needed. Furthermore, delivery methods or technologies capable of enhancing anti-infective permeation into or across the bacterial cell envelope are required. In this respect, particle-based carrier systems have already been shown to provide the opportunity to overcome compound-related difficulties and allow for targeted delivery. In addition, formulations combining efflux pump inhibitors or antimicrobial peptides with anti-infectives show promise in the restoration of antibiotic activity in resistant bacterial strains. Despite considerable progress in this field however, the design of carriers to specifically enhance transport across the bacterial envelope or to target difficult-to-treat (e.g., intracellular) infections remains an urgently needed area of improvement. What follows is a summary and evaluation of the state of the art of both bacterial permeation models and advanced anti-infective formulation strategies, together with an outlook for future directions in these fields