151 research outputs found

    Geomorphological map of the Tremiti Islands (Puglia, Southern Adriatic Sea, Italy), scale 1:15,000

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    This paper describes the Geomorphological map of the Tremiti Islands (Puglia, Southern Adriatic Sea, Italy), scale 1:15,000. The Tremiti Islands, located north of Gargano promontory's coast, are part of a complex geological area within the Adriatic basin, facing the junction between the central and southern Apennines. This area is well known for Neogenic-Quaternary stratigraphic, tectonic and seismologic aspects and is crucial for the definition of Late Quaternary Adriatic basin evolution. The map is the result of a geomorphological study carried out on the islands and the inner continental shelf around them. This study incorporates: (1) field recognition of Quaternary continental deposits and geomorphological mapping, supported by radiometric dating, focused on the morpho-lithostratigraphic correlation of deposits among the different islands and the recognition of landforms that controlled landscape evolution; (2) bathymetric analysis; (3) geomorphological analysis of data from a side scan sonar survey, ..

    Interação genótipo x ambiente para características de crescimento ate os 12 meses de idade em bovinos Canchim.

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    O objetivo foi estudar a interação genótipo x ambiente (duas épocas de nascimento). Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos foram obtidas para os pesos à desmama e aos 12 meses de idade, ganho de peso diário entre essas idades e um índice combinando essas características por meio de componentes principais, em bovinos Canchim. Utilizaram-se análises uni e bicaracter e metodologia DFREML com modelo touro e modelo animal, respectivamente. Além dos efeitos aleatórios de animal e touro, os modelos incluíram os efeitos fixos de sexo, ano e mês de nascimento do animal e idade da vaca ao parto. O modelo touro, ainda, incluiu ou não o efeito aleatório não correlacionado touro-época de nascimento. Houve evidências dessa interação para todas as características e dois tipos de análise

    Estudo da interação genótipo x ambiente sobre características de crescimento de bovinos de corte utilizando-se inferência bayesiana.

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    Avaliou-se a interação genótipo ambiente em um rebanho da raça Canchim por meio de estimativas de parâmetros genéticos dos pesos à desmama e aos 12 meses de idade, do ganho de peso diário entre essas idades e do desempenho estimado por um índice obtido de componentes principais envolvendo essas três características. O ambiente foi representado por época de nascimento (primeiro e segundo semestres) e os parâmetros genéticos foram obtidos em análises bicaráter (mesma característica nas duas épocas), utilizando-se a metodologia de inferência bayesiana, por meio de amostrador de Gibbs, cujo modelo incluiu os efeitos fixos de sexo, ano e mês de nascimento do animal e idade da vaca ao parto (linear e quadrática) e os efeitos aleatórios de animal e resíduo. Houve evidências de interação genótipo ´ época de nascimento para as características estudadas, sugerindo que as avaliações genéticas e a seleção dos animais devem ser feitas considerando-se a existência dessa interação

    Repeated Measurement Analyses of Forages in Cropping Systems

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    Repeated measurements (RM) are common in forage experiments. The data used in this study were accumulated ammonia losses by volatilization (N) and dry matter production (DM) of Cynodon dactylon cv. Coastcross pasture from an experiment in blocks with five levels of urea: 0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 kg of N ha-1, applied in five periods (cuttings). For N, RM were the averages of cuttings and nine days of observation. The F test for the hypothesis of no effect for Period and Level x Period interaction (DM) and for Days and Level x Days interaction was not affected by univariate and multivariate tests. However, Greenhouse- Geisser epsilon estimate was biased downwards. Polynomial contrasts in univariate ANOVA and Logistic function agreed in explaining accumulated N. For DM, unequal population variances on different periods was detected and the assumption that the pairs of observations on the same subject are equally correlated was rejected

    Myocardial Scar on Surface ECG: Selvester Score, but Not Fragmentation, Predicts Response to CRT

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    Purpose. Myocardial scar is directly related to the response to CRT after implantation. The extent of myocardial scar can be detected not only by cardiac magnetic resonance but also by two electrocardiographic scores: fragmented QRS (fQRS) and Selvester score (SSc). The aim of our study is to compare the role of baseline SSc and fQRS in predicting response to CRT in a cohort of heart failure patients with true left bundle branch block (LBBB). As a secondary endpoint, we assessed the association of both scores with overall and cardiac mortality, heart failure hospitalizations, ventricular arrhythmias requiring ICD intervention, and major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE). Methods. We evaluated fQRS and SSc of 178 consecutive HF patients with severe systolic dysfunction (LVEF ≤ 35%), NYHA class II-III despite optimal medical treatment, and true-LBBB. Response to CRT was defined as the improvement of LVEF of at least 10% or as the reduction of LVESV of at least 15% at a 6-month follow-up. Each endpoint was related to fQRS and SSc. Results. SSc ≥7 was significantly associated with the absence of echocardiographic response to CRT (OR: 0.327; 95% C.I. 0.155-0.689; p=0.003), while the presence of fQRS at baseline ECG was not (OR: 1.133; 95% C.I. 0.539-2.381; p=0.742). No correlation was found between SSc and overall mortality, cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmias, hospitalizations due to heart failure, or for MACE. Similar results were observed between fQRS and all secondary endpoints. Conclusion. In HF patients with true-LBBB and LVEF ≤35% eligible for CRT, myocardial scar assessed by calculating the SSc on preimplant ECG is an independent predictor of nonresponse after multiple adjustments. Neither SSc nor fQRS is associated with overall and cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmias, or hospitalization for heart failure at a 24-month follow-up

    Parâmetros genéticos para características de crescimento e maciez da carne em bovinos nelore.

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    Resumo: Foram estimados os parâmetros genéticos para as características de pesos aos 120 (P120), 210 (P210), 365 (P365) e 450 (P450) dias de idade e de maciez da carne, medida pela força de cisalhamento Warner-Bratzler (WBSF) em bovinos Nelore Mochos. Foram realizadas análises bayesianas bi características adotando-se modelo linear animal. As estimativas de herdabilidade para o P120 (0,20), P210 (0,21), P365 (0,44), P450 (0,40) e WBSF (0,16) indicam a possibilidade de seleção. As estimativas de correlação genética e residual entre as características de crescimento foram de elevada magnitude. Apesar dos desvios padrão, as correlações genéticas da WSBF com os pesos foram favoráveis, maior na fase pré-desmama, (-0,70 com P120 e -0,78 com P210) e menor na fase pós-desmama (-0,44 com P365 e -0,22 com P450). As herdabilidades para as características de peso e de maciez da carne avaliadas em animais mochos Nelore indicam a existência de variabilidade genética suficiente para seleção. Abstract: Genetic parameters were estimated for the characteristics of weight at 120 (P120), 210 (P210), 365 (P365), and 450 (P450) days of age and of tenderness of the meat, as measured by Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) in polled Nellore cattle. Bayesian analysis bi characteristics were performed by adopting linear animal model. The heritability estimates for P120 (0.20), P210 (0.21), P365 (0.44), P450 (0.40) and WBSF (0.16) indicate the possibility of selection. The genetic correlations obtained for the growth characteristics were of high magnitude. Despite the high values of the standard deviations, the genetic correlations of WSBF with the weights were favorable, higher at pre-weaning phase (-0.70 and -0.78 with P120 to P210) and lower at the post-weaning phase (-0.44 with P365 and P450 with -0.22). Heritability estimates for growth and meat tenderness traits in Polled Nellore cattle indicate the existence of sufficient genetic variability for selectio

    The gender specific frequency of risk factor and CHD diagnoses prior to incident MI: A community study

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    BACKGROUND: CHD is a chronic disease often present years prior to incident AMI. Earlier recognition of CHD may be associated with higher levels of recognition and treatment of CHD risk factors that may delay incident AMI. To assess timing of CHD and CHD risk factor diagnoses prior to incident AMI. METHODS: This is a 10-year population based medical record review study that included all medical care providers in Olmsted County, Minnesota for all women and a sample of men residing in Olmsted County, MN with confirmed incident AMI between 1995 and 2000. RESULTS: All medical care for the 10 years prior to incident AMI was reviewed for 150 women and 148 men (38% sample) in Olmsted County, MN. On average, women were older than men at the time of incident AMI (74.7 versus 65.9 years, p < 0.0001). 30.4% of the men and 52.0% of the women received diagnoses of CHD prior to incident AMI (p = 0.0002). Unrecognized and untreated CHD risk factors were present in both men (45% of men 5 years prior to AMI) and women (22% of women 5 years prior to first AMI), more common in men and those without a diagnosis of CHD prior to incident AMI (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: A CHD diagnosis prior to incident AMI is associated with higher rates of recognition and treatment of CHD risk factors suggesting that diagnosing CHD prior to AMI enhances opportunities to lower the risk of future CHD events
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