7 research outputs found

    Validation of the nonhydrostatic General Curvilinear Coastal Ocean Model (GCCOM) for stratified flows

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    While global- and basin-scale processes can be captured quite well with computationally-inexpensive hydrostatic models, smaller-scale features such as shoaling nonlinear internal waves and bores, coastal fronts, and other convective processes require the use of a nonhydrostatic model to accurately capture dynamics. Here the nonhydrostatic capabilities of the General Curvilinear Coastal Ocean Model (GCCOM) in a stratified environment are introduced. GCCOM is a three-dimensional, nonhydrostatic Large Eddy Simulation (LES), rigid lid model that has the ability to run in a fully three-dimensional general curvilinear coordinate system. This model was previously validated for unstratified flows with curvilinear coordinates. Here, recent advances of the model to simulate stratified flows are presented, focusing on sigma coordinate grids with both flat bottom geometry and a local gently sloping seamount. In particular, a suite of test cases widely used as benchmarks for assessing the nonhydrostatic capabilities for gravity-driven flows and internal waves is presented: an internal seiche in a flat bottom tank, the classic lock release and gravity current experiment, and a field-scale internal wave beam experiment consisting of an oscillating tidal flow over a topographic ridge. GCCOM shows excellent agreement with the benchmark test cases and is able to accurately resolve complex nonhydrostatic phenomena in stratified flows. Future studies will utilize the model capabilities for realistic field-scale internal wave simulations

    Cuentos que construyen paz

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    Esta propuesta se enmarca en el Proyecto Comunidades Educativas que Construyen Paz, del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (IDELA), cuyo propósito es facilitar procesos pedagógicos para la paz con comunidades educativas, por medio de una metodología lúdica y participativa, con el fin de promover la construcción de una cultura de paz en los espacios de convivencia cotidianos.Este libro es el resultado de un proceso que se fue tejiendo durante el 2021, el Festival para la Paz, el cual se realiza como una forma de contribuir a la creación y difusión de espacios participativos, lúdicos y creativos para instar a la paz desde las comunidades educativas. Esto, a modo de ir constituyendo una red con ideas novedosas que dan forma a dichos cuentos, constructores de paz. La creación y elaboración de cuentos fue una apuesta con equipos interdisciplinarios, niñas y niños de las escuelas públicas de la Regional de Heredia del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica: Escuela Finca Guararí, Escuela Miguel Aguilar Bonilla, Escuela Rubén Darío y Escuela Santiago.This book is the result of a process that was woven during 2021, the Festival for Peace, which is carried out as a way to contribute to the creation and dissemination of participatory, playful and creative spaces to encourage peace from the educational communities. This, as a way of building a network with innovative ideas that give shape to these stories, peace builders. The creation and elaboration of stories was a bet with interdisciplinary teams, girls and boys of the public schools of the Heredia Regional of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica: Finca Guararí School, Miguel Aguilar Bonilla School, Rubén Darío School and Santiago School.Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericano

    Native berries of Chile: a comprehensive review on nutritional aspects, functional properties, and potential health benefits

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