153 research outputs found


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    PENGHALUSAN BUTIR FASAMAGNETIK SmCo5 DENGAN VIBRATION BALLMILL UNTUK PEMBUATAN KRISTAL BERSKALANANOMETER. Telah dilakukan proses penghalusan material magnet SmCo5 dengan Vibration Ball Mill menghasilkan serbuk berukuran nanometer. Ukuran serbuk awal yang digunakan adalah 50 m sampai dengan 60 m terdiri dari material fasa tunggal SmCo5 sebagai material dasar untuk magnet permanen. Perbandingan antara massa serbuk dan massa bola adalah 1 : 10 dan proses penghalusan dilaksanakan dalam atmosfir miskin oksigen. Ditemukan bahwa serbuk halus hasil proses sangat reaktip sehingga preparasi material ke dalam bentuk padatan muda (green compact) harus dilakukan dalam ruangan atmosfir argon. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kristal dengan analisis pelebaran puncak difraksi sinar-x diperoleh suatu penurunan ukuran kristal yang sangat signifikan dan sistimatik dengan bertambahnya waktu penghalusan. Pada waktu penghalusan selama 20 jam diperoleh ukuran kristal rata-rata ~6,0 nm. Pola difraksi dari sampel magnet menggunakan serbuk sangat halus ini meskipun telah menjalani tahapan perlakuan panas masih tetap memperlihatkan fasa tunggal SmCo5. Dengan demikian proses penghalusan dan preparasi yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan magnet permanen Sm-Co dengan ukuran kristal berskala nanometer

    An Intelligent Electrical Time Domain Reflectometry System for the Detection and Characterisation of Fault Conditions in Posttensioning Ducts of Smart Concrete Structures

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    In civil engineering structures involving prestressed concrete, the use of posttensioned systems is very common. Post-tensioning is achieved by passing steel cables into ducts previously cast into the concrete. When the concrete has set, the cables are tensioned with hydraulic jacks and then sealed into the duct by pumping in a slurry of cement and water, called grout. The grouting mixture, being alkaline in composition, protects the steel cable from corrosion

    The Ecology Character of Banda Aceh City in the 17th Century

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    Bandar Aceh Darussalam as tamaddun city in the tip of Sumatera Island and capital city of 17th century Islamic Aceh Sultanate, was a strategic coastal city. It had sloping beach and bays and was surrounded by mountains with rivers flowing through the city. Its wetlands-based urban development was reflected in the design of urban space structure and key elements of the city. It becomes inspiration for developing modern ecological city since 17th century Islamic cities in archipelago of the East is rarely studied. This research aimed to study the spatial concept of Bandar Aceh Darussalam. Data was collected by using the method of tracking physical information through ancient maps and field observation of the environment characteristic. It was found that the ecological character of the city seemed to be affected by the existence of integrated natural features, function and the role of the city that included Islamic concepts. The main elements of the city reflected the character of civilization in three aspects: the drainage system i.e. cut and fill, the scattered and wide empty space, and natural defense system. The concept of harmony between urban development and city\u27s ecological character was shown in the design of urban landscape


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    Kualitas pendidikan dalam pembelajaran Matematika menjadi salah satu acuan persaingan intelektualitas antar Negara. Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam peningkatan intelektualitas adalah dengan mengadakan Kompetisi Sains Madrasah (KSM). Berbagai upaya dilakukan guru terhadap peningkatan kompetensi mtematika siswa melalui KSM, salah satunya dengan pembinaan KSM di sekolah-sekolah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pembinaan KSM di Indonesia sebagai upaya meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field reserch) di MTsN 2 Tulungagung dan studi kepustakaan (field research) yang diperoleh dari jurnal penelitian tentang pembinaan olimpiade di Indonesia. Hasil studi ini menemukan berbagai bentuk metode pembinaan yang variatif, lebih menyenangkan dan dapat diserap oleh siswa serta menunjang peningkatan kompetensi di bidang Matematika, diantaranya bentuk pembinaan intensif mandiri, pretest-treatment-postest, kelompok (study club) rutin, dan kelas olimpiade serta pengembangan bahan ajar yang lebih berkualitas

    Influence of Compost and Rock Amendments on Growth and Active Ingredients of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

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    Abstract: The effect of compost (0, 5, 10 and 20 ton/fed), rock amendments (0, 500, and 1000 kg/fed) and their combinations on some morphological parameters, yield and active ingredients of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was carried out in the field during 2006/2007 & 2007/2008 seasons. Two samples were taken after 150 and 190 day from planting. The obtained results indicated that all treatments achieved an increament in morphological parametres, carthamin of petals yield and oil content of seeds comparing with the control. As for the effect of single treatments on growth parameters and active ingredients, the compost 20 ton/fed and rock 1000 kg/fed revealed significant values than the control, except height with R1000 in both seasons. The combination of high concentration of compost (20 ton/fed) and rock phosphate (1000 kg/fed) recorded the highest values in this concern (except plant height and fatty acids charachters). Meanwhile, C20 led to obtain good quality of safflower oil by increasing unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio

    Diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of patients with oesophagogastric cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic:national study

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    Background: The national response to COVID-19 has had a significant impact on cancer services. This study investigated the effect of national lockdown on diagnosis, management, and outcomes of patients with oesophagogastric cancers in Scotland. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included consecutive new patients presenting to regional oesophagogastric cancer multidisciplinary teams in National Health Service Scotland between October 2019 and September 2020. The study interval was divided into before and after lockdown, based on the first UK national lockdown. Electronic health records were reviewed and results compared. Results: Some 958 patients with biopsy-proven oesophagogastric cancer in 3 cancer networks were included: 506 (52.8 per cent) before and 452 (47.2 per cent) after lockdown. Median age was 72 (range 25–95) years and 630 patients (65.7 per cent) were men. There were 693 oesophageal (72.3 per cent) and 265 gastric (27.7 per cent) cancers. Median time to gastroscopy was 15 (range 0–337) days before versus 19 (0–261) days after lockdown (P < 0.001). Patients were more likely to present as an emergency after lockdown (8.5 per cent before versus 12.4 per cent after lockdown; P = 0.005), had poorer Eastern Cooperative Oncology group performance status, were more symptomatic, and presented with a higher stage of disease (stage IV: 49.8 per cent before versus 58.8 per cent after lockdown; P = 0.04). There was a shift to treatment with non-curative intent (64.6 per cent before versus 77.4 per cent after lockdown; P < 0.001). Median overall survival was 9.9 (95 per cent c.i. 8.7 to 11.4) months before and 6.9 (5.9 to 8.3) months after lockdown (HR 1.26, 95 per cent c.i. 1.09 to 1.46; P = 0.002). Conclusion: This national study has highlighted the adverse impact of COVID-19 on oesophagogastric cancer outcomes in Scotland. Patients presented with more advanced disease and a shift towards treatment with non-curative intent was observed, with a subsequent negative impact on overall survival

    Characterisation of physicochemical properties of gum arabic powder at various particle sizes

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    Plant gum exudate, such as gum arabic, is extensively used in a variety of industrial applications due to their emulsification, microencapsulation and stabilisation properties. The present study is aimed to investigate the effect of particle size on the proximate composition, the density and the physicochemical properties of the gum arabic powder. The classification of particle size based on the mean diameter (d50) ranged between 30 to 800 µm. Based on the proximate composition results, the coarse (414 µm) and very coarse (790 µm) particles yielded a similar moisture content of 13.8%, which was higher than that of the commercial gum (11.1%). Meanwhile, the medium coarse (208 µm) particles contain higher fiber content (97.9%) as compared to other particle sizes. The bulk and tapped density of the gum were significantly affected by the particle size. Water activity analysis indicated that the gum arabic is microbiologically safe, as it has poor condition or environment for microbial growth. From the hygroscopicity analysis, it was found that the very fine (37 µm) particles obtained the highest hygroscopicity value of 40%. The swelling index of medium coarse (208 µm) particles was closed to that of the commercial gum. The emulsion capacity (EC) and emulsion stability (ES) analyses observed that the very coarse (790 µm) and very fine (37 µm) particles recorded the highest EC and ES values of 93% and 89%, respectively. The glass transition temperature was not significantly affected by the particle size. The colour analysis indicated that the commercial gum is lighter (71.4) than the other particle sizes. Meanwhile, the very fine (37 µm) and fine (85 µm) particles exhibited similar redness (a*) value with that of the commercial gum, with a value recorded at 3.7. The morphology analysis observed that the gum exhibited irregular shape with rough granule surfaces. The present work revealed that coarse (208 to 414 µm) particles showed better characteristics compared to that of the commercial gum arabic that is available in the market

    Regiospecific analysis of Mono and Diglycerides in Glycerolysis products by GC x GC TOF-MS.

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    Comprehensive bidimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC-TOF-MS) was used for the characterization of regiospecific mono- and diglycerides (MG-DG) content in the glycerolysis products derived from five different lipids included lard (LA), sun flower seed oil (SF), corn oil (CO), butter (BU), and palm oil (PA). The combination of fast and high temperature non-orthogonal column set namely DB17ht (6 m × 0.10 mm × 0.10 μm) as the primary column and SLB-5 ms (60 cm × 0.10 mm × 0.10 μm) as the secondary column was applied in this work. System configuration involved high oven ramp temperature to obtain precise mass spectral identification and highest effluent’s resolution. 3-Monopalmitoyl-sn-glycerol (MG 3-C16) was the highest concentration in LA, BU and PA while monostearoyl-sn-glycerol (MG C18) in CO and 1,3-dilinoleol-rac-glycerol (DG C18:2c) in SF. Principal component analysis accounted 82% of variance using combination of PC1 and PC2. The presence of monostearoyl-sn-glycerol (MG C18), 3-Monopalmitoyl-sn-glycerol (MG 3-C16), 1,3-dilinoleol-rac-glycerol (DG C18:2c), 1,3-dipalmitoyl-glycerol (DG 1,3-C16), and 1,3-dielaidin (DG C18:1t) caused differentiation of the samples tested

    The Effect of Fluorine Doping on the Characteristic Behaviour of CdTe

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    Fluorine which is an n-type dopant of cadmium telluride thin films was included during growth from a cadmium nitrate [Cd(NO3)2Æ4H2O] bath using an electrodeposition technique. The fluorine concentration in the Cd(NO3)2Æ4H2O baths were varied between 0.5 ppm and 50 ppm in order to determine its effect on the optical, structural, morphological and electrical properties of the as-deposited and the post-growth-treated layers. These characterisations were carried out using x-ray diffraction, ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-rays spectroscopy, photoelectrochemical cell measurement, direct current conductivity measurement and fully fabricated device characterisation. The results are systematically reported in this paper