48 research outputs found

    Genetic relationships among grapevine cultivars native to Croatia, Greece and Turkey

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    Three sets of grapevine cultivars were analysed: (1) 6 Croatian cultivars from the island of Hvar, (2) 5 Greek cultivars from the island of Paros and (3) 9 Turkish cultivars from the region of Anatolia. These cultivars were assayed by molecular markers (RAPDs with 8 primers and SSRs on 8 loci) and analyzed in terms of genetic similarity. Cluster analysis based on Dice genetic similarity indices resulted in dendrograms using two types of data. The cultivar DNA profiles showed that there were no synonyms among the groups of cultivars tested. Cluster analysis did not point to any particular relationship among cultivars from different regions, although AMOVA analysis showed greater genetic similarity between Greek and Croatian cultivars in contrast to Turkish cultivars.


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    Genetic relationships among grapevine cultivars native to Croatia, Greece and TurkeyVitis 44 (2),73-77 (2005

    Morphometric and molecular analysis of a pink-berried mutant within the population of grape cultivar 'Plavac mali'

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    This study reports characteristics of pink-berried mutants found in the clone population of the Croatian red wine cultivar 'Plavac mali' on the basis of comparative ampelographic and DNA marker (SSR and Gret1) analysis. The pink-berried accession, also called 'Plavac mali sivi' (Croatian: sivi = English: grey or French: gris), along with the other 58 'Plavac mali' accessions of standard blue-black berry skin color, has been characterized for the first time using OIV descriptors and molecular markers. Using a set of 9 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, an identical SSR profile for all the analyzed accessions was revealed, indicating their monozygotic status. The analysis of Gret1 insertion within the VvMYBA1 locus revealed no DNA polymorphism responsible for the pink-berried phenotype. Surface color of the berry skin was measured with the CIELab technique using a reflectance spectrophotometer at full ripeness. The results of colorimetric variables (L*, a* and b*) suggest a significantly lower accumulation of anthocyanins in the pink-berried accession compared to the standard blue-black berries. The pink-berried accession shares all assessed morphological and genetic traits of 'Plavac mali', with the only difference being the color of the berry skin. This suggests that the pinkberried genotype is the result of a spontaneous mutation of a standard 'Plavac mali' genotype

    Genetic characterization of Croatian grapevine cultivars and detection of synonymous cultivars in neighboring regions

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    Twenty-two native Croatian grapevine varieties representing three different growing and climatic regions (Dalmatia, Istria, continental Croatia) have been genotyped at nine SSR loci. The identical genotypes of the Croatian cultivars Plavina and Brajdica confirmed the hypothesis they are the same variety. Comparing the SSR profiles of the Croatian cultivars with the profiles stored in a database containing about 300 European cultivars, further three pairs of synonyms were revealed: Teran Bijeli shares its genotype with the Italian cultivar Prosecco, Muskat Ruza Porecki corresponds to cv. Rosenmuskateller from North Italy and Moslavac is identical to the Hungarian variety Furmint. The microsatellite-based definitions of these synonyms are strongly supported by ampelographic observations. The genetic variability within the investigated Croatian cultivars was high with a genetic diversity of 75 %. A dendrogram based on allele sharing distances reflected neither common morphological features nor common geographic origins of the cultivars

    Cluster architecture of old, neglected Croatian grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Grape cluster architecture is an important trait affecting fruit composition and yield. Damage caused by gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) is directly related to cluster density and some other environmental factors. The aim of this study was to quantify characteristics of fully mature clusters of eleven old Croatian grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) which so far have not been phenotypically described in detail, and to examine Botrytis cinerea disease severity on their grapes under field conditions. Eight variables that describe the appearance of clusters were quantified in three consecutive years including cluster weight, length, width, volume, compactness, rachis weight, number of berries and single berry weight. Two-factor analysis of variance provided estimates of varietal and annual differences. Significant differences among eleven old Croatian varieties for all cluster traits were determined. Results suggest diverse cluster morphology within the old Croatian varieties revealing three variety groups by PCA analysis and their varying degrees of sensitivity to Botrytis. These phenotypic data on cluster structure represent a basis for future research, such as QTL analysis or assessment of productivity of these varieties

    Analysis of phyllometric parameters efficiency in discrimination of Croatian native V. vinifera cultivars

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    The aims of this study were to achieve correct cultivar classification of leaf samples by using phyllometric parameters to determine the performance of parameters applied as the discriminant criteria and to determine the minimal number of leaf parameters needed to accurately classify leaf samples within cultivars. Seventy-nine phyllometric parameters were measured/calculated on 360 leaf samples from eleven grapevine cultivars, gathered during several years, from different growing conditions and with some differences in the sampling methods applied. Stepwise discriminant analysis was used to rank the phyllometric parameters according to their efficiency in the discrimination of cultivars. A series of discriminant analyses was performed with successive introduction of new parameters as discriminatory elements until 100 % correct classification of leaf samples into the correct cultivar was achieved. This was achieved using only the seven highest ranking phyllometric parameters from the stepwise discriminant analysis. Additionally, canonical discriminant analysis was performed to evaluate the differences between cultivars in the same parameters. This study represents a model for analysis of the efficiency of different ampelometric parameters for discrimination of V. vinifera cultivars.

    Differences in chemical composition of 'Plavac mali' grape berries

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    Evaluation of differences in yield and quality of grapevine is often based on the random samples of berries harvested on the same date. Due to differences in ripeness of berries from the same cluster, and among berries from different clusters of the same vine, the determined differences among examined treatments (clones, agricultural practices etc.) based on random berry samples may be over- or underestimated. The aims of this study were to determine: (1) differences among three 'Plavac mali' clones in the proportion of berries of different density classes (sugar concentration level) using the flotation method; (2) differences in berry weight and chemical composition among density classes of the same clone, and (3) differences between clones of the same density class. Significant differences were determined for all observed characteristics, among different berries density classes and clones. The results obtained indicate that berry samples used to compare different clones should be, to the greatest possible extent, at the same level of ripeness, as this significantly effects chemical composition. This can be achieved using the density separation of berries with the simple flotation method presented in this study. The presented results could be useful in the future improvement of clonal selection methodology as well as in improvement of sampling strategy for other types of researches

    Reproductive potential of the functionally female native Croatian grapevine 'Grk bijeli'

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    A native Croatian grapevine 'Grk bijeli', sharing a parent-offspring relationships with 'Tribidrag' (aka 'Zinfandel'), is grown exclusively on the Adriatic island of Korčula. It is one of the grape cultivars with female-only functional flowers, causing reduced fertilisation and leads to problems in grape production and wine quality. A typical cluster of 'Grk bijeli' at maturity contains fully developed seeded berries, in addition to a highly variable proportion of undersized seedless berries. The aim of this study was to identify the cause of the reduced reproduction potential of 'Grk bijeli' in order to establish a better growing environment for improved yield and grape quality. 'Grk bijeli' female gametophyte develops normaly and at maturity contains both egg and central cell, together with two synergid cells and three antipodal cells. On the other hand, 'Grk bijeli' pollen grains show developmental deviations. Specifically, most of the pollen grains undergo the first pollen mitosis and contain one vegetative cell and one generative cell, while 20 % of ungerminating grains also accomplish the second pollen mitosis, giving rise to two sperm cells and one vegetative cell. Morover, 'Grk bijeli' pollen has acolporate morphology, which prevents germination and contributes to reduced reproduction. Furthermore, fertilisation after pollination with other varieties results in various degrees of ovule abortion depending on the pollinator, revealing Croatian cultivars 'Plavac mali crni' and 'Pošip bijeli' as favourable varieties. Although this study describes a highly valuable cultivar of local importance, it also contributes to fundamental knowledge of grapevine reproductive biology and offers a strategy for improvement of wine production and oenological performance of semi-fertile varieties in general

    Cryopreservation and cryotherapy of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    This study aimed at testing the efficiency of a droplet-vitrification cryopreservation protocol in eliminating selected grapevine viruses. The cryopreservation protocol led to approximately 50 % recovery with cultivar 'Portan' and five international cultivars tested, but very low recovery was noted with Croatian cultivars. GFLV and GLRaV-3, two (economically important grapevine) viruses were eliminated in a high percentage (up to 100 %) of plants regenerated from cryopreserved shoot tips. Virus sanitation was observed as well in samples before liquid nitrogen exposure. Genetic stability of plants regenerated after cryopreservation was studied using AFLP markers. Polymorphic fragments were observed in non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved samples treated with PVS2 solution, the number of which increased with increasing durations of exposure to PVS2 solution

    Ampelographic and genetic characterization of Croatian grapevine varieties

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    Before the Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) crisis in Croatia more than 400 grape varieties were under cultivation. Today their number is drastically decreased. Recently, many efforts in the preservation of grapevine biodiversity were undertaken: detailed inventory of varieties in different wine-growing regions, establishing of national and regional collections and their systematic ampelographic and genetic characterisation. This paper shows results of multiannual ampelographic and genetic research concerning Croatian grapevines considered as autochthonous varieties. After identification, many synonyms and homonyms were detected and unique genotypes were selected. Basic data of them are shown: description (according to OIV descriptors) and genetic profiles (9 SSR loci), growing area and status of vulnerability. Also, genetic relationship based on the shared allele distance is computed from SSR data. Results show certain level of similarity among varieties, and classify Croatia as important gene-pool in Europe. Some additional accessions which were detected and introduced into collections recently are still being investigated and characterized so that the here presented list of Croatian native grapevine cultivars is not final