59 research outputs found

    Almost Linear B\"uchi Automata

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    We introduce a new fragment of Linear temporal logic (LTL) called LIO and a new class of Buechi automata (BA) called Almost linear Buechi automata (ALBA). We provide effective translations between LIO and ALBA showing that the two formalisms are expressively equivalent. While standard translations of LTL into BA use some intermediate formalisms, the presented translation of LIO into ALBA is direct. As we expect applications of ALBA in model checking, we compare the expressiveness of ALBA with other classes of Buechi automata studied in this context and we indicate possible applications

    Das Verbundprojekt StaPlaRes: N-Stabilisierung und wurzelnahe Platzierung als innovative Technologien zur Optimierung der Ressourceneffizienz bei der Harnstoff-Düngung

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    Das F&E-Verbundvorhaben StaPlaRes entwickelt, untersucht und bewertet neuartige Technologien im Rahmen der Harnstoff (HS)-Düngung mit dem Ziel größtmöglicher Ressourceneffizienz und Umweltschonung

    Raising risk preparedness by flood risk communication

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    During the last decade, most European countries have produced hazard maps of natural hazards, but little is known about how to communicate these maps most efficiently to the public. In October 2011, Zurich's local authorities informed owners of buildings located in the urban flood hazard zone about potential flood damage, the probability of flood events and protection measures. The campaign was based on the assumptions that informing citizens increases their risk awareness and that citizens who are aware of risks are more likely to undertake actions to protect themselves and their property. <br><br> This study is intended as a contribution to better understand the factors that influence flood risk preparedness, with a special focus on the effects of such a one-way risk communication strategy. We conducted a standardized mail survey of 1500 property owners in the hazard zones in Zurich (response rate main survey: 34 %). The questionnaire included items to measure respondents' risk awareness, risk preparedness, flood experience, information-seeking behaviour, knowledge about flood risk, evaluation of the information material, risk acceptance, attachment to the property and trust in local authorities. Data about the type of property and socio-demographic variables were also collected. <br><br> Multivariate data analysis revealed that the average level of risk awareness and preparedness was low, but the results confirmed that the campaign had a statistically significant effect on the level of preparedness. The main influencing factors on the intention to prepare for a flood were the extent to which respondents evaluated the information material positively as well as their risk awareness. Respondents who had never taken any previous interest in floods were less likely to read the material. For future campaigns, we therefore recommend repeated communication that is tailored to the information needs of the target population

    Modeling biomass growth, N-uptake and phenological development of potato crop.

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    Using the modeling tool Expert-N, daily fluxes of water, carbon and nitrogen in potato fields were simulated in this study. The crop growth model Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System Simulation (SPASS) was integrated in Expert-N and adapted for the simulation of potato growth. The aim of the study was to investigate the extent to which the SPASS model, tested thus far only for winter wheat, is suitable for the simulation of potato crops. In addition to re-parameterization of the model, minor modifications, such as description of phenological development, assimilate partitioning, nitrogen uptake and leaf senescence were carried out without changing the overall structure of the model. The SPASS model was calibrated using data from a potato field experiment carried out in 1996 at the Research Station Scheyern, which examined the effects of various fertilization applications on the growth and yield of two potato varieties, Christa&quot; and &quot;Agria&quot;, representing early and late maturity classes, respectively. Distinctions between &quot;Christa&quot; and &quot;Agria&quot; were realized by variable parameter values concerning phenological development, assimilate partitioning and nitrogen concentration in tubers. The model&#39;s ability to predict potato yields and nitrogen uptake was compared with actual values obtained in different years at other fields of the Research Station (only &quot;Agria&quot;). Simulation results show that the SPASS model was able to describe the effect of different N fertilizer applications on potato growth and nitrogen uptake. Differences between the two potato varieties could be adequately predicted, and tuber yields and nitrogen uptake well predicted. However, estimated modeling efficiencies suggest that further improvements are due. Crucial components of the model are the control of root nitrogen uptake and the regulation of the distribution of assimilates to different plant organs. To obtain a broader basis for the verification of the corresponding simulation modules, further experiments addressing optimal nitrogen concentrations in plant organs are necessary. Efforts to refine the SPASS model should be concentrated on a dynamical description of the partitioning pattern of assimilates, including a direct response of the partitioning pattern to changing environmental conditions

    The role of risk perception in making flood risk management more effective

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    Over the last few decades, Europe has suffered from a number of severe flood events and, as a result, there has been a growing interest in probing alternative approaches to managing flood risk via prevention measures. A literature review reveals that, although in the last decades risk evaluation has been recognized as key element of risk management, and risk assessment methodologies (including risk analysis and evaluation) have been improved by including social, economic, cultural, historical and political conditions, the theoretical schemes are not yet applied in practice. One main reason for this shortcoming is that risk perception literature is mainly of universal and theoretical nature and cannot provide the necessary details to implement a comprehensive risk evaluation. This paper therefore aims to explore a procedure that allows the inclusion of stakeholders' perceptions of prevention measures in risk assessment. It proposes to adopt methods of risk communication (both one-way and two-way communication) in risk assessment with the final aim of making flood risk management more effective. The proposed procedure not only focuses on the effect of discursive risk communication on risk perception, and on achieving a shared assessment of the prevention alternatives, but also considers the effects of the communication process on perceived uncertainties, accepted risk levels, and trust in the managing institutions. The effectiveness of this combined procedure has been studied and illustrated using the example of the participatory flood prevention assessment process on the Sihl River in Zurich, Switzerland. The main findings of the case study suggest that the proposed procedure performed well, but that it needs some adaptations for it to be applicable in different contexts and to allow a (semi-) quantitative estimation of risk perception to be used as an indicator of adaptive capacity

    Lacer-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence - a Tool for Online Detecting Nitrogen Status in Crop Stands

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    The on-line monitoring of crop stands is essential in a system of site specific N application. The chlorophyll fluorescence ratio F685/F730 is correlated with chlorophyll content and nitrogen content. Therefore monitoring the laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence might be used to assess the N status of plants. During the 2000 growing period field campaigns were done with a hand held device to measure the fluorescence ratio F685/F730. Fluorescence ratio was negative correlated with N content and in late growth stages with N uptake as well. The coefficient of correlation was between r=0.976 (N content in dry matter in EC 30 against fluorescence ratio) and r=0.737 (N uptake in EC 37 against fluorescence ratio). The experiences of the 2000 measuring campaign will be applied for the further improvement of the technical design