204 research outputs found

    Integrability of N = 6 Chern-Simons Theory

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    In 2008, Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis, and Maldacena (ABJM) discovered a three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory with N = 6 supersymmetry and conjectured that in a certain limit, this theory is dual to type IIA string theory on AdS4xCP3. Since then, a great deal of evidence has been accumulated which suggests that the ABJM theory is integrable in the planar limit. Integrability is a very useful property that allows many physical observables, such as anomalous dimensions and scattering amplitudes, to be computed efficiently. In the first half of this thesis, we will explain how to use integrabilty to compute the anomalous dimensions of long, single-trace operators in the ABJM theory. In particular, we will describe how to compute them at weak coupling using a Bethe Ansatz, and how to compute them at strong coupling using string theory. The latter approach involves using algebraic curve and world-sheet techniques to compute the energies of string states dual to gauge theory operators. In the second half of this thesis, we will discuss integrability from the point of view of on-shell scattering amplitudes in the ABJM theory. In particular, we will describe how to parameterize the amplitudes in terms of supertwistors and how to relate higher-point tree-level amplitudes to lower-point tree-level amplitudes using a recursion relation. We will also explain how this recursion relation can be used to show that all tree-level amplitudes of the ABJM theory are invariant under dual superconformal symmetry. This symmetry is hidden from the point of the action and implies that the theory has Yangian symmetry, which is a key feature of integrability. This thesis is mainly based on the material in [101], [83], and [84].Comment: Ph.D. thesis, 125 pages; v3: references adde

    6d dual conformal symmetry and minimal volumes in AdS

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    The S-matrix of a theory often exhibits symmetries which are not manifest from the viewpoint of its Lagrangian. For instance, powerful constraints on scattering amplitudes are imposed by the dual conformal symmetry of planar 4d N=4N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and the ABJM theory. Motivated by this, we investigate the consequences of dual conformal symmetry in six dimensions, which may provide useful insight into the worldvolume theory of M5-branes (if it enjoys such a symmetry). We find that 6d dual conformal symmetry uniquely fixes the integrand of the one-loop 4-point amplitude, and its structure suggests a Lagrangian with more than two derivatives. On integrating out the loop momentum in 6 − 2ϵ dimensions, the result is very similar to the corresponding amplitude of N=4N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We confirm this result holographically by generalizing the Alday-Maldacena solution for a minimal area string in Anti-de Sitter space to a minimal volume M2-brane ending on a pillow-shaped surface in the boundary whose seams correspond to a null-polygon. This involves careful treatment of a prefactor which diverges as 1/ϵ, and we comment on its possible interpretation. We also study 2-loop 4-point integrands with 6d dual conformal symmetry and speculate on the existence of an all-loop formula for the 4-point amplitude

    Lattice gerbe theory.

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    We formulate the theory of a 2-form gauge field on a Euclidean spacetime lattice. In this approach, the fundamental degrees of freedom live on the faces of the lattice, and the action can be constructed from the sum over Wilson surfaces associated with each fundamental cube of the lattice. If we take the gauge group to be U(1), the theory reduces to the well-known abelian gerbe theory in the continuum limit. We also propose a very simple and natural non-abelian generalization with gauge group U(N)×U(N), which gives rise to U(N) Yang-Mills theory upon dimensional reduction. Formulating the theory on a lattice has several other advantages. In particular, it is possible to compute many observables, such as the expectation value of Wilson surfaces, analytically at strong coupling and numerically for any value of the coupling

    Color/kinematics duality in AdS4

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    In flat space, the color/kinematics duality states that perturbative Yang-Mills amplitudes can be written in such a way that kinematic numerators obey the same Jacobi relations as their color factors. This remarkable duality implies BCJ relations for Yang-Mills amplitudes and underlies the double copy to gravitational amplitudes. In this paper, we find analogous relations for Yang-Mills amplitudes in AdS4. In particular we show that the kinematic numerators of 4-point Yang-Mills amplitudes computed via Witten diagrams in momentum space enjoy a generalised gauge symmetry which can be used to enforce the kinematic Jacobi relation away from the flat space limit, and we derive deformed BCJ relations which reduce to the standard ones in the flat space limit. We illustrate these results using compact new expressions for 4-point Yang-Mills amplitudes in AdS4 and their kinematic numerators in terms of spinors. We also spell out the relation to 3d conformal correlators in momentum space, and speculate on the double copy to graviton amplitudes in AdS4

    N = 7 On-shell diagrams and supergravity amplitudes in momentum twistor space

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    We derive an on-shell diagram recursion for tree-level scattering amplitudes in N = 7 supergravity. The diagrams are evaluated in terms of Grassmannian integrals and momentum twistors, generalising previous results of Hodges in momentum twistor space to non-MHV amplitudes. In particular, we recast five and six-point NMHV amplitudes in terms of N = 7 R-invariants analogous to those of N = 4 super-Yang-Mills, which makes cancellation of spurious poles more transparent. Above 5-points, this requires defining momentum twistors with respect to different orderings of the external momenta

    Munc13-1 is a Ca2+-phospholipid-dependent vesicle priming hub that shapes synaptic short-term plasticity and enables sustained neurotransmission

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    During ongoing presynaptic action potential (AP) firing, transmitter release is limited by the availability of release-ready synaptic vesicles (SVs). The rate of SV recruitment (SVR) to release sites is strongly upregu- lated at high AP frequencies to balance SV consumption. We show that Munc13-1—an essential SV priming protein—regulates SVR via a Ca2+-phospholipid-dependent mechanism. Using knockin mouse lines with point mutations in the Ca2+-phospholipid-binding C2B domain of Munc13-1, we demonstrate that abolishing Ca2+-phospholipid binding increases synaptic depression, slows recovery of synaptic strength after SV pool depletion, and reduces temporal fidelity of synaptic transmission, while increased Ca2+-phospholipid binding has the opposite effects. Thus, Ca2+-phospholipid binding to the Munc13-1-C2B domain accelerates SVR, reduces short-term synaptic depression, and increases the endurance and temporal fidelity of neurotrans- mission, demonstrating that Munc13-1 is a core vesicle priming hub that adjusts SV re-supply to demand

    On the Fermionic Frequencies of Circular Strings

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    We revisit the semiclassical computation of the fluctuation spectrum around different circular string solutions in AdS_5xS^5 and AdS_4xCP^3, starting from the Green-Schwarz action. It has been known that the results for these frequencies obtained from the algebraic curve and from the worldsheet computations sometimes do not agree. In particular, different methods give different results for the half-integer shifts in the mode numbers of the frequencies. We find that these discrepancies can be removed if one carefully takes into account the transition matrices in the spin bundle over the target space.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Superconformal M2-branes and generalized Jordan triple systems

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    Three-dimensional conformal theories with six supersymmetries and SU(4) R-symmetry describing stacks of M2-branes are here proposed to be related to generalized Jordan triple systems. Writing the four-index structure constants in an appropriate form, the Chern-Simons part of the action immediately suggests a connection to such triple systems. In contrast to the previously considered three-algebras, the additional structure of a generalized Jordan triple system is associated to a graded Lie algebra, which corresponds to an extension of the gauge group. In this note we show that the whole theory with six manifest supersymmetries can be naturally expressed in terms of such a graded Lie algebra. Also the BLG theory with eight supersymmetries is included as a special case.Comment: 15 pages, v2 and v3: minor corrections and clarifications, references added, v2: section 4 extended, v3: published versio
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