3,664 research outputs found

    Gas-dynamic shock heating of post-flare loops due to retraction following localized, impulsive reconnection

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    We present a novel model in which shortening of a magnetic flux tube following localized, three-dimensional reconnection generates strong gas-dynamic shocks around its apex. The shortening releases magnetic energy by progressing away from the reconnection site at the Alfven speed. This launches inward flows along the field lines whose collision creates a pair of gas-dynamic shocks. The shocks raise both the mass density and temperature inside the newly shortened flux tube. Reconnecting field lines whose initial directions differ by more that 100 degrees can produce a concentrated knot of plasma hotter that 20 MK, consistent with observations. In spite of these high temperatures, the shocks convert less than 10% of the liberated magnetic energy into heat - the rest remains as kinetic energy of bulk motion. These gas-dynamic shocks arise only when the reconnection is impulsive and localized in all three dimensions; they are distinct from the slow magnetosonic shocks of the Petschek steady-state reconnection model

    Passive Optical Sample Assembly (POSA) for STS-1 quick look post-mission report

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    A passively deployed array of contamination-sensitive samples was mounted and flown in the cargo bay of the space shuttle Columbia during the first orbital flight test. A similar unit was mounted in a different location in the cargo bay at Dryden Flight Research Center during the postflight operations there prior to the ferry flight return of Columbia to Kennedy Space Center. The samples in both POSA arrays were subjected to a series of optical and analytical measurements prior to delivery for installation in the cargo bay and after retrieval of the flight hardware. A quick-look summary of the results of a comparison of the series of measurements is presented

    Identifying long cycles in finite alternating and symmetric groups acting on subsets

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    Let HH be a permutation group on a set Λ\Lambda, which is permutationally isomorphic to a finite alternating or symmetric group AnA_n or SnS_n acting on the kk-element subsets of points from {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\}, for some arbitrary but fixed kk. Suppose moreover that no isomorphism with this action is known. We show that key elements of HH needed to construct such an isomorphism φ\varphi, such as those whose image under φ\varphi is an nn-cycle or (n1)(n-1)-cycle, can be recognised with high probability by the lengths of just four of their cycles in Λ\Lambda.Comment: 45 page

    The Existence and Asymptotic Properties of a Backfitting Projection Algorithm Under Weak Conditions

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    We derive the asymptotic distribution of a new backfitting procedure for estimating the closest additive approximation to a nonparametric regression function. The procedure employs a recent projection interpretation of popular kernel estimators provided by Mammen et al. (1997), and the asymptotic theory of our estimators is derived using the theory of additive projections reviewed in Bickel et al. (1995). Our procedure achieves the same bias and variance as the oracle estimator based on knowing the other components, and in this sense improves on the method analyzed in Opsomer and Ruppert (1997). We provide 'high level' conditions independent of the sampling scheme. We then verify that these conditions are satisfied in a time series autoregression under weak conditions.Additive models, alternating projections, backfitting, kernel smoothing, local polynomials, nonparametric regression

    On Flux Rope Stability and Atmospheric Stratification in Models of Coronal Mass Ejections Triggered by Flux Emergence

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    Flux emergence is widely recognized to play an important role in the initiation of coronal mass ejections. The Chen-Shibata (2000) model, which addresses the connection between emerging flux and flux rope eruptions, can be implemented numerically to study how emerging flux through the photosphere can impact the eruption of a pre-existing coronal flux rope. The model's sensitivity to the initial conditions and reconnection micro-physics is investigated with a parameter study. In particular, we aim to understand the stability of the coronal flux rope in the context of X-point collapse and the effects of boundary driving in both unstratified and stratified atmospheres. In the absence of driving, we assess the behavior of waves in the vicinity of the X-point. With boundary driving applied, we study the effects of reconnection micro-physics and atmospheric stratification on the eruption. We find that the Chen-Shibata equilibrium can be unstable to an X-point collapse even in the absence of driving due to wave accumulation at the X-point. However, the equilibrium can be stabilized by reducing the compressibility of the plasma, which allows small-amplitude waves to pass through the X-point without accumulation. Simulations with the photospheric boundary driving evaluate the impact of reconnection micro-physics and atmospheric stratification on the resulting dynamics: we show the evolution of the system to be determined primarily by the structure of the global magnetic fields with little sensitivity to the micro-physics of magnetic reconnection; and in a stratified atmosphere, we identify a novel mechanism for producing quasi-periodic behavior at the reconnection site behind a rising flux rope as a possible explanation of similar phenomena observed in solar and stellar flares.Comment: Submitted Feb 28, 2014 to, accepted Aug 14, 2014 by Astronomy & Astrophysics. 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    The existence and asymptotic properties of a backfitting projection algorithm under weak conditions.

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    We derive the asymptotic distribution of a new backfitting procedure for estimating the closest additive approximation to a nonparametric regression function. The procedure employs a recent projection interpretation of popular kernel estimators provided by Mammen, Marron, Turlach and Wand and the asymptotic theory of our estimators is derived using the theory of additive projections reviewed in Bickel, Klaassen, Ritov and Wellner. Our procedure achieves the same bias and variance as the oracle estimator based on knowing the other components, and in this sense improves on the method analyzed in Opsomer and Ruppert. We provide ‘‘high level’’ conditions independent of the sampling scheme. We then verify that these conditions are satisfied in a regression and a time series autoregression under weak conditions.

    Estimating Yield Curves by Kernel Smoothing Methods

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    We introduce a new method for the estimation of discount functions, yield curves and forward curves for coupon bonds. Our approach is nonparametric and does not assume a particular functional form for the discount function although we do show how to impose various important restrictions in the estimation. Our method is based on kernel smoothing and is defined as the minimum of some localized population moment condition. The solution to the sample problem is not explicit and our estimation procedure is iterative, rather like the backfitting method of estimating additive nonparametric models. We establish the asymptotic normality of our methods using the asymptotic representation of our estimator as an infinite series with declining coefficients. The rate of convergence is standard for one dimensional nonparametric regression.Coupon bonds; forward curve; Hilbert space; local linear; nonparametric regression; yield curve

    Passive Optical Sample Assembly (POSA)

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    A Passive Optical Sample Assembly (POSA) unit was mounted and flown in the cargo bay of the space shuttle Columbia during the first Orbital Flight Test (OFT-1). A similar unit was mounted in a different location in the cargo bay during the postflight operations. The samples in both POSA arrays were subjected to a series of optical and analytical measurements prior to delivery for installation in the cargo bay and after retrieval of the flight hardware. The final results of a comparison of the two series of measurements are presented. These STS-1 results are based on data obtained from only a portion of one of the ten Induced Environment Contamination Monitor instruments to be flown on several shuttle flights beginning with STS-2. These limited results do not indicate shuttle contamination levels in excess of those anticipated