8,445 research outputs found

    BEC-BCS crossover in "magnetized" Feshbach-resonantly paired superfluids

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    We map out the detuning-magnetization phase diagram for a ``magnetized'' (unequal number of atoms in two pairing hyperfine states) gas of fermionic atoms interacting via an s-wave Feshbach resonance (FR). For large positive FR detuning a normal magnetized Fermi gas is stable above an exponentially small value of the population difference. Below this critical value the phase diagram is dominated by coexistence of a magnetized normal gas and a singlet paired superfluid with the latter exhibiting a BCS-Bose Einstein condensate crossover with reduced detuning. On the BCS side of strongly overlapping Cooper pairs, a sliver of finite-momentum paired Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov magnetized phase intervenes between the phase separated and normal states. In contrast, for large negative detuning a uniform, polarized superfluid, that is a coherent mixture of singlet Bose-Einstein-condensed molecules and fully magnetized single-species Fermi-sea, is a stable ground state.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages, 2 figures. Minor changes from previous versio

    Exotic paired phases in ladders with spin-dependent hopping

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    Fermions in two-dimensions (2D) when subject to anisotropic spin-dependent hopping can potentially give rise to unusual paired states in {\it unpolarized} mixtures that can behave as non-Fermi liquids. One possibility is a fully paired state with a gap for fermion excitations in which the Cooper pairs remain uncondensed. Such a "Cooper-pair Bose-metal" phase would be expected to have a singular Bose-surface in momentum space. As demonstrated in the context of 2D bosons hopping with a frustrating ring-exchange interaction, an analogous Bose-metal phase has a set of quasi-1D descendent states when put on a ladder geometry. Here we present a density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) study of the attractive Hubbard model with spin-dependent hopping on a two-leg ladder geometry. In our setup, one spin species moves preferentially along the leg direction, while the other does so along the rung direction. We find compelling evidence for the existence of a novel Cooper-pair Bose-metal phase in a region of the phase diagram at intermediate coupling. We further explore the phase diagram of this model as a function of hopping anisotropy, density, and interaction strength, finding a conventional superfluid phase, as well as a phase of paired Cooper pairs with d-wave symmetry, similar to the one found in models of hard-core bosons with ring-exchange. We argue that simulating this model with cold Fermi gases on spin dependent optical lattices is a promising direction for realizing exotic quantum states.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Faint Field Galaxies Around Bright Stars - A New Strategy for Imaging at the Diffraction Limit

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    This paper presents a new strategy for observing faint galaxies with high order natural guide star systems. We have imaged 5 high galactic latitude fields within the isoplanatic patch of bright stars (8.5 < R < 10.3 mag). The fields provide a rich set of faint field galaxies that are observable with a natural guide star adaptive optics system on a large telescope. Due to the small fields of many AO science cameras, these preliminary images are necessary to identify candidate galaxies. We present the photometry and positions for 78 objects (at least 40 galaxies) near five bright stars, appropriate for diffraction limited studies with the Keck and other AO systems on large ground-based telescopes. The K band seeing conditions in each field were excellent (0.4" - 0.7") allowing us to identify stars and estimate galaxy sizes. We also simulate AO images of field galaxies to determine the feasibility of infrared morphological studies at the diffraction limit. With new high order AO systems coming on line with 8-10 meter class telescopes, we believe these observations are invaluable in beginning to study faint galaxy populations at the diffraction limit.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in P.A.S.

    Spectral properties of a partially spin-polarized one-dimensional Hubbard/Luttinger superfluid

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    We calculate the excitation spectra of a spin-polarized Hubbard chain away from half-filling, using a high-precision momentum-resolved time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group method. Focusing on the U<0 case, we present in some detail the single-fermion, pair, density and spin spectra, and discuss how spin-charge separation is altered for this system. The pair spectra show a quasi-condensate at a nonzero momentum proportional to the polarization, as expected for this Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov-like superfluid.Comment: 4 pages, 3 low resolution color fig

    Magnetic field dependence of the superconducting gap node topology in non-centrosymmetric CePt3_3Si

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    The non-centrosymmetric superconductor CePt3_3Si is believed to have a line node in the energy gap arising from coexistence of s-wave and p-wave pairing. We show that a weak c-axis magnetic field will remove this line node, since it has no topological stability against time-reversal symmetry breaking perturbations. Conversely a field in the aba-b plane is shown to remove the line node on some regions of the Fermi surface, while bifurcating the line node in other directions, resulting in two 'boomerang'-like shapes. These line node topological changes are predicted to be observable experimentally in the low temperature heat capacity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Suppression or enhancement of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov order in a one-dimensional optical lattice with particle correlated tunnelling

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    We study through controlled numerical simulation the ground state properties of spin-polarized strongly interacting fermi gas in an anisotropic optical lattice, which is described by an effective one-dimensional general Hubbard model with particle correlated hopping rate. We show that the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) type of state, while enhanced by a negative correlated hopping rate, can be completely suppressed by positive particle correlated hopping, yielding to an unusual magnetic phase even for particles with on-site attractive interaction We also find several different phase separation patterns for these atoms in an inhomogeneous harmonic trap, depending on the correlated hopping rate

    Pairing states of a polarized Fermi gas trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We study the properties of a one-dimensional (1D) gas of fermions trapped in a lattice by means of the density matrix renormalization group method, focusing on the case of unequal spin populations, and strong attractive interaction. In the low density regime, the system phase-separates into a well defined superconducting core and a fully polarized metallic cloud surrounding it. We argue that the superconducting phase corresponds to a 1D analogue of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state, with a quasi-condensate of tightly bound bosonic pairs with a finite center-of-mass momentum that scales linearly with the magnetization. In the large density limit, the system allows for four phases: in the core, we either find a Fock state of localized pairs or a metallic shell with free spin-down fermions moving in a fully filled background of spin-up fermions. As the magnetization increases, the Fock state disappears to give room for a metallic phase, with a partially polarized superconducting FFLO shell and a fully polarized metallic cloud surrounding the core.Comment: 4 pages, 5 fig

    Level statistics inside the vortex of a superconductor and symplectic random matrix theory in an external source

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    In the core of the vortex of a superconductor, energy levels appear inside the gap. We discuss here through a random matrix approach how these levels are broadened by impurities. It is first shown that the level statistics is governed by an ensemble consisting of a symplectic random potential added to a non-random matrix. A generalization of previous work on the unitary ensemble in the presence of an external source (which relied on the Itzykson-Zuber integral) is discussed for this symplectic case through the formalism introduced by Harish-Chandra and Duistermaat-Heckman. This leads to explicit formulae for the density of states and for the correlation functions, which describe the cross-over from the clean to the dirty limits.Comment: 34 pages, Revte

    Pairing of a trapped resonantly-interacting fermion mixture with unequal spin populations

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    We consider the phase separation of a trapped atomic mixture of fermions with unequal spin populations near a Feshbach resonance. In particular, we determine the density profile of the two spin states and compare with the recent experiments of Partridge et al. (cond-mat/0511752). Overall we find quite good agreement. We identify the remaining discrepancies and pose them as open problems.Comment: 4 figures, 4+ pages, revtex