1,950 research outputs found

    PND51 The Impact of Patient Sex on Patterns of Diagnosis and Treatment Among Patients With Parkinson's Disease

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    Information sharing among innovative SME: An exploratory study within the Portuguese SME innovation network

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    This paper aims to enhance understanding on inter-organizational information sharing through a study in a Portuguese SME Innovation Network, which is composed of innovative firms from different economical sectors. The type of information shared was identified as well as the channels used, the gains obtained and the factors that influence its occurrence. A qualitative approach was used based on the perception of members and coordination. The motivating role played by the coordination of the network is a point to emphasize regarding the collective sharing of information. Factors related to network structure, national culture, characteristics of the companies and channels used were identified as inhibitors to a greater identification between the companies. Moreover, the factors that influence the information sharing process between the companies and its most important information sharing partners within the network were also identified.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Factors influencing information sharing in four SME networks in Portugal: A coordination perspective

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    Sharing a minimum amount of information is a basic condition for working in cooperation. The aim of this study was to identify aspects that influence information sharing within inter-organizational networks through an exploratory and qualitative approach. The coordination's representatives of four networks were interviewed: the Majority-Partner of a Purchase Network (RAVT), the Technical Consultant of an Innovation Network (COTEC), the General Secretary of a cluster representation network (CEFAMOL) and the President of a Network of Associations (UACS). Aspects related to the information sharing were identified, such as information quality, top management commitment, trust, network coordination's role, reciprocity and age. Further researches can deepen these results by comparing them with network companies' viewinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Information and knowledge sharing in inter-organizational relationships under the process approach

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    This papers aims to contribute to the understanding of inter-organizational information and knowledge sharing by analyzing how the phenomenon is presented in the literature under the process approach. As results, it was possible to identify how the authors have labeled and measured the phenomenon, the contexts in which it has been investigated and what antecedents have been identified. Aspects that demand further studies were also highlighted. For networks and organizations the study provides lessons regarding the information and knowledge characteristics, firm's characteristics and channels used to share information and knowledge.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Glauber Critical Dynamics: Exact Solution of the Kinetic Gaussian Model

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    In this paper, we have exactly solved Glauber critical dynamics of the Gaussian model on three dimensions. Of course, it is much easy to apply to low dimensional case. The key steps are that we generalize the spin change mechanism from Glauber's single-spin flipping to single-spin transition and give a normalized version of the transition probability . We have also investigated the dynamical critical exponent and found surprisingly that the dynamical critical exponent is highly universal which refer to that for one- two- and three-dimensions they have same value independent of spatial dimensionality in contrast to static (equilibrium) critical exponents.Comment: 9 page

    Urban utopias throughout history: do utopian lucubrations still have a place in the postmodernity?

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    The first utopias associated to urban spaces are dated from the fifteenth century. Since then, many urban utopias have been arisen over the centuries, but the Postmodernity seems to have caused the death of utopian ideas related to Urbanism. However, if we borrow the conception of Utopia advocated by Ernst Bloch, we can consider the urban-social movement called “Cidade que Queremos BH” (“The city we want, Belo Horizonte”) as an example of contemporary urban utopia. It is about an utopia that do not state only in the future, but mainly in the present, that is understood as the only temporality that holds the possibilities of transformation of what may come.As primeiras utopias relativas aos espaços urbanos datam do século XV. Desde então, muitas foram as utopias urbanas elaboradas ao longo dos séculos, mas a Pós-Modernidade parece ter provocado a morte das ideias utópicas no Urbanismo. Entretanto, se tomarmos de empréstimo a concepção de “utopia” defendida por Ernst Bloch, podemos considerar o movimento social-urbano “Cidade que Queremos BH” como exemplo de utopia urbana contemporânea. Trata-se de uma utopia que não está apenas no futuro, mas, principalmente, no presente, entendido como única temporalidade detentora das possibilidades de transformação do porvir

    O planejamento urbano para além da oposição urbano-rural: perspectivas e desafios para a consolidação no brasil de sistemas e práticas integrados de planejamento territorial

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    A prática de planejamento urbano no Brasil passou por transformações importantes a partir da Constituição de 1988 e, principalmente, a partir da aprovação do ‘Estatuto da Cidade’, em 2001. Essa Lei ampliou a área de abrangência dos planos diretores, que passaram a ter de englobar toda a unidade territorial dos municípios, ou seja, não apenas as áreas urbanas, mas também as áreas rurais. A abordagem territorial dos planos diretores vislumbra a necessidade de uma visão mais abrangente e integrada da questão urbana. Pode-se dizer que está relacionada às novas dinâmicas socioespaciais identificadas em todo o mundo a partir do final do século XX e, também, à discussão ambiental disseminada a partir da década de 1970. Porém, notam-se ainda muitas dificuldades e desafios para a consolidação no Brasil de sistemas e práticas integrados de planejamento e gestão territorial. PALAVRAS‑CHAVE: Planejamento territorial. Planejamento urbano. Plano diretor. Políticas urbanas


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    This study focuses on urban centers with up to twenty thousand inhabitants, which account for 70% of Brazilian urban centers. It is assumed that these centers need to be considered by urban policy, especially if we take into account the regional and national urban network. The study also aims at verifying the functions of these small cities in the contemporary Brazilian urban network, corroborating Roberto Lobato Corrêa's discussion on the possibilities of "repurposing" against globalization processes. Therefore, statistical data available in recent publications by the IBGE and the Rede Observatório das Metrópoles are used. Based on this investigation, implications for urban-territorial planning and management policies that focus on small-population municipalities can be surmised. It is concluded that the predominant function of urban centers with up to twenty thousand inhabitants is the local management of the vast and diverse Brazilian territory and, once inserted in a predominantly vertical urban network, their municipalities need an urban–territorial planning that goes beyond the municipal scope.Este trabajo de investigación se centra en los centros urbanos de hasta veinte mil habitantes, que representan el 70% de las sedes municipales brasileñas. Se asume que esos centros deben ser considerados por la política urbana, especialmente si tomamos en cuenta la red urbana regional y nacional. El objetivo del trabajo es verificar las funciones de estas pequeñas ciudades en la red urbana brasileña contemporánea, corroborando la discusión de Roberto Lobato Corrêa sobre las posibilidades de "refuncionalización" frente a los procesos de globalización. Para ello, se utilizan los datos estadísticos disponibles en publicaciones recientes del IBGE y la Rede Observatório das Metrópoles. A partir de esta investigación, se pueden vislumbrar implicaciones para las políticas de planificación y gestión urbano territorial que se concentran en municipios con baja densidad de población. Se concluye que la función preponderante de estos núcleos es la gestión local del vasto y diverso territorio brasileño y que, una vez incluidos en la red urbana desde una estructura predominantemente vertical, sus municipios necesitan una planificación urbanístico y territorial que vaya más allá del ámbito municipal.O artigo tem como foco os núcleos urbanos de até vinte mil habitantes, que somam 70% das sedes municipais brasileiras. Parte-se do pressuposto que estes núcleos precisam ser considerados pela política urbana, especialmente se levarmos em conta a rede urbana regional e nacional. Objetiva-se verificar as funções destas pequenas cidades na rede urbana brasileira contemporânea, dialogando com a discussão de Roberto Lobato Corrêa sobre as possibilidades de “refuncionalização” frente aos processos de globalização. Para tanto, são utilizados dados estatísticos disponibilizados em publicações recentes do IBGE e da Rede Observatório das Metrópoles. A partir da investigação, vislumbram-se implicações para as políticas de planejamento e gestão urbano-territoriais que enfoquem os municípios de pequeno porte populacional. Conclui-se que a função preponderante destes núcleos é a gestão local do amplo e diverso território brasileiro e que, uma vez inseridos na rede urbana a partir de uma estrutura predominantemente verticalizada, seus municípios necessitam de um planejamento urbano-territorial que extrapole o âmbito municipal