2,024 research outputs found

    The 2nd order renormalization group flow for non-linear sigma models in 2 dimensions

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    We show that for two dimensional manifolds M with negative Euler characteristic there exists subsets of the space of smooth Riemannian metrics which are invariant and either parabolic or backwards-parabolic for the 2nd order RG flow. We also show that solutions exists globally on these sets. Finally, we establish the existence of an eternal solution that has both a UV and IR limit, and passes through regions where the flow is parabolic and backwards-parabolic

    Rate of Convergence of Space Time Approximations for stochastic evolution equations

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    Stochastic evolution equations in Banach spaces with unbounded nonlinear drift and diffusion operators driven by a finite dimensional Brownian motion are considered. Under some regularity condition assumed for the solution, the rate of convergence of various numerical approximations are estimated under strong monotonicity and Lipschitz conditions. The abstract setting involves general consistency conditions and is then applied to a class of quasilinear stochastic PDEs of parabolic type.Comment: 33 page

    Abelian groups as artinian or noetherian modules above endomorphism rings

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    The A and B Abellian groups, such that the Hom(A, B) homomorphism group is the Artin module over the ring of the B group endomorphism, are described. Description of the A and B group for which the Hom(A,B) group is the Artin module over the ring of the A group endomorphism is reduced to the case when the A group has no torsion and the B group is either a quasi-cyclic group or a divisible group without torsion. The A and B Abellian groups for which the Hom(A,B) group is the Neter module over the E(A) or E(B) ring are characterized. The research of arbitrary Abellian group with the link Neter ring of endomorphisms is reduced to the research of the group without torsion with the link Neter ring of endomorphisms. The research of the right Neter ring of endomorphisms remained uncompleted. The separable Abele groups without torsion with the link and right Neter rings of endomorphisms are described

    Wave-like aquatic propulsion of mono-hull marine vessels

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    The present paper describes the results of the experimental investigation of a small-scale mono-hull model boat propelled by a localised flexural wave propagating along the plate of finite width forming the boat’s keel. Forward propulsion of the boat was achieved through flexural wave propagation in the opposite direction, which is similar to the aquatic propulsion used in nature by stingrays. The model boat under consideration underwent a series of tests both in a Perspex water tank and in the experimental pool. In particular, the forward velocity of the boat has been measured for different frequencies and amplitudes of the flexural wave. The highest velocity achieved was 32 cm/s. The thrust and propulsive efficiency have been measured as well. The obtained value of the propulsive efficiency in the optimum regime was 51%. This indicates that efficiency of this type of aquatic propulsion is comparable to that of dolphins and sharks (around 75%) and to that of a traditional propeller (around 70%). In contrast to a propeller though, the wave-like aquatic propulsion has the following advantages: it does not generate underwater noise and it is safe for people and marine animals

    Experimental investigation of a mono-hull model boat with wave-like aquatic propulsion

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    Experimental investigation of a mono-hull model boat with wave-like aquatic propulsio

    Towards a feasible implementation of quantum neural networks using quantum dots

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    We propose an implementation of quantum neural networks using an array of quantum dots with dipole-dipole interactions. We demonstrate that this implementation is both feasible and versatile by studying it within the framework of GaAs based quantum dot qubits coupled to a reservoir of acoustic phonons. Using numerically exact Feynman integral calculations, we have found that the quantum coherence in our neural networks survive for over a hundred ps even at liquid nitrogen temperatures (77 K), which is three orders of magnitude higher than current implementations which are based on SQUID-based systems operating at temperatures in the mK range.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 2 eps figure

    Chaos edges of zz-logistic maps: Connection between the relaxation and sensitivity entropic indices

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    Chaos thresholds of the zz-logistic maps xt+1=1axtzx_{t+1}=1-a|x_t|^z (z>1;t=0,1,2,...)(z>1; t=0,1,2,...) are numerically analysed at accumulation points of cycles 2, 3 and 5. We verify that the nonextensive qq-generalization of a Pesin-like identity is preserved through averaging over the entire phase space. More precisely, we computationally verify limt<Sqsenav>(t)/t=limt(t)/tλqsenavav\lim_{t \to\infty}< S_{q_{sen}^{av}} >(t)/t= \lim_{t \to\infty}(t)/t \equiv \lambda_{q_{sen}^{av}}^{av}, where the entropy Sq(1ipiq)/(q1)S_{q} \equiv (1- \sum_i p_i^q)/ (q-1) (S1=ipilnpiS_1=-\sum_ip_i \ln p_i), the sensitivity to the initial conditions ξlimΔx(0)0Δx(t)/Δx(0)\xi \equiv \lim_{\Delta x(0) \to 0} \Delta x(t)/\Delta x(0), and lnqx(x1q1)/(1q)\ln_q x \equiv (x^{1-q}-1)/ (1-q) (ln1x=lnx\ln_1 x=\ln x). The entropic index qsenav0q_{sen}^{av}0 depend on both zz and the cycle. We also study the relaxation that occurs if we start with an ensemble of initial conditions homogeneously occupying the entire phase space. The associated Lebesgue measure asymptotically decreases as 1/t1/(qrel1)1/t^{1/(q_{rel}-1)} (qrel>1q_{rel}>1). These results led to (i) the first illustration of the connection (conjectured by one of us) between sensitivity and relaxation entropic indices, namely qrel1A(1qsenav)αq_{rel}-1 \simeq A (1-q_{sen}^{av})^\alpha, where the positive numbers (A,α)(A,\alpha) depend on the cycle; (ii) an unexpected and new scaling, namely qsenav(cyclen)=2.5qsenav(cycle2)+ϵq_{sen}^{av}(cycle n)=2.5 q_{sen}^{av}(cycle 2)+ \epsilon (ϵ=0.03\epsilon=-0.03 for n=3n=3, and ϵ=0.03\epsilon = 0.03 for n=5n=5).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure