18 research outputs found

    Mechanical, Structural and Scaling Properties of Coals: Depth-sensing Indentation Studies

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    This paper discusses special features of mechanical behaviour of coals discovered using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) techniques along with other traditional methods of material testing. Many of the special features are caused by the presence of multiscale complex heterogeneous internal structures within the samples and brittleness of some coal components. Experimental methodology for studying mechanical properties of coals and other natural extreme materials like bones is discussed. It is argued that values of microhardness of bituminous coals correlate strongly with the maximum load; therefore, the use of this parameter in application to coals may be meaningless. For analysis of the force-displacement curves obtained by DSI, both Oliver–Pharr and Galanov–Dub approaches are employed. It is argued that during nanoindentation, the integrity of the internal structure of a coal sample within a small area of high stress field near the tip of indenter may be destroyed. Hence, the standard approaches to mechanical testing of coals should be re-examined. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Acknowledgements Research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant № 16-17-10217)

    Фармакоэпидемиология использования оригинального дротаверина при дисменорее: результаты международного многоцентрового исследования

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    spasmodic abdominal pain is a common complaint. Dysmenorrhea is one of the most important problems not only from medical, but also social point of view. Drotaverine hydrochloride is a potent smooth muscle spasmolytic agent. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of drotaverine in the daily practice management of spasmodic abdominal pain due to gastrointestinal, biliary, urological tract conditions and dysmenorrhea. Material and Methods: a multicenter, prospective, cross-sectional and longitudinal product registry (3 visits), non-interventional on the therapeutic strategy was conducted in Mexico, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Each investigator contributed at the 2 sequences: one cross-sectional, assessing physicians' interest for and knowledge of spasmodic abdominal pain management [Prescription Registry, PR] and longitudinal registry [LREG]: data on 25 consecutive eligible patients with spasmodic pain were recorded in the PR, and 5-day (+3) follow-up on the first 5 consecutive eligible patients receiving NOSPA ® . Pain was evaluated asking patients to rate the worst abdominal pain over the past 12 hours (11-point Numerical Pain Rating Scale, NPRS) and a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to evaluate the drotaverine onset of action. Only spontaneous adverse events reports were collected. Results: 208 physicians participated and included 5507 patients. 75% of them received drotaverine. Treatment was mostly prescribed in monotherapy (72%). From these patients, 1116 were included in the Longitudinal Registry (881 in the PP population) with a mean age of 34.2 ± 12.5 years. 86 % were females. Most suffered from dysmenorrhea (53%). They received drotaverine for 5.7±4 days. 89% were responders. Compared to the first evaluation, a statistical difference was observed in patients suffering from dysmenorrhea (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Results show that pain rapidly improves in patients suffering from spasmodic abdo minal pain when taking drotaverine in this open product registry conducted under conditions of real life. It is possible to discuss introduction of drotaverine in national guidelines for management of dysmenorrhea patients.обусловленная спазмом абдоминальная боль широко распространена. Дисменорея является одной из наиболее важных проблем не только с медицинской, но и с социальной точки зрения. Дротаверина гидрохлорид является эффективным спазмолитиком, действующим на гладкую мускулатуру. Цель исследования: оценить эффективность дротаверина в повседневной практике лечения спастической боли в животе, обусловленной заболеваниями желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ), желчевыводящих путей и урологического тракта, а также дисменореей. Материалы и методы: многоцентровое, проспективное, перекрестное и долговременное неинтервенционное регистровое исследование препарата (три визита) проводилось в Мексике, Казахстане и России. Исследование включало перекрестную (предписываемая регистрация, PR) и пролонгированную (долговременная регистрация, LREG) фазы. Данные 25 последовательных пациентов со спастической болью в животе, подходящих для участия в исследовании, документировали в предписываемой регистрации и в ходе последующего наблюдения через 5 дней (+3) в отношении первых пяти последовательных, подходящих для участия в исследовании пациентов, принимающих оригинальный дротаверин – в долговременной регистрации. Боль оценивали по цифровой рейтинговой шкале боли NPRS и визуальной аналоговой шкале (ВАШ). Регистрировали только спонтанные сообщения о нежелательных явлениях. Результаты: в исследовании участвовали 208 врачей и 5507 пациентов. 75% пациентов получали дротаверин. Лечение назначалось преимущественно в виде монотерапии (72%). 1116 пациентов были включены в долговременную регистрацию (881 – в популяцию в соответствии с протоколом). Средний возраст составлял 34,2±12,5 года, 86% пациентов были женщинами. Большинство страдали от дисменореи (53%). Они получали дротаверин перорально в течение 5,7±4 дней. 89% пациентов ответили на терапию. У пациенток с дисменореей по сравнению с первой оценкой результаты были статистически достоверны (p<0,0001). Заключение: результаты данного открытого наблюдательного исследования показали быстрое облегчение состояния у пациентов со спастической абдоминальной болью при использовании дротаверина в условиях реальной клинической практики. Полученные результаты позволяют поднять вопрос о включении дротаверина в национальные руководства по ведению пациенток с дисменорее


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    Uterine cervical cancer is on the 3rd place of cancerous diseases morbidity in Russia. Uterine cervical cancer is caused by persistent papillomavirus infection (PVI), therefore the main factor of uterine cervical cancer prevention is screening and vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV). Uterine cervical cells infection with HPV is necessary, but not sufficient for their malignancy. Its important to provide adequate therapeutic measures to eliminate HIV from the organism, if infection already occurred. One of the effective methods of PVI complex conservative therapy is stimulation of cell immunity by use of natural purine analogue inosine pranobex (IP) as an immunostimulator. IP antivirus effect is associated with suppression of replication of DNA and RNA viruses by bounding to cell ribosome. Immunomodulating capacity of IP is characterized by stimulation of nonspecific immunity, enhanced interleukin production, increased antibodies synthesis, stimulation of chemotaxic and phagocytous activity of monocytes and macrophagues and polymorphonuclear cells. In present article data on open and double blind placebo-controlled studies of IP are summarized. These studies confirm IP efficacy in HPV-infection therapy

    Chronic cervicitis and chronic endometritis: general aspects of pathogenesis and pathogenetic therapy

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    Inflammatory diseases occupy leading positions in the list of gynaecological pathology. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (PID) recorded in 60-65% of women of reproductive age have a very negative impact on the female reproductive function, and cause chronic pelvic pain syndrome in 24% cases, infertility in 40%, miscarriage in 45%, and ectopic pregnancy in 3% of cases [1-3, 5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15-17, 20, 23]. Among inflammatory diseases in gynecology, endometritis and cervicitis account for about 70-80% of cases; however, the asymptomatic nature of the majority of endometritis and cervicitis cases (chronicity of the inflammatory process) and the fact of their being diagnosed only at routine gynecological exams, lead us to suggest that their incidence is much higher [4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22]

    Postabortal rehabilitation: theoretical and practical aspects

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    The need for post-abortion rehabilitation is conditioned by the frequency and relevance of delayed and long-term complications of induced abortions. Numerous studies demonstrate feasibility of using oral contraceptives for the prevention of adverse effects of abortion not only due to their good contraceptive effect, but also their ability to adequately rehabilitate the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis by adjusting hormone profile and levelling hormonal fluctuations, as well as their therapeutic effects, especially those produced by three-phase combined oral contraceptives

    The role of magnesium in the genesis and prevention of miscarriage

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    Miscarriage is contributed by a number of different factors; among those, magnesium deficiency has a specific mechanism and polypathogenic effects. According to the results of numerous studies, magnesium medicines are effective in complex therapy of miscarriage as they affect key pathogenetic links. Prevention of miscarriage should be based on careful identification and elimination of the causes of miscarriage, examination and rehabilitation of nonpregnant women


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    Application of nanoindentation as a method for determing the ability of fine dust formation in brittle materials is being discussed. Using the original nanoindentation technique in single and cyclic modes the correlation between elastic modulus and dust formation ability has been established.Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского научного фонда (грант № 18-77-10052)


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    spasmodic abdominal pain is a common complaint. Dysmenorrhea is one of the most important problems not only from medical, but also social point of view. Drotaverine hydrochloride is a potent smooth muscle spasmolytic agent. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of drotaverine in the daily practice management of spasmodic abdominal pain due to gastrointestinal, biliary, urological tract conditions and dysmenorrhea. Material and Methods: a multicenter, prospective, cross-sectional and longitudinal product registry (3 visits), non-interventional on the therapeutic strategy was conducted in Mexico, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Each investigator contributed at the 2 sequences: one cross-sectional, assessing physicians' interest for and knowledge of spasmodic abdominal pain management [Prescription Registry, PR] and longitudinal registry [LREG]: data on 25 consecutive eligible patients with spasmodic pain were recorded in the PR, and 5-day (+3) follow-up on the first 5 consecutive eligible patients receiving NOSPA ® . Pain was evaluated asking patients to rate the worst abdominal pain over the past 12 hours (11-point Numerical Pain Rating Scale, NPRS) and a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to evaluate the drotaverine onset of action. Only spontaneous adverse events reports were collected. Results: 208 physicians participated and included 5507 patients. 75% of them received drotaverine. Treatment was mostly prescribed in monotherapy (72%). From these patients, 1116 were included in the Longitudinal Registry (881 in the PP population) with a mean age of 34.2 ± 12.5 years. 86 % were females. Most suffered from dysmenorrhea (53%). They received drotaverine for 5.7±4 days. 89% were responders. Compared to the first evaluation, a statistical difference was observed in patients suffering from dysmenorrhea (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Results show that pain rapidly improves in patients suffering from spasmodic abdo minal pain when taking drotaverine in this open product registry conducted under conditions of real life. It is possible to discuss introduction of drotaverine in national guidelines for management of dysmenorrhea patients