744 research outputs found

    Rheological Measurements in Liquid-Solid Flows

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    The behavior of liquid-solid flows varies greatly depending on fluid viscosity, particle and liquid inertia, and collisions between particles. While particle collisions in inviscid fluids can be understood statistically, liquid-solid flows are complicated by the fluid viscosity and forces acting on the particles (e.g. lift, drag, added mass). These flows were first studied by Bagnold, whose investigation found two different flow regimes: a macro-viscous regime where the shear and pressure forces are proportional to the shear rate, and a grain-inertia regime defined by a dependance on the square of the shear rate [1, 2]. The scaling relations he developed have been used to model and understand natural phenomena since

    Rheological measurements of large particles in high shear rate flows

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    This paper presents experimental measurements of the rheological behavior of liquid-solid mixtures at moderate Stokes and Reynolds numbers. The experiments were performed in a coaxial rheometer that was designed to minimize the effects of secondary flows. By changing the shear rate, particle size, and liquid viscosity, the Reynolds numbers based on shear rate and particle diameter ranged from 20 to 800 (Stokes numbers from 3 to 90), which is higher than examined in earlier rheometric studies. Prior studies have suggested that as the shear rate is increased, particle-particle collisions also increase resulting in a shear stress that depends non-linearly on the shear rate. However, over the range of conditions that were examined in this study, the shear stress showed a linear dependence on the shear rate. Hence, the effective relative viscosity is independent of the Reynolds and Stokes numbers and a non-linear function of the solid fraction. The present work also includes a series of rough-wall experiments that show the relative effective viscosity is also independent of the shear rate and larger than in the smooth wall experiments. In addition, measurements were made of the near-wall particle velocities, which demonstrate the presence of slip at the wall for the smooth-walled experiments. The depletion layer thickness, a region next to the walls where the solid fraction decreases, was calculated based on these measurements. The relative effective viscosities in the current work are larger than found in low-Reynolds number suspension studies but are comparable with a few granular suspension studies from which the relative effective viscosities can be inferred

    Shear Stress Measurements of Non-Spherical Particles in High Shear Rate Flows

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    The behavior of liquid-solid flows varies greatly depending on fluid viscosity; particle and liquid inertia; and collisions and near-collisions between particles. Shear stress measurements were made in a coaxial rheometer with a height to gap ratio (b/r0) of 11.7 and gap to outer radius ratio (h/b) of 0.166 that was specially designed to minimize the effects of secondary flows. Experiments were performed for a range of Reynolds numbers, solid fractions and ratio of particle to fluid densities. With neutrally buoyant particles, the dimensional shear stress exhibits a linear dependence on Reynolds number: the slope is monotonic but a non-linear function of the solid fraction. Though non-neutrally buoyant particles exhibit a similar linear dependence at higher Reynolds numbers, at lower values the shear stress exhibits a non-linear behavior in which the stress increases with decreasing Reynolds number due to particle settling

    Grueneberg ganglion olfactory subsystem employs a cGMP signaling pathway

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    The mammalian olfactory sense employs several olfactory subsystems situated at characteristic locations in the nasal cavity to detect and report on different classes of odors. These olfactory subsystems use different neuronal signal transduction pathways, receptor expression repertoires, and axonal projection targets. The Grueneberg ganglion (GG) is a newly appreciated olfactory subsystem with receptor neurons located just inside of the nostrils that project axons to a unique domain of interconnected glomeruli in the caudal olfactory bulb. It is not well understood how the GG relates to other olfactory subsystems in contributing to the olfactory sense. Furthermore, the range of chemoreceptors and the signal transduction cascade utilized by the GG have remained mysterious. To resolve these unknowns, we explored the molecular relationship between the GG and the GC-D neurons, another olfactory subsystem that innervates similarly interconnected glomeruli in the same bulbar region. We found that mouse GG neurons express the cGMP-associated signaling proteins phosphodiesterase 2a, cGMP-dependent kinase II, and cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit A3 coupled to a chemoreceptor repertoire of cilia-localized particulate guanylyl cyclases (pGC-G and pGC-A). The primary cGMP signaling pathway of the GG is shared with the GC-D neurons, unifying their target glomeruli as a unique center of olfactory cGMP signal transduction. However, the distinct chemoreceptor repertoire in the GG suggests that the GG is an independent olfactory subsystem. This subsystem is well suited to detect a unique set of odors and to mediate behaviors that remained intact in previous olfactory perturbations. J. Comp. Neurol. 516:36-48, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Perfect-information games with lower-semicontinuous payoffs

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    We prove that every multiplayer perfect-information game with bounded and lower-semicontinuous payoffs admits a subgame-perfect epsilon-equilibrium in pure strategies. This result complements Example 3 in Solan and Vieille [Solan, E., N. Vieille. 2003. Deterministic multi-player Dynkin games. J. Math. Econom. 39 911-929], which shows that a subgame-perfect epsilon-equilibrium in pure strategies need not exist when the payoffs are not lower-semicontinuous. In addition, if the range of payoffs is finite, we characterize in the form of a Folk Theorem the set of all plays and payoffs that are induced by subgame-perfect 0-equilibria in pure strategies

    Structure and Emergence of Specific Olfactory Glomeruli in the Mouse

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    Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing a given odorant receptor (OR) gene project their axons to a few specific glomeruli that reside at recognizable locations in the olfactory bulb. Connecting ∼1000 populations of OSNs to the ∼1800 glomeruli of the mouse bulb poses a formidable wiring problem. Additional progress in understanding the mechanisms of neuronal connectivity is dependent on knowing how these axonal pathways are organized and how they form during development. Here we have applied a genetic approach to this problem. We have constructed by gene targeting novel strains of mice in which either all OSNs or those that express a specific OR gene, M72 or M71, also produce green fluorescent protein (GFP) or a fusion of tau with GFP. We visualized OSNs and their axons in whole mounts with two-photon laser scanning microscopy. The main conclusion we draw from the three-dimensional reconstructions is the high degree of morphological variability of mature glomeruli receiving axonal input from OR-expressing OSNs and of the pathways taken by the axons to those glomeruli. We also observe that axons of OR-expressing OSNs do not innervate nearby glomeruli in mature mice. Postnatally, a tangle of axons from M72-expressing OSNs occupies a large surface area of the bulb and coalesces abruptly into a protoglomerulus at a reproducible stage of development. These results differ in several aspects from those reported for the development of glomeruli receiving input from OSNs expressing the P2 OR, suggesting the need for a more systematic examination of OR-specific glomeruli

    Basic design and simulation of a SPECT microscope for in vivo stem cell imaging

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    The need to understand the behavior of individual stem cells at the various stages of their differentiation and to assess the resulting reparative action in pre-clinical model systems, which typically involves laboratory animals, provides the motivation for imaging of stem cells in vivo at high resolution. Our initial focus is to image cells and cellular events at single cell resolution in vivo in shallow tissues (few mm of intervening tissue) in laboratory mice and rates. In order to accomplish this goal we are building a SPECT-based microscope. We based our design on earlier theoretical work with near-field coded apertures and have adjusted the components of the system to meet the real-world demands of instrument construction and of animal imaging. Our instrumental design possesses a reasonable trade-off between field-of-view, sensitivity, and contrast performance (photon penetration). A layered gold aperture containing 100 pinholes and intended for use in coded aperture imaging application has been designed and constructed. A silicon detector connected to a TimePix readout from the CERN collaborative group was selected for use in our prototype microscope because of its ultra-high spatial and energy resolution capabilities. The combination of the source, aperture, and detector has been modeled and the coded aperture reconstruction of simulated sources is presented in this work

    Species composition influences soil nutrient depletion and plantphysiology in prairie agroenergy feedstocks

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    High-diversity mixtures of perennial tallgrass prairie vegetation could be useful biomass feed-stocks for marginal farmland in the Midwestern United States. These agroenergy crops can help meet cel-lulosic agrofuel targets while also enhancing other ecosystem services on the landscape. One proposedadvantage of high-diversity prairie biomass feedstocks is that they should become nutrient limited at aslower rate than monoculture feedstocks. In this study, we examine rates of soil nutrient depletion and thephysiology and performance of a focal species (switchgrass,Panicum virgatumL.) in four prairie agroen-ergy feedstocks with different species composition and diversity. The feedstocks in this study were a1-species switchgrass monoculture, a 5-species mixture of C4grasses, a 16-species mixture of C3and C4grasses, forbs, and legumes, and a 32-species mixture of C3and C4grasses, forbs, legumes, and sedges. Toassess feedstock effects on soil, we measured changes in soil N/P/K over afive-year period. We also per-formed a greenhouse study, in which we grew switchgrass plants infield soil conditioned by each feed-stock. To assess feedstock effects on plant function, we measured four physiological traits (photosyntheticrate, chlorophyll concentration, leafflorescence, leaf N concentration) on switchgrass plants within eachfeedstock in thefield. In the soil analysis, we found that the 5-species feedstock displayed higher rates ofsoil N/P/K depletion than other feedstocks. In the greenhouse analysis, we found that switchgrass plantsgrown in soil conditioned by the 5-species feedstock were smaller than plants grown in soil conditionedby other feedstocks. In the physiological analysis, we found that switchgrass plants in the 5-species feed-stock had lower leaf N, photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentration, and higherflorescence than switchgrassplants growing in other feedstocks. Collectively, our results show that prairie agroenergy feedstocks withdifferent species composition and diversity have different rates of soil nutrient depletion, which influencesthe physiology and performance of plants within the feedstock. These differences would ultimately impactthe ecosystem services (e.g., biomass production, need for fertilizer) that these prairie agroenergyfeedstocks provide

    Differential phase-contrast, swept-source optical coherence tomography at 1060 nm for in vivo human retinal and choroidal vasculature visualization

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    Human retinal and choroidal vasculature was visualized by a differential phase-contrast (DPC) method using high-speed, swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) at 1060 nm. The vasculature was recognized as regions of motion by creating differential phase-variance (DPV) tomograms: multiple B-scans of individual slices through the retina were collected and the variance of the phase differences was calculated. DPV captured the small vessels and the meshwork of capillaries associated with the inner retina in en-face images over 4  mm^2. The swept-source laser at 1060 nm offered the needed phase sensitivity to perform DPV and generated en-face images that capture motion in the inner choroidal layer exceeding the capabilities of previous spectrometer-based instruments. In comparison with the power Doppler phase-shift method, DPV provided better visualization of the foveal avascular zone in en-face images