35 research outputs found

    Functional impairment of human resident cardiac stem cells by the cardiotoxic antineoplastic agent trastuzumab

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    Trastuzumab (TZM), a monoclonal antibody against the ERBB2 protein, increases survival in ERBB2-positive breast cancer patients. Its clinical use, however, is limited by cardiotoxicity. We sought to evaluate whether TZM cardiotoxicity involves inhibition of human adult cardiac-derived stem cells, in addition to previously reported direct adverse effects on cardiomyocytes. To test this idea, we exposed human cardiosphere-derived cells (hCDCs), a natural mixture of cardiac stem cells and supporting cells that has been shown to exert potent regenerative effects, to TZM and tested the effects in vitro and in vivo. We found that ERBB2 mRNA and protein are expressed in hCDCs at levels comparable to those in human myocardium. Although clinically relevant concentrations of TZM had no effect on proliferation, apoptosis, or size of the c-kit-positive hCDC subpopulation, in vitro assays demonstrated diminished potential for cardiogenic differentiation and impaired ability to form microvascular networks in TZM-treated cells. The functional benefit of hCDCs injected into the border zone of acutely infarcted mouse hearts was abrogated by TZM: infarcted animals treated with TZM + hCDCs had a lower ejection fraction, thinner infarct scar, and reduced capillary density in the infarct border zone compared with animals that received hCDCs alone (n = 12 per group). Collectively, these results indicate that TZM inhibits the cardiomyogenic and angiogenic capacities of hCDCs in vitro and abrogates the morphological and functional benefits of hCDC transplantation in vivo. Thus, TZM impairs the function of human resident cardiac stem cells, potentially contributing to TZM cardiotoxicity

    Bone marrow-derived cells can acquire cardiac stem cells properties in damaged heart

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    Experimental data suggest that cell-based therapies may be useful for cardiac regeneration following ischaemic heart disease. Bone marrow (BM) cells have been reported to contribute to tissue repair after myocardial infarction (MI) by a variety of humoural and cellular mechanisms. However, there is no direct evidence, so far, that BM cells can generate cardiac stem cells (CSCs). To investigate whether BM cells contribute to repopulate the Kit+ CSCs pool, we transplanted BM cells from transgenic mice, expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of Kit regulatory elements, into wild-type irradiated recipients. Following haematological reconstitution and MI, CSCs were cultured from cardiac explants to generate 'cardiospheres', a microtissue normally originating in vitro from CSCs. These were all green fluorescent (i.e. BM derived) and contained cells capable of initiating differentiation into cells expressing the cardiac marker Nkx2.5. These findings indicate that, at least in conditions of local acute cardiac damage, BM cells can home into the heart and give rise to cells that share properties of resident Kit+ CSCs

    Myoblast sensitivity and fibroblast insensitivity to osteogenic conversion by BMP-2 correlates with the expression of Bmpr-1a

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoblasts are considered to primarily arise from osseous progenitors within the periosteum or bone marrow. We have speculated that cells from local soft tissues may also take on an osteogenic phenotype. Myoblasts are known to adopt a bone gene program upon treatment with the osteogenic bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP-2,-4,-6,-7,-9), but their osteogenic capacity relative to other progenitor types is unclear. We further hypothesized that the sensitivity of cells to BMP-2 would correlate with BMP receptor expression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We directly compared the BMP-2 sensitivity of myoblastic murine cell lines and primary cells with osteoprogenitors from osseous tissues and fibroblasts. Fibroblasts forced to undergo myogenic conversion by transduction with a MyoD-expressing lentiviral vector (LV-MyoD) were also examined. Outcome measures included alkaline phosphatase expression, matrix mineralization, and expression of osteogenic genes <it>(alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin </it>and <it>bone morphogenetic protein receptor-1A) </it>as measured by quantitative PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BMP-2 induced a rapid and robust osteogenic response in myoblasts and osteoprogenitors, but not in fibroblasts. Myoblasts and osteoprogenitors grown in osteogenic media rapidly upregulated <it>Bmpr-1a </it>expression. Chronic BMP-2 treatment resulted in peak <it>Bmpr-1a </it>expression at day 6 before declining, suggestive of a negative feedback mechanism. In contrast, fibroblasts expressed low levels of <it>Bmpr-1a </it>that was only weakly up-regulated by BMP-2 treatment. Bioinformatics analysis confirmed the presence of myogenic responsive elements in the proximal promoter region of human and murine <it>BMPR-1A/Bmpr-1a</it>. Forced myogenic gene expression in fibroblasts was associated with a significant increase in <it>Bmpr-1a </it>expression and a synergistic increase in the osteogenic response to BMP-2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data demonstrate the osteogenic sensitivity of muscle progenitors and provide a mechanistic insight into the variable response of different cell lineages to BMP-2.</p

    Vascularized Cardiac Spheroids as Novel 3D in vitro Models to Study Cardiac Fibrosis.

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    Spheroid cultures are among the most explored cellular biomaterials used in cardiovascular research, due to their improved integration of biochemical and physiological features of the heart in a defined architectural three-dimensional microenvironment when compared to monolayer cultures. To further explore the potential use of spheroid cultures for research, we engineered a novel in vitro model of the heart with vascularized cardiac spheroids (VCSs), by coculturing cardiac myocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts isolated from dissociated rat neonatal hearts (aged 1-3 days) in hanging drop cultures. To evaluate the validity of VCSs in recapitulating pathophysiological processes typical of the in vivo heart, such as cardiac fibrosis, we then treated VCSs with transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1), a known profibrotic agent. Our mRNA analysis demonstrated that TGFβ1-treated VCSs present elevated levels of expression of connective tissue growth factor, fibronectin, and TGFβ1 when compared to control cultures. We demonstrated a dramatic increase in collagen deposition following TGFβ1 treatment in VCSs in the PicroSirius Red-stained sections. Doxorubicin, a renowned cardiotoxic and profibrotic agent, triggered apoptosis and disrupted vascular networks in VCSs. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that VCSs are a valid model for the study of the mechanisms involved in cardiac fibrosis, with the potential to be used to investigate novel mechanisms and therapeutics for treating and preventing cardiac fibrosis in vitro

    Magnetic resonance imaging overestimates ferumoxide-labeled stem cell survival after transplantation in the heart.

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    BACKGROUND: Stem cell labeling with iron oxide (ferumoxide) particles allows labeled cells to be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and is commonly used to track stem cell engraftment. However, the validity of MRI for distinguishing surviving ferumoxide-labeled cells from other sources of MRI signal, for example, macrophages containing ferumoxides released from nonsurviving cells, has not been thoroughly investigated. We sought to determine the relationship between the persistence of iron-dependent MRI signals and cell survival 3 weeks after injection of syngeneic or xenogeneic ferumoxides-labeled stem cells (cardiac-derived stem cells) in rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied nonimmunoprivileged human and rat cardiac-derived stem cells and human mesenchymal stem cells doubly labeled with ferumoxides and beta-galactosidase and injected intramyocardially into immunocompetent Wistar-Kyoto rats. Animals were imaged at 2 days and 3 weeks after stem cell injection in a clinical 3-T MRI scanner. At 2 days, injection sites of xenogeneic and syngeneic cells (cardiac-derived stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells) were identified by MRI as large intramyocardial signal voids that persisted at 3 weeks (50% to 90% of initial signal). Histology (at 3 weeks) revealed the presence of iron-containing macrophages at the injection site, identified by CD68 staining, but very few or no beta-galactosidase-positive stem cells in the animals transplanted with syngeneic or xenogeneic cells, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The persistence of significant iron-dependent MRI signal derived from ferumoxide-containing macrophages despite few or no viable stem cells 3 weeks after transplantation indicates that MRI of ferumoxide-labeled cells does not reliably report long-term stem cell engraftment in the heart

    Performance of Cardiotropic rAAV Vectors Is Dependent on Production Method

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    Gene therapy is making significant impact on a modest, yet growing, number of human diseases. Justifiably, the preferred viral vector for clinical use is that based on recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV). There is a need to scale up rAAV vector production with the transition from pre-clinical models to human application. Standard production methods based on the adherent cell type (HEK293) are limited in scalability and other methods, such as those based on the baculovirus and non-adherent insect cell (Sf9) system, have been pursued as an alternative to increase rAAV production. In this study, we compare these two production methods for cardiotropic rAAVs. Transduction efficiency for both production methods was assessed in primary cardiomyocytes, human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), and in mice following systemic delivery. We found that the rAAV produced by the traditional HEK293 method out-performed vector produced using the baculovirus/Sf9 system in vitro and in vivo. This finding provides a potential caveat for vector function when using the baculovirus/Sf9 production system and underscores the need for thorough assessment of vector performance when using diverse rAAV production methods

    Dystrophinopathy carrier determination and detection of protein deficiencies in muscular dystrophy using lentiviral MyoD-forced myogenesis

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    The objective of this study is to expand the applications of MyoD-forced myogenesis for research and diagnosis of human muscle disorders using a lentiviral vector (LVhMyoD) for efficient trans-differentiation of patient primary cells. LVhMyoD transduced cells readily formed striated, multinucleate myotubes expressing a wide range of genes associated with muscular dystrophy (dystrophin, dysferlin, sarcoglycans, caveolin-3) and congenital myopathy (nebulin, actin, desmin, tropomyosin, troponin). We demonstrate that MyoD gene-modified fibroblasts reproduce protein deficiencies associated with different forms of muscular dystrophy, and confirm that LVhMyoD gene-modified chorionic villus can be used successfully to determine the dystrophin status of the developing fetus, augmenting prenatal diagnosis of dystrophinopathy patients. Using muscle-specific cDNA derived from LVhMyoD gene-modified patient cells, we identified a female carrier bearing a large dystrophin deletion and a previously unidentified non-coding splice-site mutation within dystrophin in a Becker muscular dystrophy patient. This study highlights the significant potential of lentiviral MyoD-forced myogenesis for study of a wide range of human muscle disorders; a field constrained by the limited availability of human tissue. LVhMyoD gene-modified patient cells provide a renewable source of mutant protein and muscle-specific mRNA, facilitating accelerated mutation screening of large genes, molecular analyses of splicing abnormalities and study of disease-causing mutation

    Delivery of cardioactive therapeutics in a porcine myocardial infarction model

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    Myocardial infarction is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, and there is an urgent need for novel cardioprotective or regenerative strategies. An essential component of drug development is determining how a novel therapeutic is to be administered. Physiologically relevant large animal models are of critical importance in assessing the feasibility and efficacy of various therapeutic delivery strategies. Due to their similarities to humans in cardiovascular physiology, coronary vascular anatomy, and heart weight to body weight ratio, swine is one of the preferred species in the preclinical evaluation of new therapies for myocardial infarction. The present protocol describes three methods of administering cardioactive therapeutic agents in a porcine model. After percutaneously induced myocardial infarction, female landrace swine received treatment with novel agents through either: (1) thoracotomy and transepicardial injection, (2) catheter-based transendocardial injection, or (3) intravenous infusion via jugular vein osmotic minipump. The procedures employed for each technique are reproducible, resulting in reliable cardioactive drug delivery. These models can be easily adapted to suit individual study designs, and each of these delivery techniques can be used to investigate a variety of possible interventions. Therefore, these methods are a useful tool for translational scientists pursuing novel biological approaches in cardiac repair following myocardial infarction