12 research outputs found

    The Structural Change of Leaves in Anthurium Andraeanum Uder Intermitten Mist

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    Photosynthesis is the fundamental basis in green plants, and the principal organ of photosynthesis is leaf. On the basis of water requirements or adaptations, as angiosperm leaves, Anthuriums require abundant soil water and relatively humid atmosphere. To identify the morphological characteristic of leaves in Anthurium, the transverses section was conducted. Two factors were tested in this experiment: 1) mist treatment (intermittent mist and control/without mist) and 2) the type of medium planting (bark and rockwool). For observation on microscopic differences, the leaves were put on the Auto Tissue Processor ROTEX and embedded the sample in a Hardener Resin (Technovit 7100), then the block-samples were sectioned in the Microtom machine at 5 um. The results of transverses section showed that the leaves of Anthurium with intermittent mist treatment, under both rock wool and bark medium thicker than control. In this experiment, the intermittent mist treatment affected the leaf structure of Anthurium andraenum. The intercellular space with connected to the outer atmosphere through the stomata was drastically increased by intermittent mist treatment which promoted transpiration, rapid gas exchange and photosynthesis

    Pengaruh Naungan dan Varietas terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Stroberi (Fragaria SP.) di Dataran Rendah

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    . The aim of this study was to determine the effect of shading and varieties on growth and yield of strawberry plants in the lowlands and the interaction between these factors. The research was conducted using a Split Plot Design. Factors studied are shading as the main plots consisting of no-shading (100% sunlight), one layer of shading (70% sunlight) and two layers of shading (40% sunlight) and strawberry varieties as subplot consisting of Michiko, Earlibrite and Tristar. Observed variable is the increase in the number of plant height and leaf, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit weight and diameter of fruit per plant. The results showed the best growth and yield of strawberry plants tend to be found on treatment no-shading. The best varieties tend to be found in varieties Michiko. There is a significant interaction between shading and varieties in the number of leaf age 75 HST and in plant height age 15 HST. The best interaction of the number of leaf in the age of 75 HST was Earlibrite varieties with the no-shading and two layers of shading, as well as to varieties Michiko and Tristar with one layer shading. In plant height age of 15 HST, the best combination of interactions found in varieties Michiko with no-shading

    Pengaruh Varietas dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Bayfolan terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Annum L.)

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    . The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Chili variety and the concentration of Bayfolan fertilizer on the growth and yield of Chili and the interaction between these factors. The research was conducted using a randomized block design with 2 factors of Chili varieties and 4 factors of fertilizer which 3 replications. Factors studied are Chili variety (TM-999 and Cemeti) and the concentrations of Bayfolan fertilizer (control, 1, 2, and 3 cc L-1 water). Observed variable was the plant height at 30, 60 and 90 days after planting (DAP), the number of branches at 60 and 90 DAP, the number of fruits per plant, the fruit weight per plant and weight of 100 fruit. The result showed the best growth and yield was found on Chili varieties TM-999. The best concentration of Bayfolan fertilizer was found at 1 and 2 cc L-1 water. There is a significant interaction between varieties and the concentration of Bayfolan fertilizer on the plant height at 90 DAP, the best interaction was found between Chili varieties TM-999 and Bayfolan fertilizer at concentration 1-2 cc L-1 water

    Selection of Acehnese Germplasm of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using SRI Approach in the Post-tsunami Affected Area of Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    After affected by the giant tsunami waves following the 9.1 earthquake on December 26, 2004 in Aceh province of Indonesia, many of natural resources were damaged, including the loss of germplasm of rice in low land area. Therefore, we attempt to collect and evaluate the Acehnese germplasm of rice. We identified the Acehnese accession of rice by describing the characteristics of the rice plant using cultivation method of system for rice intensification or SRI with organic approach. Some of the descriptors include days of tillage formation, days from emergence to flowering, kernel weight, plant height, and yield components. We found that the Acehnese rice germplasm collection is very diverse: the days of tillage formation is 6 to 18 days after planting; the days from emergence to flowering is 56 to 90 days, plant height is 77 to 121 cm, and 1,000 kernel weight is 19.47 to 30.27 g. So, we concluded that the diversity of Acehnese rice is very rich, the rice accessions were identified and now stored in the cool storage system. Evaluation of the accession showed considerable promise as material research with high yield potential, high levels of tolerance to stresses such as weeds, drought, acidity and blast for further evaluation. The progenies might provide the improved sustainability of intensified systems through durable crop resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. In the future, characterization traits will be selected for resistance to pests-diseases, and tolerance to drought and salinity stresses, as well as analysis of grain quality. We will also develop the high multiple resistance to environmental stresses

    Persistensi Herbisida Clomazone dan Pendimethalin pada Tanaman Kedelai Kultivar Argo Mulyo

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    The Persistence of Clomazone and Pendimethalin Herbicides in Soybean Cultivar of Argo MulyoABSTRACT. A field research has been conducted in PT. Syngenta R&D Station Cikampek, Karawang to investigate the persistence of clomazone and pendimethalin herbicides in soybean cultivar of Argo Mulyo. The dosage of clomazone and pendimethalin herbicides used were: 0.75; 1.50; and 2.25 kg a.i. ha-1. The persistence of clomazone and pendimethalin herbicide varied from 28 to 96 days and 43 to 75 days, respectively. The persistence of clomazone herbicide was longer than the of pendimethalin

    Karakterisasi Plasma Nutfah Padi Lokal Aceh untuk Perakitan Varietas Adaptif pada Tanah Masam

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    . The aims of this work were to make a morpho-agronomic characterization and to identify of the Aceh rice germplasm with a good adapted in acid soils. The total accession rice for evaluation were 33 varieties. The higher of seedling for evaluation were approximately 20-40 cm after 15 days planting. The number of tiller were 1-6 tillers. Kuku Balam-1 and Towoti variety showed 90 cm short plants, whereas Rangan and Dupa variety tallest which have been 156 and 151 respectively. Generally, the color of starting point was green, purple or purple with lines. The purple starting point were Cirata, Sirias, and Ramos Tition. Cantek Puteh variety was purple's lines variety. The Aceh rice germplasm showed that 9 variety were tolerant to acid soils (skor 1-3). That variety were Sikuneng, Leukat Jeureujak, Sambei, Bo Santeut, Leukat Adang, Itam Tangke, Pade Kapai, and Leukat Panah. The sensitive variety were Kuku Balam-1, Kuku Balam-2, Sigudang, Situ Bagendit, Cirata, Rasi Putih, Bo Padang, Danau Gaung, Lomboto, Kepala Gajah Kinco, Pineung, Bo Rayek, Sirias, and Ramos Tition