644 research outputs found

    The influence of lexical selection disruptions on articulation

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    Interactive models of language production predict that it should be possible to observe long-distance interactions; effects that arise at one level of processing influence multiple subsequent stages of representation and processing. We examine the hypothesis that disruptions arising in nonform-based levels of planning—specifically, lexical selection—should modulate articulatory processing. A novel automatic phonetic analysis method was used to examine productions in a paradigm yielding both general disruptions to formulation processes and, more specifically, overt errors during lexical selection. This analysis method allowed us to examine articulatory disruptions at multiple levels of analysis, from whole words to individual segments. Baseline performance by young adults was contrasted with young speakers’ performance under time pressure (which previous work has argued increases interaction between planning and articulation) and performance by older adults (who may have difficulties inhibiting nontarget representations, leading to heightened interactive effects). The results revealed the presence of interactive effects. Our new analysis techniques revealed these effects were strongest in initial portions of responses, suggesting that speech is initiated as soon as the first segment has been planned. Interactive effects did not increase under response pressure, suggesting interaction between planning and articulation is relatively fixed. Unexpectedly, lexical selection disruptions appeared to yield some degree of facilitation in articulatory processing (possibly reflecting semantic facilitation of target retrieval) and older adults showed weaker, not stronger interactive effects (possibly reflecting weakened connections between lexical and form-level representations)

    Speckle Imaging of Spin Fluctuations in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

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    Spin fluctuations and density fluctuations are studied for a two-component gas of strongly interacting fermions along the BEC-BCS crossover. This is done by in-situ imaging of dispersive speckle patterns. Compressibility and magnetic susceptibility are determined from the measured fluctuations. This new sensitive method easily resolves a tenfold suppression of spin fluctuations below shot noise due to pairing, and can be applied to novel magnetic phases in optical lattices

    Phase-Transition in Binary Sequences with Long-Range Correlations

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    Motivated by novel results in the theory of correlated sequences, we analyze the dynamics of random walks with long-term memory (binary chains with long-range correlations). In our model, the probability for a unit bit in a binary string depends on the fraction of unities preceding it. We show that the system undergoes a dynamical phase-transition from normal diffusion, in which the variance D_L scales as the string's length L, into a super-diffusion phase (D_L ~ L^{1+|alpha|}), when the correlation strength exceeds a critical value. We demonstrate the generality of our results with respect to alternative models, and discuss their applicability to various data, such as coarse-grained DNA sequences, written texts, and financial data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Analytical Study of Diffusive Relativistic Shock Acceleration

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    Particle acceleration in relativistic shocks is studied analytically in the test-particle, small-angle scattering limit, for an arbitrary velocity-angle diffusion function D. Accurate analytic expressions for the spectral index s are derived using few (2-6) low-order moments of the shock-frame angular distribution. For isotropic diffusion, previous results are reproduced and justified. For anisotropic diffusion, s is shown to be sensitive to D, particularly downstream and at certain angles, and a wide range of s values is attainable. The analysis, confirmed numerically, can be used to test collisionless shock models and to observationally constrain D. For example, strongly forward- or backward-enhanced diffusion downstream is ruled out by GRB afterglow observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, PRL accepted, minor change

    Deep Chandra observation and numerical studies of the nearest cluster cold front in the sky

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    We present the results of a very deep (500 ks) Chandra observation, along with tailored numerical simulations, of the nearest, best resolved cluster cold front in the sky, which lies 90 kpc (19 arcmin) to the north-west of M 87. The northern part of the front appears the sharpest, with a width smaller than 2.5 kpc (1.5 Coulomb mean free paths; at 99 per cent confidence). Everywhere along the front, the temperature discontinuity is narrower than 4–8 kpc and the metallicity gradient is narrower than 6 kpc, indicating that diffusion, conduction and mixing are suppressed across the interface. Such transport processes can be naturally suppressed by magnetic fields aligned with the cold front. Interestingly, comparison to magnetohydrodynamic simulations indicates that in order to maintain the observed sharp density and temperature discontinuities, conduction must also be suppressed along the magnetic field lines. However, the northwestern part of the cold front is observed to have a non-zero width. While other explanations are possible, the broadening is consistent with the presence of Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities (KHI) on length-scales of a few kpc. Based on comparison with simulations, the presence of KHI would imply that the effective viscosity of the intracluster medium is suppressed by more than an order of magnitude with respect to the isotropic Spitzer-like temperature dependent viscosity. Underneath the cold front, we observe quasi-linear features that are ∼10 per cent brighter than the surrounding gas and are separated by ∼15 kpc from each other in projection. Comparison to tailored numerical simulations suggests that the observed phenomena may be due to the amplification of magnetic fields by gas sloshing in wide layers below the cold front, where the magnetic pressure reaches ∼5–10 per cent of the thermal pressure, reducing the gas density between the bright features

    Irregular sloshing cold fronts in the nearby merging groups NGC 7618 and UGC 12491: evidence for Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities

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    We present results from two \sim30 ks Chandra observations of the hot atmospheres of the merging galaxy groups centered around NGC 7618 and UGC 12491. Our images show the presence of arc-like sloshing cold fronts wrapped around each group center and \sim100 kpc long spiral tails in both groups. Most interestingly, the cold fronts are highly distorted in both groups, exhibiting 'wings' along the fronts. These features resemble the structures predicted from non-viscous hydrodynamic simulations of gas sloshing, where Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHIs) distort the cold fronts. This is in contrast to the structure seen in many other sloshing and merger cold fronts, which are smooth and featureless at the current observational resolution. Both magnetic fields and viscosity have been invoked to explain the absence of KHIs in these smooth cold fronts, but the NGC 7618/UGC 12491 pair are two in a growing number of both sloshing and merger cold fronts that appear distorted. Magnetic fields and/or viscosity may be able to suppress the growth of KHIs at the cold fronts in some clusters and groups, but clearly not in all. We propose that the presence or absence of KHI-distortions in cold fronts can be used as a measure of the effective viscosity and/or magnetic field strengths in the ICM.Comment: ApJ, accepted. Uses emulateapj styl

    Selection Rules for Black-Hole Quantum Transitions

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    We suggest that quantum transitions of black holes comply with selection rules, analogous to those of atomic spectroscopy. In order to identify such rules, we apply Bohr's correspondence principle to the quasinormal ringing frequencies of black holes. In this context, classical ringing frequencies with an asymptotically vanishing real part \omega_R correspond to virtual quanta, and may thus be interpreted as forbidden quantum transitions. With this motivation, we calculate the quasinormal spectrum of neutrino fields in spherically symmetric black-hole spacetimes. It is shown that \omega_R->0 for these resonances, suggesting that the corresponding fermionic transitions are quantum mechanically forbidden.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles

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    A simple model with a novel type of dynamics is introduced in order to investigate the emergence of self-ordered motion in systems of particles with biologically motivated interaction. In our model particles are driven with a constant absolute velocity and at each time step assume the average direction of motion of the particles in their neighborhood with some random perturbation (η\eta) added. We present numerical evidence that this model results in a kinetic phase transition from no transport (zero average velocity, ∣va∣=0| {\bf v}_a | =0) to finite net transport through spontaneous symmetry breaking of the rotational symmetry. The transition is continuous since ∣va∣| {\bf v}_a | is found to scale as (ηc−η)β(\eta_c-\eta)^\beta with β≃0.45\beta\simeq 0.45

    Asymptotic Spectroscopy of Rotating Black Holes

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    We calculate analytically the transmission and reflection amplitudes for waves incident on a rotating black hole in d=4, analytically continued to asymptotically large, nearly imaginary frequency. These amplitudes determine the asymptotic resonant frequencies of the black hole, including quasinormal modes, total-transmission modes and total-reflection modes. We identify these modes with semiclassical bound states of a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, localized along contours in the complexified r-plane which connect turning points of corresponding null geodesics. Each family of modes has a characteristic temperature and chemical potential. The relations between them provide hints about the microscopic description of the black hole in this asymptotic regime.Comment: References adde

    Number of Common Sites Visited by N Random Walkers

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    We compute analytically the mean number of common sites, W_N(t), visited by N independent random walkers each of length t and all starting at the origin at t=0 in d dimensions. We show that in the (N-d) plane, there are three distinct regimes for the asymptotic large t growth of W_N(t). These three regimes are separated by two critical lines d=2 and d=d_c(N)=2N/(N-1) in the (N-d) plane. For d<2, W_N(t)\sim t^{d/2} for large t (the N dependence is only in the prefactor). For 2<d<d_c(N), W_N(t)\sim t^{\nu} where the exponent \nu= N-d(N-1)/2 varies with N and d. For d>d_c(N), W_N(t) approaches a constant as t\to \infty. Exactly at the critical dimensions there are logaritmic corrections: for d=2, we get W_N(t)\sim t/[\ln t]^N, while for d=d_c(N), W_N(t)\sim \ln t for large t. Our analytical predictions are verified in numerical simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 .eps figures include
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